Shawn Barnhart
20 discussion posts
Thanks for the tip on MaxTo. It seems to have many of the features I want, although in a brief test it seems some applications don't play nice (iTunes ignores it and resizes full-monitor, AcrobatReader won't resize at all). Putty, vSphere client, Firefox all seem to work OK.
Window snapping to regions seems kind of iffy, but I'd say it's about 75% of what I'm looking for.
@Wolverine: Thanks for posting that utility! Hopefully that will help Shawn out.
@Shawn: DisplayFusion doesn't currently have functionality to split monitors into two, but it's something we may add in the future. If we do, I'll be sure to post an update.

Shawn Barnhart
20 discussion posts
Thanks, it'd be a great feature for DF to have this. It's got way more features than I can practically apply now, but the ability to split a physical display into multiple functional logical displays would definitely be something I'd get a lot of use out of.