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I don't know what I was thinking when I started giving away 2 week DisplayFusion Pro trial licenses, but that's just crazy. 2 weeks just isn't long enough to get a good feel for everything DisplayFusion Pro has to offer. So, starting today all DisplayFusion Pro trial licenses will last for a full month. What will DisplayFusion Pro give you? You get customizable hotkeys, random wallpaper changing and more. Check out the version comparison for all the details. Head over to the DisplayFusion Trial License page to get your full month of DisplayFusion Pro started today!

Oct 14, 2008  • #1
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Espen Aase Johnsen
1 discussion post
PS: On the comparison-page you did not update the number of days you can try the software, it still says 15 days.
Oct 17, 2008  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the heads-up - I've changed that now. :)
Oct 17, 2008  • #3
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