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We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 5.1 is now available for download! This version includes some big new features, including new mouse related Functions, mouse cursor wrapping, and support for splitting monitors into separate virtual monitors. (Very handy for AMD Eyefinity/Nvidia Surround setups!)

DisplayFusion will also be on sale at 25% off until September 9th, 2013!
Update: The sale is now over! Thanks to everyone who supported us and purchased a license to support the 5.1 release!

DisplayFusion 5.1 Highlights

  • Added monitor splitting to allow for multiple "virtual" monitors (amazing for AMD Eyefinity/Nvidia Surround setups!)
  • Added a new feature to scroll windows that are under the cursor, even if they are not the active window (Settings > Window Management)
  • Added a new feature to automatically move child windows over the parent (Settings > Window Management)
  • Added mouse cursor wrapping, and mouse cursor anti-snag for unaligned monitors (Settings > Window Management)
  • Added five new mouse cursor related Functions (Settings > Functions)
  • Fixed an issue where application windows extended below the taskbar in some situations
  • Windows 8.1 compatibility improvements
  • The quality of generated wallpaper images is now much higher (Windows 7 and higher)
  • WallpaperFusion plugin improvements: tags can be excluded, and multiple tags can be selected
  • Added an option in the Settings window to login and automatically load your license key
  • Multiple applications can be specified in one Compatibility rule using the | symbol
  • 36 Languages bundled
  • Many other bug fixes, performance, and stability improvements

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thanks to the dozens of people who helped with the DisplayFusion translations, and the thousands of people that helped test the Beta versions. Thanks everyone!

ClipboardFusion: Your Clipboard in the Cloud

ClipboardFusion: Your Clipboard in the CloudClipboardFusion 3.0 is also now available, and it's also on sale for 25% off until September 9th, 2013! ClipboardFusion allows you to manage your Windows clipboard, and sync your clipboard with your mobile devices! Download ClipboardFusion for your smartphone or desktop today and give it a try. There are apps for iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 8, Mac OS X, Linux and much more!

DisplayFusion 5.1 Screenshots

Monitor Splitting
Monitor Splitting
WallpaperFusion Tag Selectors
WallpaperFusion Tag Selectors
New Window Management Features
New Window Management Features
Sep 2, 2013  • #1
SkyWindFox's profile on
What if we bought it on steam? Do we download the update from you or wait till it's posted on steam?
Sep 3, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@JC: You can just hit the Check for Updates button in the DisplayFusion Settings, or download it from us if you like. It will also be available in Steam itself today or tomorrow.
Sep 3, 2013  • #3
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Jacob Munson
9 discussion posts
I love the new mouse features! I haven't been able to scroll a background window since my Linux desktop days, and I love it!
Sep 3, 2013  • #4
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1 discussion post
split monitor new feature, reeeealllyy cool, I was using diffirent program to do that by now.
Sep 4, 2013  • #5
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1 discussion post
Are the mouse features available in the free version? I don't see a "Settings Window Management" option in the free version.
Sep 4, 2013  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@David: The Mouse Management features are Pro only. If you'd like a new 30-day trial key, please send us an email at and we'll send one over :)

@Jake and mike: Glad to hear it!
Sep 4, 2013  • #7
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1 discussion post
Aaand Display Fusion delivers again! The ability to lock the mouse to a single monitor with a press of a button, just what you need with older games in multi monitor environment :) I've been forced to use some crappy software for this until now.
For everyone having multiple monitors, I'd say that Display Fusion Pro is a MUST to have, and definedly worth of every penny.
I've been using the Pro for years now without a single problem with it, so HUGE THANKS for you guys and keep up the good work!
Sep 4, 2013  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Paul: Thanks, that's great to hear!
Sep 5, 2013  • #9
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1 discussion post
I didn't realize how bad I needed this new 5.1 unaligned monitor fix. Keep up the excellent, innovative work!


Sep 5, 2013  • #10
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1 discussion post
No discount for the Steam version?
Sep 6, 2013  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Derek: Thanks!

@Tobias: Not at the moment. We ran one earlier this summer, but I'm sure there will be another one at some point :)
Sep 6, 2013  • #12
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Andrew B Bond
1 discussion post
Excellent marketing there guys "All license types are discounted by 25% until September 9th!" and then when you go to purchase it on September 9th, the sale is already over.

Be clear in your communication - "until September 9th" means that on September 9th you should be able to purchase at a discount. Normal marketing & sales generally show the customer the last available date you can purchase something at a discounted price.

This appears to be an example of a bait & switch to me. It seems like you have until the 9th to make a decision, and then when you wait to evaluate the product and try to purchase on the 9th... Surprise, the sale is already over. Please buy at full price!

Maybe I'll just find a competitor software that has the features I need instead.
Sep 9, 2013  • #13
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Brian: My apologies, it wasn't worded very well. We will gladly extend the sale to anyone who missed it for the next 24 hours. Just email us at with the license type you are interested in. :)
Sep 9, 2013  • #14
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1 discussion post
When I buy the steam version....
Does steam have to run in background all the time
(steam is only started here when really needed, I avoid background tasks)
Oct 24, 2013  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You just need to install it via Steam. After that, DisplayFusion will run without having Steam running in the background. :)
Oct 25, 2013  • #16
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Akram Hameed
1 discussion post
Great update, guys. Thanks for the continuing good work, your software makes my life so much easier!
Nov 28, 2013  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Akram: Thanks, glad to hear it!
Nov 29, 2013  • #18
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Kevin Guinn
1 discussion post
If you can figure out how to bring independent scaling to multiple monitors in Windows 8.x (think one HiDPI and one "legacy") so that I don't have to suffer the horrors of the linked DPI-dependent scaling (which only works for apps that already play nice on HiDPI) or the equal horror of linked scale factor. I will be filled with the type of undying gratitude that makes me want to donate 10 licenses to a worthy charitable cause...
Jan 11, 2014  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Kevin: That would be an awesome feature indeed, but as far as we know, it's not possible to do independent DPI scaling with third-party software due to technical limitations. Windows 8.1 sort of has independent DPI scaling built-in, but it's really clunky :(
Jan 13, 2014  • #20
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