47 discussion posts
I am a long time DF user and have always used hot keys. Recently I started using the TitleBar button feature and setup 7 custom buttons. All works as expected but a nice option would be to not display the buttons on small windows like dialog windows etc. The tilebar buttons in this case overlap the window title and normally you don't need to interact with the windows except to say yes/no.
A custom setting "Ignore windows smaller than X x Y" would be great.

50 discussion posts
There's already an advanced setting called 'TitleBar Buttons: Minimum Window Width'.
See http://www.displayfusion.com/AdvancedSettings/#titlebarbuttons-minimumwindowwidth

47 discussion posts
Thanks... that sorted it.

5 discussion posts
Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I just looked at the registry, and have a couple of comments.
First and foremost, editing the registry for settings like this is by far the worst form of user friendliness I can possibly think of.
Second, the registry entry mentioned on that page didn't even exist in my registry, so I had to create the key in order to see it in DF advanced settings. The average user not only doesn't have a clue how to do this, but probably would not be comfortable in the least doing so even with instructions.
This ought to be core functionality in the main Settings panel, not requiring users to mess with the registry. Considering how messy it causes small alert windows to appear, and the fact that it frequently covers functional portions of small windows, this really ought to be built into standard settings, and already set by default to exclude windows below a certain width.