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Dave Davidson
5 discussion posts
Hi there,

First i'll mention that I love this program. It's really, (really!) great!

Now the problem i'm having is with scheduling a task (two, actually) to switch my profile from "home" to "work". I've read the command line help page, and while it does mention all the syntax for getting the theme switch to work, it doesn't mention where it is I have to put that syntax.

Call me stupid, I just can't work it out :/

I've tried sticking -monitorloadprofile "Home" in the .exe's file name (Windows obviously doesn't like that one bit) i've put it in the argument section on the Action tab in task scheduler, and i've put it at the end of the program/script to open, like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe" -monitorloadprofile "Home"

None of these seem to work. Anyone able to let me know what i'm doing wrong?

Oct 24, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Good timing! I actually just wrote up some instructions today on how to do this :)

Please let me know if you have any other questions at all.

Oct 24, 2012  • #2
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Dave Davidson
5 discussion posts
hey thanks a lot for writing a guide! Unfortunately I had already tried that to no avail. The problem must be with something other than Display Fusion :(
Oct 24, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, wasn't sure if you had seen that guide. One thing I noticed in your original post, you're using the -monitorloadprofile switch. If you're changing the Wallpaper Profiles, it should be the -wallpaperloadprofile switch.

Can you double-check that you're using the correct one?
Oct 24, 2012  • #4
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Dave Davidson
5 discussion posts
Ah, well spotted, I was definitely using the wrong one. It didn't make a difference, though. When I test my task after creating it (right click > run) this is what happens:

Is there a way for me to manually test command.exe? When I double click it it just tells me no command line parameters were found.

The problem was the way I was creating it. I was using weekly so I could specify week days and exclude weekends. I was also choosing "Run even when user is not logged in" and "Use Administrator rights" or however that part is worded. I have it working now by following your guide word-for-word. Thank you very much for your time! :)

To point people who may be searching for similar problems towards this thread, where you mention the "Use current desktop wallpaper as log in screen" tickbox which causes UAC popups.
Oct 24, 2012 (modified Oct 24, 2012)  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear you were able to get it working!
Oct 24, 2012  • #6
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