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By default, the DisplayFusion taskbar will match the behaviour of the Windows taskbar, but the DisplayFusion taskbar has a wealth of customization options. This document covers some of those options and where to configure them.
Some settings affect all DisplayFusion taskbars. These global taskbar settings are in the Taskbar tab of DisplayFusion's Settings.
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  • Click the Taskbar tab.
    Taskbar tab
Taskbar Tab
This area allows you to:
  • Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars
  • Enable Jump Lists
  • Enable focus, full screen, and transparency options
  • Set Taskbar Modes (windows display options)
  • Set the Taskbar Button Middle-Click Behaviour
  • Select the Windows Preview Style
  • Set Taskbar Opacity
The DisplayFusion taskbar allows you to add different types of shortcuts to the taskbar. You can add regular application shortcuts, like the Windows taskbar, but you can also add shortcuts to files, folders, and websites.
Taskbar Shortcuts are in the Taskbar tab of DisplayFusion's Settings.
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  • Click the Taskbar tab.
    Taskbar tab
  • Click the Taskbar Shortcuts button.
    Taskbar Shortcuts button
From here you can add all of the shortcut types (Application, File, Folder, Website), and also edit, rename, re-arrange, and specify custom icons for the shortcuts.
Applications, Folders, and Websites shortcuts start on the same monitor as the taskbar by default.
You can disable this action by disabling the "Force [shortcut] to open/start on same monitor as Taskbar" checkbox. On Applications you also have Administrator and Metro options as well as the ability to use Command Line Arguments.
Application Shortcut Details
Application shortcuts can also be added by right-clicking a button on the DisplayFusion taskbar and choosing "Pin this program to Taskbar."
Pin to Taskbar
Each taskbar element (Start button, shortcuts, application buttons, system tray, clock, and show desktop button) can be moved to either side of the taskbar, or disabled completely.
Right-click a blank space on any DisplayFusion-controlled Taskbar and select "Multi-Monitor Taskbar" to bring up the submenu options.
Multi-Monitor Taskbar
Multi-Monitor Taskbar Menu
This menu allows you to:
  • Control the Size and Position of the taskbar
  • Set the Auto-Hide option
  • Set the visibility and location of the System Tray Clock, System Tray Icons, Start Button, Show Desktop Button and your Shortcuts. There is also a link to Edit Shortcuts.
  • Choose the Alignment, Style, and Grouping of Buttons
Below are some examples of configured Taskbars.
Example 1 - Left Position, Start Button Disabled
Left Position, Disabled Start Button
Example 2 - Shortcuts Left, Start Button Disabled, Button Alignment Middle
Shortcuts Left, Start Button Disabled, Button Alignment Middle
Feb 12, 2014 (modified Aug 15, 2022)  • #1
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1 discussion post
This tells you WHAT you can do but not HOW. Kind of useless.
Dec 31, 2015  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
All of these options are available by right-clicking in a blank spot on the taskbar. Please see the first screenshot for reference.

Dec 31, 2015  • #3
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Finn Lynch
1 discussion post
It would be great if there was an ability to limit which applications displayed on one of the taskbars.

Use case: limit one taskbar to only show windows explorer windows (ungrouped)

Such limitations could help manage multiple windows more effectively.
Apr 29, 2016  • #4
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Riza Pacalioglu
4 discussion posts
Instead of creating a 2nd taskbar for the 2nd monitor is it possible to extent the Windows taskbar so that start menu is on the left of 1st monitor and date/time on the right of the 2nd monitor (sietup to be the right of the 1st monitor)?
Mar 27, 2017  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Riza: Unfortunately not, sorry!
Mar 28, 2017  • #6
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Paula J Johnson
4 discussion posts
Good morning,

It would be helpful to be able to set a Multi-Monitor Taskbar, but have the same system tray clock (as I have added two more clocks for different time zones for family members). Is this possible? If so, how?

Thank you,
Jun 24, 2017  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Paula: Are you wanting the extra time zones to show in the tooltip for the clock? Or right on the taskbar?
Jun 26, 2017  • #8
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jim swenson
2 discussion posts
is it possible to remove the windows 10 taskbar completely and only use the DisplayFusion taskbars?
Mar 2, 2018  • #9
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5 discussion posts
@jim swenson
you can go under advanced settings, and select "show taskbar on all monitors" -
then you can set the win taskbar on auto-hide and move it to the side of the screen for example.
its a workaround but I think it is the only thing you can do for your main monitor.
Mar 2, 2018  • #10
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jim swenson
2 discussion posts
I actually swear by displayfusion for multiple monitors, but I have run into this problem with it in the past also (with DF I mean), and I used to use a second program specifically for that feature in it. same 'genre'(?) of program tho, multiple monitor support... but between the two, I would push this software on any multiple display system I build (I actually do btw)... I might have to go back to using both programs... both your and theirs (whos name I can't remember, yours I can... kudos...) but thanks =) not like they they are memory hogs or anything =) keep up the good work! <3
Mar 2, 2018  • #11
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Arnaud Clarat46772
1 discussion post
I would know if it's possible to desactivate the default Windows taskbar and replace it by the your? I have Win10 and two screen, i can do what i want on my second screen, but on the first screen either i only have the Windows or i have both of windows and your..
I don't know if i made my self understood but i hope
Thank you!
Mar 11, 2018  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Mar 12, 2018  • #13
Frederik Andersen's profile on

Would it be possible to add some "semi-grouping", like there is on the normal windows task bar? By this I mean that, when you try to drag e.g. Skype around on the task bar, all the Skype windows move together as one unit, and more importantly, they open besides each other. So the real feature request is that windows that belong to the same group, open next to windows of the same group, instead of just opening it at the end of the task bar. Since there already is functionality to group windows, it should be possible to do a small check of whether a window of the same group is open, then place the windows next to that. This could of course be some kind of toggle feature, for those who like the current implementation.

Thanks beforehand
Mar 20, 2018  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This is on our list to implement, so I've added your info to the open ticket. We'll be sure to let you know when that's been added :)

Mar 21, 2018  • #15
Frederik Andersen's profile on
Sound really good.

On another note. It might be worth to update the pictures in the original post, since most people (i guess) use Windows 10, and the general UI, has received an overhaul.
Mar 22, 2018  • #16
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15 discussion posts
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get Windows 10 Sticky Notes on my secondary displayfusion taskbar. I can't find it using the browse function from the displayfusion settings or anything. I can't open it to that monitor using the start menu on that monitor, it just opens on the primary taskbar. Can someone help me get a shortcut to Windows 10 Sticky Notes on my secondary taskbar? it's not in the add application or add file browse, and search doesn't find it. I am running the latest version of Windows 10 Home, all updates installed. I can't find Sticky Notes anywhere, but clearly I'm using them via the Microsoft Store App. How do I add them to my displayfusion secondary task bar?
May 11, 2018  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Phaewryn: It looks like the Sticky Notes app is doing something special, as it doesn't show up in our normal detection methods for running/installed Universal apps. I've added this to our list to look into further.

May 15, 2018  • #18
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15 discussion posts
@Phaewryn: It looks like the Sticky Notes app is doing something special, as it doesn't show up in our normal detection methods for running/installed Universal apps. I've added this to our list to look into further.


Awesome, thank you!
May 18, 2018  • #19
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Gianna Blanchard
6 discussion posts
Is it possible to add taskbar shortcuts to the primary monitor? I don't seem to have the right click menu on the taskbar for the primary monitor either.
May 22, 2018  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Gianna: Unfortunately not. DisplayFusion doesn't replace the Windows taskbar on the primary monitor, so it doesn't have any control over it. Sorry!
May 30, 2018  • #21
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1 discussion post
One of my little pet peeves about DisplayFusion is that when you open anything in Control Panel, DF taskbar shows it as a Windows Explorer window rather than the Control Panel icon. Other than that, DF does exactly what I need it to do!
Jul 31, 2018  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Mezlo: Is this in Windows 7 or Windows 10?
Aug 1, 2018  • #23
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Paula J Johnson
4 discussion posts
I am sorry for the extreme delay in responding. When I hover over for the tooltip, it only shows the date. Perhaps you are saying that it would be possible to have it show the additional time zone as a tooltip. However it can be available - either as a tooltip or right on the taskbar, as long as I can view the different time zones, that would be perfect! Thank you for your patience with my getting back to you.

@Paula: Are you wanting the extra time zones to show in the tooltip for the clock? Or right on the taskbar?
Aug 1, 2018  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Paula: How did you add the extra clocks to the Windows taskbar? Did you have to use a third-party app?
Aug 1, 2018  • #25
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15 discussion posts
While I'm not Paula, adding extra clocks to the taskbar is trivial in windows 10: Click on the taskbar clock, then "Date and time settings", then "Add clocks for different time zones", check the "show this clock" checkbox, choose the time zone, enter a display name, click Apply. Now it will show both (or as many as you want) timezones as a mouseover.
Aug 2, 2018  • #26
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Paula J Johnson
4 discussion posts
Yes, thank you Phaewryn. I did that prior to initially posting... and it works, on my main (1st) monitor. But when I hover (or mouseover) the date / time on the 2nd monitor, it only shows the current time zone. It seems trivial, but I have my computers arranged to my liking and the 1st monitor is a considerable distance from my 2nd monitor, where I do most of my work. If this would work on the 2nd monitor, that would be sufficient.
Aug 2, 2018  • #27
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Paula J Johnson
4 discussion posts
Yes, which that third party app no longer works. Now the issue is just having the hover work on the 2nd monitor... please see post just before this one.

@Paula: How did you add the extra clocks to the Windows taskbar? Did you have to use a third-party app?
Aug 2, 2018  • #28
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15 discussion posts
Ah, right, I see what you're getting at. That is actually a rather odd little bobble in the program, isn't it? It clearly displays my customized "show both 12 and 24 hour times" hack which I did in "Date and Time Settings/Additional date, time, & regional settings/Set the time and date/Change date and time/Change calendar settings/Customize Format/Time/Short time: h:mm tt - H:mm TT" on the second taskbar, but you're right, it does not show the additional time zones, or for that matter, any mouseover action. I suspect they just need to add the mouseover functionality (tooltip, whatever microsoft wants to call a mouseover)?

One other thing that's always annoyed me is that the clock on my secondary taskbar is in a different color font than on my primary monitor. A little thing, but annoying none-the-less. I use a high-contrast theme, and the DF taskbar clock just does not seem to understand it at all.
Aug 2, 2018  • #29
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15 discussion posts
One of my little pet peeves about DisplayFusion is that when you open anything in Control Panel, DF taskbar shows it as a Windows Explorer window rather than the Control Panel icon. Other than that, DF does exactly what I need it to do!

Huh, doesn't do that on mine. Shows correct icons on secondary DF taskbar (Windows 10).
Aug 2, 2018  • #30
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yep, I see what you mean about the tooltip for the additional clocks. I found a ticket for this on our list so I've added your info to it.

@Phaewryn: Which High Contrast Theme do you have selected? I'll test this out.
Aug 2, 2018  • #31
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15 discussion posts
Ones I built myself,so I'd have to give you the code and then you'd have to go put it in your themes folder: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes

I'm pretty sure they started as Windows's "High Contrast Black", and then I went in and tweaked from there, so probably any of the High Contrast Themes in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Personalization would replicate the issue. To make one, you have to go into there and choose one of the existing high contrast themes, change some stuff using the UI, then "Save theme," then go into the theme folder and edit them in notepad++ (I think it might require administrator privileges to save in that folder, been a while since I built a theme).

My primary theme:


; Copyright © Microsoft Corp.

DisplayName=Lime & Gray

; Computer - SHIDI_SERVER




[Control Panel\Cursors]
DefaultValue=Windows Default

[Control Panel\Desktop]




SchemeName=No Sounds

[Control Panel\Colors]
ActiveBorder=45 45 45
ActiveTitle=80 80 80
AppWorkspace=10 10 10
Background=50 50 50
ButtonAlternateFace=0 0 0
ButtonDkShadow=225 225 225
ButtonFace=20 20 20
ButtonHilight=192 192 192
ButtonLight=245 245 245
ButtonText=36 156 7
ButtonShadow=128 128 128
GradientActiveTitle=0 0 0
GradientInactiveTitle=50 50 50
GrayText=97 97 97
Hilight=50 50 50
HilightText=36 156 7
HotTrackingColor=36 156 7
InactiveBorder=125 125 125
InactiveTitle=0 0 0
InactiveTitleText=245 245 245
InfoText=36 156 7
InfoWindow=0 0 0
Menu=10 10 10
MenuBar=110 110 110
MenuHilight=0 128 0
MenuText=245 245 245
Scrollbar=50 50 50
TitleText=36 156 7
Window=10 10 10
WindowFrame=0 0 0
WindowText=175 175 175

and sometimes:


; Copyright © Microsoft Corp.

DisplayName=Grey & Traffic Line Yellow

; Computer - SHIDI_SERVER




[Control Panel\Cursors]
DefaultValue=Windows Black

[Control Panel\Desktop]




SchemeName=No Sounds

[Control Panel\Colors]

ActiveBorder=255 187 17
ActiveTitle=20 20 20
AppWorkspace=34 34 34
Background=25 25 25
ButtonAlternateFace=100 100 100
ButtonDkShadow=0 0 0
ButtonFace=20 20 20
ButtonHilight=34 34 34
ButtonLight=34 34 34
ButtonShadow=34 34 34
ButtonText=150 150 150
GradientActiveTitle=0 0 0
GradientInactiveTitle=86 86 86
GrayText=150 150 150
Hilight=0 0 0
HilightText=255 170 0
HotTrackingColor=255 127 0
InactiveBorder=255 187 17
InactiveTitle=0 0 0
InactiveTitleText=255 170 0
InfoText=150 150 150
InfoWindow=34 34 34
Menu=34 34 34
MenuBar=34 34 34
MenuHilight=0 0 0
MenuText=86 86 86
Scrollbar=34 34 34
TitleText=192 192 192
Window=34 34 34
WindowFrame=255 170 0
WindowText=192 192 192
Aug 3, 2018  • #32
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! Do you also have the "Taskbar: Force Classic Style" option enabled in the Advanced Settings window?
Aug 3, 2018  • #33
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15 discussion posts
I use ClassicShell for my classic start menu customizations. I can verify that setting though if you tell me where to look in DF to find it. I do not think I have anything going on there in DF, I think my start menu is all done through ClassicShell:
Aug 4, 2018  • #34
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, I should have clarified, do you have the "Taskbar: Force Classic Style" option enabled in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window?
Aug 8, 2018  • #35
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15 discussion posts
Sorry, I should have clarified, do you have the "Taskbar: Force Classic Style" option enabled in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window?

No, I do not.
Aug 9, 2018  • #36
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, strange. Could you send us some screenshots via our contact form of the difference between the Windows taskbar and the DF taskbar when you have that theme loaded?
Aug 10, 2018  • #37
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15 discussion posts
Ok, strange. Could you send us some screenshots via our contact form of the difference between the Windows taskbar and the DF taskbar when you have that theme loaded?

Done! Look for message from Phaewryn with your name in the subject. Here it is (attached) here as well.

FYI, I did follow your previous advise at and so that setting is set to "Don't change the Aero color".
• Attachment [protected]: ss-df-tb.png [303,497 bytes]
Aug 10, 2018  • #38
User Image
1 discussion post
What's the recommended size for the Custom Icons for my shortcuts?

I currently have a taskbar on my second monitor, set to 36px width (it's on the left side of the screen).

All the PNGs that I've uploaded (which look great when used as normal icons) are pixelated and have hard edges (like AA is turned off).

What's the recommended size for these?

• Attachment [protected]: screen.jpg [15,551 bytes]
Sep 5, 2018  • #39
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you attach the PNGs here? I'll do some testing with them and see what I can find out.

Sep 6, 2018  • #40
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Allison June39780
1 discussion post
I have three monitors. I have the windows start bar on one monitor, and displayfusion's start bar on the other two.

I want to know if it's possible to extend the start bar only to one of my other two monitors, without changing any other settings.

Please let me know, and apologies if this has already been asked.
Sep 18, 2018  • #41
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Allison: It sure is! For the monitor that you don't want it on, right-click the taskbar and choose Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Position > Disabled.
Sep 18, 2018  • #42
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16 discussion posts
Is it possible to use DisplayFusion to display a taskbar on my secondary monitor that shows the time in 24h format, including seconds, while my standard Windows taskbar displays 12h time without seconds?
Nov 29, 2018  • #43
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It sure is! In the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window, set the "Taskbar > Clock Text" setting to this: HH:mm:ss
Nov 29, 2018  • #44
User Image
16 discussion posts
Thanks, but I should have been more specific...
I have 4 monitors. I would like 1 of the 3 DF taskbars to show HH:mm:ss, while the other 2 DF taskbar and the default Windows taskbar to show hh:mm.
The setting you showed affects all DF taskbars. I'd like it to affect just one.
Thank you!
Nov 29, 2018  • #45
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok, we don't have a way to set the clock text differently for each taskbar, no. If we're able to separate them out in the future I will be sure to post an update.

Nov 30, 2018  • #46
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Manuel Rozier de Linage
17 discussion posts
I like the feature "All taskbars show all windows" but I have a problem with it when used combined with Taskbar auto-hide and Full screen apps :
If I have a messenger app running like Communicator 2007 or Jabber and I receive a message, all the taskbars becomes visible with the messenger app icon blinking. It then hides the bottom of my full screen app which is a terminal emulator app, where the last line is the most important one where I input text.
As a workaround I have to use "Windows taskbar shows all windows, DisplayFusion displays only relevant windows" option but I would prefer to have "All taskbars show all windows" + an option "Disable icons flashing on DisplayFusion taskbars" to have only the messenger app icon flashing on the main windows taskbar and have my DisplayFusion taskbars remain hidden by the auto-hide feature.
Looks like windows has some feature to disable/configure icon flashing (untested)
Aug 13, 2019 (modified Aug 13, 2019)  • #47
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In the Settings > Advanced Settings window, there's an option called "Flashing taskbar buttons never flash" that should do what you're looking for :)
Aug 13, 2019  • #48
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Manuel Rozier de Linage
17 discussion posts
Perfect, only Displayfusion makes it possible ! ::)
Aug 13, 2019 (modified Aug 13, 2019)  • #49
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4 discussion posts
Hi, I'm new to DisplayFusion, but I'm liking it so far.

I installed it because I'm using a DualHead2Go to get a second screen attached to my system, but still want the screens to behave as seperate displayes.
In order to achive this I have split the screen in to, and that works great.

However I only want the start menu on one screen, so I have disabled the "Multi-monitor taskbar" resulting in only one taskbar on one screen, so far so good.

My problem is that when I maximize a window on the screen with no taskbar, the window behaves like it maximizes, but it still leaves space for the taskbar even though it is not there.

Is there an option to change this behaviour?

Thanks in advance Kesse
Apr 3, 2020  • #50
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Kesse: This issue is currently open on our list. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to get it all fixed up.

Apr 6, 2020  • #51
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Kesse: We've just released a new DisplayFusion Beta version and this issue should be all fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Apr 8, 2020  • #52
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12 discussion posts
In the Win10 taskbar settings, you can select to not combine taskbar buttons, which for instance would let multiple PDF files display separately (see attachment). So far I can make them display spread out like that on both screens. Is it possible to spread them out on the secondary screen but not the main screen? Basically have it do this on one screen, not both.
• Attachment [protected]: Annotation 2020-05-27 135442.jpg [11,461 bytes]
May 27, 2020  • #53
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep! If you leave it set to combined on the Windows taskbar, you can right-click in a blank space on the DisplayFusion taskbar and choose Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Group Buttons > Disabled, and Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Button Style > Icons and Text.

Hope that helps!
May 28, 2020  • #54
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12 discussion posts
Yep! If you leave it set to combined on the Windows taskbar, you can right-click in a blank space on the DisplayFusion taskbar and choose Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Group Buttons > Disabled, and Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Button Style > Icons and Text.

Hope that helps!

That does it! Thanks so much!
May 29, 2020  • #55
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11 discussion posts
Is it possible for DisplayFusion to avoid putting any icons in the center of the secondary taskbar?
Situation is, user has moved their webcam down over the screen so they can see eye to eye in Zoom meetings.. Which means the center of their 2nd taskbar is obscured by some of the camera mount, we want to force the icons on that taskbar to be placed to the left and right of the center of the task bar where the camera mount is, so user can see the icons.
thank you
Jun 15, 2021  • #56
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Mark,

This isn't something we support, but I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

Jun 16, 2021  • #57
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1 discussion post
How can i make it so that i can see the different timzones i have set to appear on my closk when hovering onver it on my other 2 monitors taskbars? I cant seem to find any thing anywhere in the forums
Aug 9, 2021  • #58
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

In the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings window, we have a setting called "Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #X)" that you can adjust for each individual taskbar. Is that what you're looking for?

Aug 9, 2021  • #59
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Hal Flessner
2 discussion posts
I would like to request a feature. Having multiple taskbars is probably the most important for me and Actual Multiple Monitors can do it but $50 a year is a little steep for me so I'm trying to move over to Displayfusion. Here is an example with Windows 10's own task bar (also attached). Thank you!
• Attachment [protected]: taskbar.png [157,456 bytes]
Nov 27, 2021  • #60
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15 discussion posts
I would like to request a feature. Having multiple taskbars is probably the most important for me...

Display Fusion already has multiple taskbars, it's right under Multi-Monitor Taskbar in the menu, just right-click the taskbar icon, and check to enable them. You're commenting on a thread about them. Is there something *specific* you need your taskbars to do that we can help you set up? Generally, just go to the taskbar you want to tweak, right-click on it, and it's in the menu.
Nov 29, 2021 (modified Nov 29, 2021)  • #61
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Hal Flessner
2 discussion posts
I would like to request a feature. Having multiple taskbars is probably the most important for me...

Display Fusion already has multiple taskbars, it's right under Multi-Monitor Taskbar in the menu, just right-click the taskbar icon, and check to enable them. You're commenting on a thread about them. Is there something *specific* you need your taskbars to do that we can help you set up? Generally, just go to the taskbar you want to tweak, right-click on it, and it's in the menu.

Maybe I'm just not seeing what you're talking about. There is no option for the examples I showed you in my last message. Can you show me exactly where having multiple taskbars on one bar is. Did you see my examples? It is one bar on 1 monitor that has 3 toolbars on it.
Nov 30, 2021 (modified Nov 30, 2021)  • #62
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Hal,

We currently don't support toolbars on DisplayFusion taskbars, but we do have this open as a feature request. I've added your vote to it, so we'll be sure to let you know if we have any news on it in the future.

Nov 30, 2021  • #63
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15 discussion posts
Maybe I'm just not seeing what you're talking about. There is no option for the examples I showed you in my last message. Can you show me exactly where having multiple taskbars on one bar is. Did you see my examples? It is one bar on 1 monitor that has 3 toolbars on it.

No, I can't see your example. It says "protected", and there is no link or image. I know nothing about "toolbars". You can have 1 taskbar per monitor with DisplayFusion, as far as I know. You can put most Windows shortcuts and system tray items on it. That's about all it does.
Dec 1, 2021  • #64
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Bilgin Ozkan
1 discussion post
Not sure if this is a Windows 11 issue, but regardless of my settings, I can't get the icons + text setting turned to work. All applications on the secondary monitors are icons/buttons only.

Under the Multi-monitor Taskbar options, Button Style is set to icons + text
Group buttons are set to disabled (enabling it actually doesn't do anything either, not that I want that setting :)

Both Displayfusion Pro and Windows 11 versions are the latest versions.
Feb 4, 2022  • #65
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107 discussion posts
Not sure if this is a Windows 11 issue, but regardless of my settings, I can't get the icons + text setting turned to work. All applications on the secondary monitors are icons/buttons only.
Under the Multi-monitor Taskbar options, Button Style is set to icons + text
Group buttons are set to disabled (enabling it actually doesn't do anything either, not that I want that setting :)
Both Displayfusion Pro and Windows 11 versions are the latest versions.

This started happening to me a few days ago. I suspect a Windows Update caused it, but it's hard to be sure. I was about to start a new thread describing what I've observed about it.
EDIT: This thread has a fix for the issue...
Feb 5, 2022 (modified Feb 5, 2022)  • #66
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1 discussion post
Setting up on 2 computers. One I am able to see all the taskbar icons on all monitors whether that app is open or not. I am setting up a new computer and this one has the Pro DF and it's only showing the taskbar on primary and the other 2 only what's open. I want all on all.
Apr 27, 2022  • #67
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Mirroring the pinned items from the Windows taskbar to a DisplayFusion taskbar isn't something we support, but we do have it open as a feature request so I've added your vote to it.

Apr 28, 2022  • #68
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10 discussion posts
Is there a way to group the buttons without combining them? Like always put multiple windows' buttons next to eachother? I found this discussion but I don't know if the feature was implemented, or if it was, where to enable that?
Sep 5, 2023  • #69
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It's not something we've added in but it is still open on our feature request list so I've added your vote to it.

Sep 5, 2023  • #70
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10 discussion posts
Any update on grouping buttons without combining them by any chance? It's frustrating when you have two windows open and the other window jumps to the end of the taskbar. Especially since if you then move the original window to another monitor and back, then they are both at the end of the taskbar.
9 days ago  • #71
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
No updates there unfortunately, sorry!
8 days ago  • #72
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