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Daniel Snarr
5 discussion posts
So, I have an issue where sometimes my windows will sit behind the task bar when they're full screen. If I resize it and make it full screen again it will stay behind it. But, if I tell DisplayFusion where I want my task bar to be located again, it works.

Currently I have the windows task bar on the left wall side of my left screen and the DisplayFusion taskbar on the right wall of my right screen. Also, I'm on the most up to date beta version of DisplayFusion.
Sep 19, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This is unfortunately a known issue, but we're still working on a fix for it. I'll be sure to post an update when we have one!

Sep 20, 2012  • #2
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Daniel Snarr
5 discussion posts
Excellent! Just making sure you guys know. I would give more details but I'm not entirely sure as to how I get it to happen.

Thanks for the good work!
Sep 20, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries! It seems to only happen intermittently and we haven't been able to figure out what's triggering it. If you do notice a way to reproduce it consistently, please let us know!
Sep 21, 2012 (modified Sep 21, 2012)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released DisplayFusion 5.1 Beta 8 (, and this issue should hopefully be all fixed up. Please let us know if not.

Jun 26, 2013  • #5
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Daniel Snarr
5 discussion posts
Excellent! Thanks for fixing it! I just installed it and I'll let you know if I have anymore issues.

Good work! :)
Jun 26, 2013  • #6
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