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8 discussion posts
I've been doing some testing as of late with 9.7.1 and also the 9.7.2 beta to try and resolve my issue. The problem is that when I enable a 4th monitor in the Monitor Config Display Fusion just locks my PC up 100% with out fail. I tend to toggle monitors around depending what I'm doing with shortcuts though with these version I'm now unable to do so, it will allow me to change 3 of them (any at random) though adding a 4th causes a total lock up. Though if I go into windows to enable/disable a 4th monitor it works just fine.

Luckily! as I'm using the steam version I'm still able to roll back to 9.7 where everything fully works though once I'm, forced to use 9.7.1 via steam the software will no longer be any use due to this bug. I even tried the 9.7.2 beta and it still had the same effect.

Could some advice be given on how/what can fix this issue? or what information one would need to investigate. As much as I adore the product if this is going to be happening with future version It's going to be an issue.
Apr 26, 2021 (modified Apr 26, 2021)  • #1
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I've also attached the DisplayFusion.log & DebugInfo.txt in case they are some use for the Dev's I've also added two videos that I've uploaded to youtube to show the examples. (Hope this helps with investigating :) )

9.7 =

9.7.1 =

9.7.2 = (Happens the same as 9.7.1)
• Attachment [protected]: DebugInfo.txt [257,632 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [1,692,750 bytes]
Apr 26, 2021 (modified Apr 26, 2021)  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Mason,

Thanks for sending those videos over.

1) Does it matter which monitor is the 4th one to be enabled when the crash happens?

2) Does the issue persist if you only have 2 monitors enabled and try to enable that as a third monitor, rather then going 3 -> 4?

Apr 26, 2021  • #3
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8 discussion posts
Hello Owen,

It only happens when it 3>4 If you do 1>2 or 1>3 etc any other combination is just fine

It doesn't matter which monitor is the 4th as originally when I first found it crashing it was another monitor. Though I did test it with other monitor configs as the "4th" and it happened.

I find it rather strange indeed as 9.7 works fine just anything after doesn't.

Even if I do it via windows it works perfectly fine. It just seems to be with 9.7+.

One thing I did find strange though was that when I tested it again today I had music in the background which was still running even when it all "locked" up. So it's almost as if everything locks up but perhaps something is still running in the background, as normally a full system lock would cause music or sound to stop but this doesn't. Yet the only way to get things running again is to force the PC off as nothing responds.
Apr 26, 2021 (modified Apr 26, 2021)  • #4
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I've actually just done a little more testing there to see if it actually ever recovers from the "lockup" and it seems if I leave it for about two minutes it does seem to recover, though usually it takes a second or two. So I do find it strange that it takes over a minute or two to enable a 4th monitor, when the rest are instantaneous. Though despite the sound still playing when it "locks" up it must be freezing something as I even tried to use my media keys on my keyboard and they no longer work till things come back, I also have a stream deck that doesn't respond during this minute or two. :)
Apr 26, 2021 (modified Apr 26, 2021)  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Mason,

Interesting, could you send me over a clean debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Apr 27, 2021  • #6
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8 discussion posts
Hello Again,

Thanks for taking the time to look into this, I've attached the zip file that it produced I enabled the 4th monitor at about 05:20pm and the system was frozen for about 1 minute. I did notice that it was also saying on the Monitor Configuration screen (Not Responding) before the lock up for 1 minute.
• Attachment [protected]: [100,660 bytes]
Apr 27, 2021  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Mason,

Thanks for sending that over. I'm going to attach 3 links below to various version from 9.7-9.7.1. Can you try them out and let me know if/which ones break? We'll try to pinpoint which version it started to fail in.




Apr 30, 2021  • #8
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8 discussion posts

Thanks again.

So after testing.

1. DisplayFusionSetup-9.7.1-Beta2 = Worked Fine

2. DisplayFusionSetup-9.7.1-Beta5 = Crashed

3. DisplayFusionSetup-9.7.1-Beta9 = Crashed

Just to add I'd even been trying a few combinations of Nvidia drivers to see if for any strange reason it had something to do with them, but after trying a few with the same result it seems to be something in the software that isn't playing nice, though it seems Beta2 worked just fine.

If you need any further information do just thanks.

Again thanks for looking into this :D
Apr 30, 2021  • #9
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Mason,

Interesting, I'll attach beta's 3 and 4 as well. Could you try those out and let me know your results?


Beta 3:

Beta 4:
May 3, 2021  • #10
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Beta 3 works fine

Beta 4 crashes, so it seems to be something in beta 4 onwards.

Thanks for looking into this again.

Just to add I see there is a recent update 9.8 I tried that also just to see if there was anything that could help in there, seems not sadly it still cashes.
May 4, 2021 (modified May 5, 2021)  • #11
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Mason,

Thanks for testing those. Interesting, it looks like we made some changes between those two betas to address some error 87 issues. We'll have to compare the changes to see what's causing this.

I've added this to our list to look into, and noted down your contact information, so we'll be sure to let you know if we have any further information on it.

May 5, 2021  • #12
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8 discussion posts
Hello Owen,

Not a problem at all for the time being I've got access to the older version still and the beta ones you've provided via the links that work so it's not the end of the world but hopefully there is something that can be addressed in the future, it's more just my worry that if the older version become obsolete it could be an issue though do take your time on such :)

Once again truly thanks for your time looking into this it's been much appreciated and look forward to hearing what is found in the future.
May 5, 2021  • #13
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Mason,

We've made some changes to our monitor configuration code that should fix this up in our latest beta, as described here:

Please let me know if you run into any issues after updating.

Dec 1, 2022  • #14
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