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3 discussion posts
Hi Guys,

Loving DF Pro, certainly makes up for Microsoft's lack of catering for multi-monitor users.

I recently bought the Pro Personal Home licence, and I'm enjoying the benefits of multiple taskbars and start buttons. I've created shortcuts on monitor 2 to mimic the Windows 'Pin to Taskbar' option, which works pretty well. I noted in another post that someone has already requested that launched applications group to these launch icons, which would be a nice development.

At the risk of embarrassing myself by asking a potentially silly question I thought I'd ask how to get applications to open on the launch window.

My shortcut icons on monitor 2 do launch apps to monitor 2 (by selecting 'Force application to start on same monitor as Taskbar'), so happy with that.

However launching apps from the start menu on either monitor, or from the pinned applications on Monitor 1 (Standard Windows Taskbar) may open the application on either window (I haven't yet worked out what’s driving the decision behind which monitor it opens on!!). I'm not sure if DF is managing or controlling this behaviour (it might be Windows), however any suggestions either way on how to resolve would be much appreciated. Quite often I only actively use a single monitor (use monitor 1, monitor 2 switched off) and it can be a little irritating when windows open on monitor 2 :-(

Thanks for you help,


DF 3.3.1
Windows 7 64 bit
May 23, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We currently have open feature requests for having apps launched from the DisplayFusion Start menu open on the same screen, as well as an option to open all applications on the same screen, regardless of where they were launched from. I've added your vote to both :)

In the meantime, you can use the Window Location feature to force specific applications onto specific screens.

More info can be found here:

May 23, 2011 (modified Jul 17, 2011)  • #2
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3 discussion posts
We currently have open feature requests for having apps launched from the DisplayFusion Start menu open on the same screen, as well as an option to open all applications on the same screen, regardless of where they were launched from. I've added your vote to both :)

In the meantime, you can use the Window Location feature to force specific applications onto specific screens.

More info can be found here:


Many thanks for the quick feedback.
May 23, 2011 (modified Jul 17, 2011)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem!
May 23, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update, there is now an option in 3.4.0 Beta 3 to launch programs from the DF Start Menus on the same screen. Note that it does not work with the Classic Start Menu in Vista and XP.
Jun 21, 2011  • #5
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Christopher Edwards
3 discussion posts
I'd also like my applications to display on the same monitor which they were launched from (wouldn't anyone?). Is the suggested feature list and the voting on features implemented as a public accessible website (like get satisfaction)?


Just a quick update, there is now an option in 3.4.0 Beta 3 to launch programs from the DF Start Menus on the same screen.

I have downloaded the latest beta (v3.4.0 Beta 14) but I can't find the option mentioned above; where is it?
Sep 6, 2011  • #6
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256 discussion posts
"Force application to start on same monitor as Taskbar" in the Taskbar Shortcut edit dialog?
• Attachment: shortcut.png [71,798 bytes]
Sep 6, 2011  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep! That will do it for the Taskbar Shortcuts. If you also want programs launched from the Start Menu to open on the same monitor, enable the "Launch Start Menu shortcuts on current monitor" option on the Taskbars tab in the DisplayFusion settings.

• Attachment: Launch Start Menu shortcuts on current monitor.jpg [158,872 bytes]
Launch Start Menu shortcuts on current monitor.jpg
Launch Start Menu shortcuts on current monitor.jpg
Sep 6, 2011  • #8
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Christopher Edwards
3 discussion posts
Thanks Keith I have now done that and it is working. Well in fact I didn't do anything apart from move to the beta version, it seems to be ticked by default. Which is a sensible default IMHO.

Thanks also to deanis, but I'm not really interested in the "per application" settings.

Brilliant product, excellent forum support.
Sep 7, 2011  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear that sorted it out!

Thanks guys!
Sep 7, 2011  • #10
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Christopher Edwards
3 discussion posts
Just one more thing :)

The items pinned to the taskbar do not open on the same monitor as they are pinned (i.e. the primary monitor, they can't be pinned elsewhere AFAIK).

Is there any chance you could look at fixing this behaviour in a later release?
Sep 7, 2011  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Although it's not quite the same as pinning, you can add application shortcuts to the DF taskbars by right-clicking the taskbar and navigating to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Edit Shortcuts. When you create those shortcuts, you can choose to have them open on the monitor that the shortcut is on :)
Sep 8, 2011  • #12
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