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Jake Patrick103713
2 discussion posts
I'm a developer and I use MobaXterm very often for emulating linux on my windows machine.
I can't seem to get MobaXterm's taskbar button to migrate to any other taskbars except the windows native taskbar.
I've tried forcing windows locations and all of the taskbar settings available in display fusion (I think) but alas, when my MobaXterm shell is on my display fusion monitor the taskbar button remains at what feels like miles to my wrist to the left, on my native windows taskbar.

Screenshot here:

If there is no fix I will just adjust my workflow to keep the terminal on the left.

Thank you.
Jun 11, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This should actually be all fixed up in the latest DisplayFusion 7.2 Beta. Could you try it out and just let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating?

Jun 11, 2015  • #2
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Jake Patrick103713
2 discussion posts
Worked like a charm. Thanks!
Jun 11, 2015 (modified Jun 11, 2015)  • #3
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