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Dean K.
21 discussion posts
nView has this very useful option labeled "Center dialog box on display".

If checked this ensures that any dialog boxes opened by an app do not appear in awkward places but centered on the monitor the app is on.

Is there any chance Display Fusion could implement this feature?
Jun 3, 2013 (modified Jun 3, 2013)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've actually added this in the latest beta version :)

You can grab it here:

The option you're looking for is "Move child windows to the same monitor as the parent window" on the Settings > Window Management tab.

Jun 4, 2013  • #2
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Dean K.
21 discussion posts
Great, any estimate on how soon this feature will make it to a stable version?

This is my work machine so I avoid installing beta software...
Jun 4, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We don't have an exact ETA on the release of 5.1, but it should be some time within the next couple of months :)
Jun 4, 2013  • #4
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Dean K.
21 discussion posts
I tried the beta and it works satisfactory but there is one nasty side effect that I did not experience with nView... In addition to modal windows and dialog boxes, my various Visual Studio windows (Solution Explorer, Team Explorer etc.) which I keep on my second monitor no longer remember that position but are insted positioned on the same monitor Visual Studio is on, on top of VS, covering it completely, so I have to move them every time I start VS...
These VS windows are not modal windows or dialog boxes so they should not be affected by this option IMO, or the option should be configurable to either center only dialog boxes and modal windows or center all child windows as well... any thoughts?

Also, the child windows are not immediately centered on parent but instead show up elswhere and are moved by DF to center parent but the move is visible and it takes a few tenths of a second. This is not the case with nView, with nView the modal windows appear immediately center parent instead of being moved into correct position after being opened the way DF is doing it... hope you can find a way to implement it that way in DF but even if you can't that is something I could live with...

Another bad thing I noticed with 5.1 beta 6 related to this new option is that windows no longer "remember" their last position if the option is active but open on the display on which the start menu button was used to launch the window instead. For example, if I open Control Panel and position it on display 2 it should appear on display 2 the next time it is opened regadless of which display's start button was used to launch it and it does if the option is unchecked. If the option is checked, the window will appear on the display whose start button was used to launch it... I think this side effect is interfering with one of the most important features of DF (saving window positions between sessions) so that should be addressed as well... this is actually so annoying that I had to stop using this new feature...
Jun 5, 2013 (modified Jun 5, 2013)  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I'll add the issue with the VS toolbars to our list, as they definitely shouldn't be getting moved by this feature.

I think we've implemented this feature a little bit different from how nView does it, but I'll add this to our list to see if we can make them move to the new location before they're actually shown.

For the Start menu issue, could you try disabling the "Launch Start menu shorctuts on current monitor" option on the DisplayFusion Settings > Taskbar tab?
Jun 6, 2013  • #6
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Dean K.
21 discussion posts
It's not the VS toolbars but various VS windows available from View menu...

Sorry, I can't test the option you mentioned as I went back to 5.0.1...

Thanks for your efforts.
Jun 6, 2013  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released DisplayFusion 5.1 Beta 7 (, which now includes an option (on by default) to only move modal windows, so it should no longer move your floating VS windows.

Please let us know if you still run into any trouble.

Jun 17, 2013  • #8
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Dean K.
21 discussion posts
Just to give you two thumbs up for the way you handled this issue. 5.1 works exactly as I was hoping for allowing me to center parent only modal windows, not all child windows... great job.
Sep 3, 2013  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, that's great to hear, Dean!
Sep 3, 2013  • #10
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