Gregor Salzmann
3 discussion posts
Hi, I'm using AutoCAD Mechanical 2012 and Windows 7,
Problem is that the cursor in an open window like for example "save as" or other AutoCad windows, disappears while i'm writing the filename and the window isn't activated anymore, i have to click into the input field again to continue writing. That happens everytime after a few seconds.
If i turn of DF the Problem is gone.
Ever heard about that Problem?
(sorry for my bad english)

121 discussion posts
FYI: I'm using AutoCad 2002, 2012, & Revit 2012 without any issues. Win7 x64 SP1
Jan 9, 2013 (modified Jan 9, 2013)
@Gregor: That's strange! Which version of DisplayFusion are you currently running?

Gregor Salzmann
3 discussion posts
unfortunately it's not fixed with 5.0 Beta