15 discussion posts
I have a 3 monitor setup. On monitor 3, if I minimize Excel 2007, it appears on the taskbar of monitor 1 - and not on monitor 3's taskbar. I do have the setting to show relevant windows.
After some additional testing, it appears that Excel's task appears in the taskbar on mon 1 periodically through the day as I am working and moving apps around. This happens on 3.04 and 3.05.05-17-09beta. (Hey Jon - the 3.05 beta dated 5/17/09 reports 5.04 (beta) on the about screen.)
What is "magical" about Excel 2007's windows? Word 2007 does not do this...
*I* do - if you minimize an app it appears to go back to the main taskbar when minimizing (the app window itself) if you have not disabled Windows UI features for performance....
I am I.
No worries - on my system is is barely noticeable - and actually kinda kewl....
I am I.

15 discussion posts
I hate to say it, but iTunes has minimizing issues as well. I look forward to testing it with the new build later this month.