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I'm very happy to announce the release of DisplayFusion v1.2 today! This new version fixes some significant bugs, including one related to people with quad monitors (or more). A huge thanks to Moshe from the forums for helping me squish this bug. Some other notable fixes include a fix for Office 2007 maximized window dragging and a few fixes and speed-ups for the Flickr image integration.


You can find the complete change log here if you want more details. Anyone currently using DisplayFusion is encouraged to upgrade to the latest version, and new people are invited to take it for a test drive.

Check it out today!

Sep 5, 2007  • #1
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Brian Hampson
1 discussion post
No Proxy handling? :(

It really is quite easy in .Net 2.0 I can send you a sample snippet for that.

It can't update in a corporate environment that enforces proxy web access.
Sep 10, 2007  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, this was a gross oversight on my part. I have included proxy capabilities into the latest (unreleased) version of iTunes Sync and will do the same with the next version of DisplayFusion. :)
Sep 11, 2007  • #3
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