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Dave Stewart4
22 discussion posts
Hello DF team,

Not sure if this is in the product and I missed it, but at work this week I'm using an external monitor on my laptop, and I'm pinning icons to it. Because I now have more real estate, I'm moving some of the icons that were pinned to the original taskbar to the new monitor, so they aren't duplicated on both taskbars.

Obviously, when I remove the external monitor, the moved-icons no longer show on the original taskbar, so when I go home at the weekend, I have to re-add them (then move them again the next week at work).

It would be really cool if DF offered some way to remember the icon configuration when your monitor setup changes, eg, if I have 6 pinned icons, but I connect 1, then 2 external monitors, I could manually move the icons (or even add new ones):

1 monitor: A B C D E F
2 Monitors: A B C | D E F
3 monitors: A B | C D | E F

And as I plug and unplug monitors, the configuration updates.

I guess in theory if the configuration was per-configuration, not per system, you could even have completely different icons, like so:

1 monitor: A B C
2 Monitors: A B C | D E F
3 monitors: A B | C D | E F G H I J K

Maybe these could even be set in preferences dialog as "Taskbar Icon Sets", i.e.

Design: A B | C D
Programming: A B C D | E F G H
Office: A B | E F G
On the road: A B C D E F

Nov 15, 2013 (modified Nov 15, 2013)  • #1
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Dave Stewart4
22 discussion posts
I've just discovered Monitor Profiles, which look like they would be perfect for the job.

I've done some testing an it looks like they don't remember the pinned-icon configuration, which is a shame.

It would also be cool if when you plug / unplug monitors, any apps which are open and also pinned, swap to their "owning" monitors.

Nov 15, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Both of these are actually on our feature request list, so I'll add your vote to both, and we'll let you know if/when we're able to implement them :)

Nov 15, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In the latest DisplayFusion beta (, we’ve added two new Functions on the Settings > Functions tab for saving and restoring window positions. Just assign key combinations to them (or set them as TitleBar Buttons), and you should be all set!

Nov 6, 2014  • #4
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