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2 discussion posts
I'm currently on Windows 8 x64, DF v5.0, and just recently decided to try out Dexpot 1.6.6 again.

Taskbar entries which are minimized on my DisplayFusion taskbar will remain in between Dexpot virtual desktops, whereas if they are maximized or shown, they will properly disappear like they should. Skype seems to be the only one exempt, which seems to do whatever it feels like on the DisplayFusion taskbar as well as the Windows Taskbar.

Because of this, programs get rearranged on the taskbar and persist on Dexpot virtual desktops until being shown.

Let me know if I can explain anything further or do something to get this fixed, as I would like to try and use both in unison.
Feb 19, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've tested and confirmed this issue. We'll check it out to see if there's anything we can do to fix it from our end, and if not, I'll give the Dexpot devs a shout to let them know about the issue.

Feb 20, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released DisplayFusion 5.1 Beta 11 (, and this issue should be all fixed up.

Jul 11, 2013  • #3
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2 discussion posts
Thank you, I've just started playing around with this and noticed skype is fixed! This is neat, though I will say mumble seems to persist across dexpot desktops (an issue that's likely for them, and not for you all).

Thank you for the response and the fix, this is most awesome!
Jul 12, 2013  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem, glad to hear it! I've actually tested Mumble before, and it's window does some weird stuff that we weren't able to work around :(
Jul 12, 2013  • #5
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1 discussion post
Hey, sorry to resurrect a thread, but the Dexpot issue is happening for me with both 5.1.1 and 6.0 beta 1. Minimized taskbar buttons on the DF taskbars persist across virtual desktops.

I'm running Dexpot on Windows 7.
Feb 4, 2014  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, I've tested and confirmed the same thing here. We'll see what we can do to fix that up again :)
Feb 4, 2014  • #7
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1 discussion post
I'm having same issue. Just posting so I'll get notified if there are any developments on this.

Look forward to purchasing if this is resolved.
Feb 9, 2014  • #8
Aaron Lundgren's profile on
I am having the same issue. Update would be nice.
Apr 10, 2014  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version and this issue should be all fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

May 7, 2014  • #10
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