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27 discussion posts
One feature I would like in DF, is the ability to set a different folder each day, to select pictures from. That's probably an isolated request, so I (hopefully) plan to create my own solution.

On another machine that I use as a Digital Picture Frame, I use the Picassa screensaver. I have written my own piece of software, that runs each day, randomly chooses a folder from a selection, and updates the Picassa config files, to use that folder. I was thinking about doing the same thing with DF, where I write a bit of software that runs at startup, picks a folder, then sets the specific registry key for that monitor in the Binary Fortress registry settings.

Can the devs say whether they think this will cause any problems with DF, or should it fine to do? Doing it this way, is quicker than requesting the feature, because like the "Specific orientation only" feature I requested years ago, it might not be popular enough for the devs to spend time on. I can add this facility in no time, if it won't cause any problems.
Mar 5, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You should be able to do that, but you'd need to close DisplayFusion before changing the registry values, then re-open it after they're changed. You can close it via command line using DisplayFusionCommand.exe -CloseAll. The registry values you'd want to change are the HKCU\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Wallpaper\guid\Wallpaper_#_RotatePaths multi-line string values.

Alternatively, you could create a bunch of different Wallpaper Profiles (, then create a script that will randomly pick a profile using DisplayFusionCommand.exe -wallpaperloadprofile "profile name"

Here's the full DisplayFusionCommand.exe reference:

Hope that helps!
Mar 5, 2014  • #2
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27 discussion posts
Thanks for all the info.

The profiles option looked like it could have been interesting, but they would have had to be dynamic/creatable profiles for it to work. Had they been stored in files, that would have been okay, but they appear to be stored in the registry as keys, which makes them tricky to work with.

The idea is, that I have a selection of sub-folders inside a main folder, that the programme I write will pick from. There could be twenty or thirty folders, maybe more, and I don't really want to sit there manually creating that many profiles. The idea behind my task, is to fully automate the creation and selection of options. So if I add or delete folders, I won't need to do anything, as my programme will simply adapt and pick from what's available.

So it looks like changing the single registry key is the option I will go down, as that offers me more flexibility outside DF.I appreciate the help, for what is probably a fairly unique request... thank you. :)
Mar 5, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem, glad I could help!
Mar 6, 2014  • #4
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