levi wilcox
7 discussion posts
Ever since I've upgraded to 4.3 I haven't been able to run DisplayFusion. My computer (Windows 7 x64 Ultimate) slows down to a crawl until I see a "DisplayFusion has stopped working" prompt for windows to collect information. The entire time I can see the DisplayFusion.exe is running, and there is activity with memory but no cpu use. Even when I get the message that it has stopped working I can still see the exe running.
Here are some of the things I've tried:
Completely uninstalling, deleting any remanence of DF C:/Program Files / (x86), scanning and cleaning the registry.
Then restarting and installing DF 4.3
When that didn't work I tried the exact same cleaning process, only installing the beta this time but unfortunately that yielded the same results.
Repairing the microsoft .NET framework 4 client profile.
Re-installing microsoft .Net framework 4

levi wilcox
7 discussion posts
I don't think you quite understand. I see DisplayFusion.exe process running, but there is no system tray icon or settings window. There are no extra task bars etc. It "looks" like display fusion isn't even running. There is no way to get to the settings to enable logging.

levi wilcox
7 discussion posts
When windows collects info on the crash these are the files it produces.
• Attachment [protected]: DFcrash.zip [1,752,760 bytes]
My bad! I was thinking it was crashing after it had been running, didn't realize it was crashing immediately upon launch.
Can you enable debug logging via the registry before trying to launch DisplayFusion? To do this, set the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\LogDebug value to 1. Then, after it crashes, send me the Send me the %appdata%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file.
Hopefully that will help narrow it down.

levi wilcox
7 discussion posts
OK so I reverted to 4.3, but when I checked the reg there wasn't a string for LogDebug so I created one. It did create a log file so here it is.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [14,190 bytes]

levi wilcox
7 discussion posts
Sorry I just noticed that you had wrote 4.2 instead of 4.3.
4.2 has the same behavior as 4.3 and the log looks pretty similar at a glance.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [7,010 bytes]

levi wilcox
7 discussion posts
I do get the same error however no other programs that use .NET are effected besides binary fortress programs. I have also reinstalled .NET 3.5.1 and .NET 4.5. Are there any other versions of .NET that are required?
Even this website reports "Good news! We have detected that you probably already have the .NET Framework installed,
you don't need to download anything extra from below."
Do you have any ideas on how to fix this problem besides reinstalling windows?

R Raine
3 discussion posts
Was there ever a fix confirmed for this error. I have the same one, but the dual monitor picture is still there and nothing seems to be affected. When windows goes away to find a solution, it never comes back.
Thanks Russ Raine
@Russ: Do you get this error as soon as DisplayFusion starts, or only after it's been running for a while?

R Raine
3 discussion posts
Thanks for the reply. Found the solution, when the screen saver was enabled, the error came up...not necessarily when the screen saver engaged but after using the computer for a while. Time to problem undetermined and variable. Disengaged the screen saver and so far no more problem. No screen saver is not critical as I usually shut off the monitors when not in use to save power.
For your info Using Intel Core2 quad, 8GB ram, Win 7 Pro, 2X Dell U3011 monitors, One picture stretched across the two monitors. I use Advanced System Care to cleanup and optimize.
Anyway, thanks for your time!
Russ Raine
Strange! Were you using any particular screen saver that caused this? And was it the DisplayFusion Screen Saver you were using, or just the normal Windows Screen Saver settings?

R Raine
3 discussion posts
Just the display fusion screen saver with the blank screen option.
Ok, I've never run into that issue before, but I'll set my machine up with those settings to see if I can reproduce it here. Please let me know if you do run into any more trouble at all.