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I am very happy to announce the release of DisplayFusion 3.0.2. Actually, I released this new version last weekend and forgot to post about it. Sorry everyone! This release is a substantial update to DisplayFusion and includes a number of often-requested features, like Taskbar auto-hiding. So, without further ado lets take a look at what has changed in this version:

  • Taskbars now support auto-hiding
  • Added a "Taskbar Opacity" option, to make the DisplayFusion Taskbar translucent
  • Wallpaper checker/changer is now delayed 30 seconds from application startup, to allow the system to fully start before trying to change anything
  • Huge improvement in response time for taskbar item updating (new windows, closed windows, focused windows... etc)
  • Better window management compatibility with Google Chrome and Apple Safari 4 (doesn't move browser to the next monitor when middle-clicking a tab at the top of the window)
  • Silent installations now work correctly
  • Installer would sometimes use English, even if another language was selected

As always, you can see the complete list of changes in the DisplayFusion Change Log. I would expect that everyone that has the auto-update notification enabled has already updated, but for everyone else, I would encourage you to update today!

Mar 30, 2009  • #1
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1 discussion post
Awesome. So good you should be charging for it - but please don't! :D
Apr 7, 2009  • #2
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3 discussion posts
One of the best bits of software I have bought in a long time. Does exactly what it says it should and more besides. With the addition of the 'taskbar' for the second monitor its just made itself an ESSENTIAL piece of software for anyone running two monitors.
Apr 7, 2009  • #3
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