45 discussion posts
Even though I have Display Fusion set to manage my screensaver, and I have "no screensaver" set in Display Fusion's screensaver settings, it still makes both of my monitors go blank after the timeout period. It even does this while watching video using Windows Media Center, which is very annoying if I am sitting some distance away from the computer.
I am running the latest version of Display Fusion on a pc running Windows Home Premium 64 bit.
This is currently the desired behaviour. What you'll need to do is disable DisplayFusion from managing the screen saver, and then disable the screen saver in the Windows settings.
We're looking into possible changing it in 3.4.1 so that when disabling DisplayFusion from managing the screen saver, the screen saver will be disabled completely so that the extra step of having to use the Windows settings is eliminated.
I'll be sure to post an update if/when we're able to make that change.
2 discussion posts
Considering the date of this email thread, I would have thought that this was 'fixed'.
However, my copy of DisplayFusion Pro 7.2 is doing the same thing.
I was allowing DisplayFusion to manage the Screen Saver, but needed to turn that off.
So I set the option to "-- No Screen Saver __" in DisplayFusion settings.
Yet, both montitors go blank after the timeout period.
I should add that the PC is running Windows 7 - 64bit.
What do we need to do to ensure that the screen saver does not activate?
Jul 29, 2015 (modified Jul 29, 2015)
Do you want to temporarily disable the screen saver, or disable it indefinitely?
2 discussion posts
Not really sure.
Since my original post, I have unchecked "Allow DisplayFusion to manage the Screen Saver", which seems to work for the time being. I very very rarely need to change this, so it's not like I need to minimize mouse clicks or key strokes; so I think I am good on this as I believe that I have a working solution for my situation.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to the post. Very much appreciate the help.
No worries, glad to hear you're good to go!