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132 discussion posts
My hotkeys all got nuked after auto updating the latest beta- it did remember my profiles.
When I went to re-set the hotkeys, as soon as I hit apply, they disapear. I'm assuming abnormal behaviour.

Need any more information?
Nov 21, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Weird! I've just tested it out on my machine and it seems to work ok.

Could you do the following?
  • Enable debug logging on the Troubleshooting tab
  • Try to add a HotKey and Apply the settings
  • Send me the Troubleshooting info
  • Send me the debug log (found by clicking the Open Log button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Send me an export of the HKCU\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion registry key
Please send the above to me at

Nov 21, 2011 (modified Nov 21, 2011)  • #2
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I had to choose "reset all hotkeys" for some reason to fix it.
I don't want any hotkeys though - I previously had 0 hotkeys set. I'll see if I can re-create the bug
Nov 22, 2011  • #3
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132 discussion posts
Actually, now I can't remove default hotkeys?
It just says "Please select a custom HotKey and try again"
Nov 22, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We had another customer with the same issue (HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons not saving), and we believe we've gotten it fixed up for the next beta version.

As for removing the HotKeys, it's never been possible to completely remove the standard HotKeys, but you can edit them and remove the Key Combinations. Or in your case, if you don't want to use any HotKeys at all, just uncheck the "Enable HotKeys" box and apply the settings.

Nov 22, 2011 (modified Nov 22, 2011)  • #5
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19 discussion posts
My custom Settings for both HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons were wiped with the last Beta load as well.

We had another customer with the same issue (HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons not saving), and we believe we've gotten it fixed up for the next beta version.

EDIT: Me to..
Nov 22, 2011 (modified Nov 22, 2011)  • #6
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132 discussion posts
We had another customer with the same issue (HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons not saving), and we believe we've gotten it fixed up for the next beta version.

As for removing the HotKeys, it's never been possible to completely remove the standard HotKeys, but you can edit them and remove the Key Combinations. Or in your case, if you don't want to use any HotKeys at all, just uncheck the "Enable HotKeys" box and apply the settings.


No I manually clicked remove and took them all away except about 3 or 4 hotkeys - because that's all I want - that worked fine for me.
Nov 22, 2011  • #7
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19 discussion posts
We had another customer with the same issue (HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons not saving), and we believe we've gotten it fixed up for the next beta version.

As for removing the HotKeys, it's never been possible to completely remove the standard HotKeys, but you can edit them and remove the Key Combinations. Or in your case, if you don't want to use any HotKeys at all, just uncheck the "Enable HotKeys" box and apply the settings.


No I manually clicked remove and took them all away except about 3 or 4 hotkeys - because that's all I want - that worked fine for me.

Odd, I was not able to remove the "stock" hotkeys - I could remove the Key Settings, just not the item itself.
Nov 22, 2011  • #8
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we believe we've gotten it fixed up for the next beta version.

Please hurry! You'd be surprised how much you come to count on a few keystrokes to get work done.
Nov 22, 2011  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No I manually clicked remove and took them all away except about 3 or 4 hotkeys - because that's all I want - that worked fine for me.

By design, we've never made it possible to remove any of the stock HotKeys, so if you were able to do this before, it may have been a different bug. If you'd like to try an older version of DisplayFusion, please let me know which one and I'll post it.

Please hurry! You'd be surprised how much you come to count on a few keystrokes to get work done.

We're hoping to have a new build soon, but you should be able to resolve it in the current version by using the Reset All HotKeys button. Unfortunately the HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons that you had setup are lost, but once you reconfigure them after resetting you should be good to go.

We're also adding a function into the next version of the installer to backup the settings before updating so that if something like this happens again in the future, it will be possible to restore the settings.

Sorry for the inconvenience :(
Nov 22, 2011 (modified Nov 22, 2011)  • #10
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19 discussion posts
We're hoping to have a new build soon, but you should be able to resolve it in the current version by using the Reset All HotKeys button. Unfortunately the HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons that you had setup are lost, but once you reconfigure them after resetting you should be good to go.

Hmm, I'll try that again, but it still did not save my custom keys after doing that.


We're also adding a function into the next version of the installer to backup the settings before updating so that if something like this happens again in the future, it will be possible to restore the settings.

Sorry for the inconvenience :(

No worries, its the Beta Risk/Reward scenario in full play.
Nov 22, 2011  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I should mention, you'll need to do the Reset, then Apply, and then configure the HotKeys and Apply again :)
Nov 22, 2011  • #12
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19 discussion posts
I should mention, you'll need to do the Reset, then Apply, and then configure the HotKeys and Apply again :)

Not 100%..

This worked:
Reset, Apply, OK
Re-Open Settings
New Key, Apply

Anyways, thanks for the workaround, I'm somewhat functional again! :-)
Nov 22, 2011 (modified Nov 22, 2011)  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok, awesome. Thanks for the update!
Nov 22, 2011  • #14
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No I manually clicked remove and took them all away except about 3 or 4 hotkeys - because that's all I want - that worked fine for me.

By design, we've never made it possible to remove any of the stock HotKeys, so if you were able to do this before, it may have been a different bug. If you'd like to try an older version of DisplayFusion, please let me know which one and I'll post it.
I don't know exactly which version - but it was very very recent - beta 1 or 2 maybe? I don't need that many hotkeys and it was just cluttering up the window with all the hotkeys in it, I was having difficulty spotting mine. Also some of those keys I may use for other apps I use like winsplit revolution
Nov 23, 2011 (modified Nov 23, 2011)  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I don't know exactly which version - but it was very very recent - beta 1 or 2 maybe? I don't need that many hotkeys and it was just cluttering up the window with all the hotkeys in it, I was having difficulty spotting mine. Also some of those keys I may use for other apps I use like winsplit revolution

Ok, if it was recent, can you try the stable version of DisplayFusion 3.4 from the link below?
Nov 23, 2011  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just wanted to follow-up, the issue of the HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons getting reset is all fixed up in 3.4.1 Beta 4.

The DisplayFusion settings now get backed up to My Documents\DisplayFusion Backups during any update or installation, so that if anything like this happens again in the future, the previous settings can be restored.

The latest beta version can be downloaded here:

Nov 23, 2011 (modified Nov 23, 2011)  • #17
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132 discussion posts
I do not agree with being unable to remove the default hotkeys. I don't really want them, it's cluttering up the hotkey interface. If I remove a default it should be gone.
Nov 26, 2011  • #18
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Just wanted to follow-up, the issue of the HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons getting reset is all fixed up in 3.4.1 Beta 4.

The DisplayFusion settings now get backed up to My Documents\DisplayFusion Backups during any update or installation, so that if anything like this happens again in the future, the previous settings can be restored.

The latest beta version can be downloaded here:


Installed the new version this morning. Worked just as you said with settings intact and the backup file in the location mentioned.

Nice Work on the fast turn-around. Thanks guys!
Nov 28, 2011  • #19
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19 discussion posts
I do not agree with being unable to remove the default hotkeys. I don't really want them, it's cluttering up the hotkey interface. If I remove a default it should be gone.

I had gotten used to the defaults being there. I just named my customs with a ~TildaName so they all sorted to the top and then removed all the keys for the defaults. Not perfect, but it works.

I am actually glad they are still there, sometimes it gives you that much needed hint on extra/new features you may not think of to customize. That being said, if you delete them and the restore settings brought them back.. no harm there.
Nov 28, 2011  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@S: The built-in HotKeys can't be deleted because they are used by other features in DisplayFusion, such as the TitleBar Buttons. However, we're planning to make the list more manageable in the Settings window, and we're looking into a way to hide HotKeys from the "Run HotKey on Window" menu when right-clicking the TitleBar Buttons.

@PRogers: Glad to hear it's all working again :)

Nov 28, 2011  • #21
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