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I am very happy to announce the release of DisplayFusion 3.1.3! This new version takes care of a number of small bugs, as well as some long-standing issues. I would like to thank everyone who submitted bug reports through the DisplayFusion Online Support page, the support email address and even Twitter. Without everyone's feedback it would have taken much longer to troubleshoot and fix these issues. Here are some of the highlights for this release:

  • Added a "Use transitions when changing wallpaper (Windows 7 only)" setting
  • Taskbar now works correctly in Windows 2000 in all situations
  • Windows no longer redraw incorrectly after being moved with the middle-click mouse move in rare situations (Chrome 4 dev, for example)
  • Taskbar shouldn't show twice on each monitor in rare situations anymore
  • Taskbar Buttons now correctly scale when font-scaling is used
  • TitleBar Buttons now correctly scale when font-scaling is used
  • Wallpaper changes no longer cause the desktop/applications to flicker/redraw
  • Fixed an issue that caused the hooks to not be reloaded in certain situations after a full-screen application closed
  • TitleBar Buttons no longer appear over-top of dialog windows in some situations

If you would like to see all of the issues that have been fixed in this release, please check out the complete DisplayFusion Change Log. I would encourage all DisplayFusion supporters to update to this new version today to take advantage of all fixes and new features!

Sep 16, 2009  • #1
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John Doh
3 discussion posts
When will the taskbar act like Windows 7 in grouping same programs, allowing hover over the preview, and treating internet explorer tabs like seperate instances for hovering over the icon and showing all tabs open in the popup preview?

Once these things are added, I think I'm going to buy, because I love this program. It's just missing those features. This taskbar is by far the best one out there, though, at least that I can find. Adding this would make it the ultimate. I love this probram though. Thanks for the software.
Sep 16, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Ashley: Windows 7 introduced a ton of new Taskbar features, and I'm racing to get caught up. :) It's a slow process, but I'm introducing new features with each version. The end goal is to replicate all the functionality, but it will take some time.
Sep 17, 2009  • #3
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John Doh
3 discussion posts
That is wonderful. That's what I was hoping for. I'm glad to hear that that is the goal. I understand that it takes time because I too am a programmer and I understand the problems introduced by new operating systems. I am just glad to hear that you are pursuing it.

I'll understand if you can't answer this question, but do you have any projected completion dates of the features that I mentioned above? If you don't, I understand. But if you do, that would be great to know.

Thanks for responding. Just by that response alone, my opinion of your company has gone up another notch. Companies or individuals that never respond are disappointing.

Love your product. Keep up the good work!
Sep 21, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, but I don't have a set release date for any of the requested features. I can tell you that I am working on the new Windows 7 styled thumbnail previews, but supporting the multiple tabs part is going to take some time. :)
Sep 21, 2009  • #5
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John Doh
3 discussion posts
Awesome. Thanks for letting me know.
Sep 22, 2009  • #6
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