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Globe Spy
18 discussion posts
I'm avoiding installing V11 Beta for the time being - v10.1.2 (latest Win 11 Build - 22631.3007) has a couple of quirks, but it's 99% stable.
The chatter between versions is messy, the devs should separate discussions. Search function won't ensure people can find potential help about their version, and will end up being frustrating
Just a suggestion, would take a few minutes to setup and make obvious.
Jan 15, 2024  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the feedback! We'll have to think about that one, as I don't think just separating it out into stable vs. beta would give much benefit. In that case, you could search for something and find a thread that was for DisplayFusion 3.0, which also isn't much help.

I will put this on our list for consideration so that we can take internal notes on what would help organize the posts better :)

Jan 17, 2024  • #2
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