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I am very happy to announce the release of DisplayFusion 3.0.1. This version fixes a bunch of important bugs, and adds a few small features. I'd like to thank everyone that has reported issues through the DisplayFusion Online Support page. I never would have been able to squash all of these bugs without your help. Here is a summary of some of the bigger changes in this release:

  • Added an option: "Rotate wallpaper images automatically using JPEG EXIF information"
  • Added a registry key to force a specific taskbar height (see support forum)
  • Fixed application compatibility with a bunch of applications (AQT Query Tool, Microsoft Excel, TOAD, Paint.NET... etc)
  • Fixed an issue that caused a restored window to be too size for the monitor and the caption bar would be pushed off the top
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the DisplayFusion taskbar to appear half-way up the screen when changing resolutions
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a grey bar to appear on the top and left of scaled wallpaper images

If you would like to see the full list of changes you can visit the DisplayFusion Change Log. You may be required to reboot when installing this update, because of the new DisplayFusion hook DLL. Not everyone will need to reboot, but if you are prompted to reboot DisplayFusion won't work properly until you do. I would advise everyone to update to this new version as soon as possible, as there are a number of important fixes in this release.

Thanks everyone, and happy downloading!

Mar 7, 2009  • #1
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1 discussion post
wow this is amaging!
I love this one.
but there is something that I want add-on option
that is swiching Screensaver optiong to screen 1 -> screen 2
if you make this option.
it will be best of the best program^0^ in these software.

thankyou make this program. you\'re such genius!
thankyou thankyou thankyou1
Mar 8, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@neo: Screensaver support is on my wish list of things to work on, but I don't have any plans to add it in the near future. My wish list has grown quite large lately. :)
Mar 8, 2009  • #3
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