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I am very happy to announce the release of DisplayFusion 3.1.5! This new version is jam-packed with changes, including some overdue cosmetic improvements and important bug fixes. After 1 month of development and endless testing by myself and the DisplayFusion community, it is finally ready for everyone to enjoy. Quite a bit has changed, but here are some of the highlights in this release:

  • Added a "Middle-clicking a taskbar item opens a new application instance" setting for the multi-monitor taskbars (same feature as in Windows 7)
  • Taskbar thumbnail previews now use the Windows 7 style slide/morph effect, instead of fading in/out (affects all versions of Windows)
  • Taskbar now supports Aero rendering in Windows Vista
  • Taskbars are no longer hidden by the "Aero Peek" feature in Windows 7
  • Taskbar thumbnail previews now look correct when Windows font scaling is used
  • Taskbar compatibility improvements: Visual Basic 6, ImgBurn, NewsLeecher, LexisNexis NoteMap, NuSphere PhpED, WinSCP
  • TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: Skype, iTunes, Google Chrome, VMware Player, Console windows, PuTTY
  • Mouse Hook compatibility improvements: SRWare Iron
  • HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons can now position console-style windows correctly (command prompt, Putty... etc)
  • The TitleBar Buttons feature now correctly detects the background/foreground images in Windows 7 and Windows Vista "classic/standard" mode
  • Taskbar thumbnail preview tooltip no longer covers the first taskbar items when the taskbar is vertical
  • Failed wallpaper updates don't show duplicate tray notifications anymore (results in less duplicate tray notifications)

This is just a taste of all the things that have been added and improved in this release. If you are interested in checking out everything that has changed, I invite you to look at the full DisplayFusion Change Log. If you haven't updated to this new version yet, I would encourage you to update today to take advantage of all the improvements.

Oct 19, 2009  • #1
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RJ Pate
3 discussion posts
Would it be ok if I did a review and video of this on Youtube?
I would add your name and give the website to download it.
Also I would explain how I did not make it you did.
If so please email me at
Nov 23, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
WinLinOSX, I've emailed you directly. :)
Nov 23, 2009  • #3
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