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DisplayFusion 3.3 is here! This new version is jam-packed with new features, and tons of bug fixes. The DisplayFusion Taskbars have been overhauled, and have a bunch of new features. You can now group the taskbar buttons, or align the buttons to the left/right side of the taskbar. Windows 7-style thumbnail previews have been added, and you can now add application shortcuts to each taskbar. All of these taskbar settings can be configured independently for each taskbar, so you can customize your desktop to suit your needs.

Here is a quick rundown on some of the big changes in version 3.3:

  • Added a new feature called "Window Location" which allows you to specify which monitor an application should open on
  • Added a "Show Monitor Selector" HotKey/TitleBar Button that can be used to easily move a window to any monitor
  • Created a new tool called DisplayFusionCommand as a way to interact externally with DisplayFusion from the command line: supports load wallpaper profile, load next wallpaper images, load/unload application hooks, open wallpaper window, open settings window
  • Spanned windows now remember their location, just click the "Span Window" TitleBar Button (or use the HotKey) to restore the window's old position
  • Taskbar Improvements: Buttons can be aligned, shortcuts can be added (applications, files, folders and websites), Windows 7-style thumbnail previews, button grouping and more!
  • Tons of performance improvements and small tweaks
DisplayFusion Window Location Settings
DisplayFusion Window Location Settings

I would encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Change Log. I'd like to send out a big thanks to the dozens of people who helped with the DisplayFusion translations, and the thousands of people that helped test the Beta versions. Thanks everyone!

Feb 17, 2011  • #1
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1 discussion post
Great software!!
Feb 17, 2011  • #2
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Yang cheng
1 discussion post
Great Update !
Many thanks !
Mar 7, 2011  • #3
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