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3 discussion posts
I purchased DisplayFusion through Steam when I got a second monitor. I'm aware that AVG screwed up version 9.9, and that DF V10 beta fixed it, and that the latest beta has screwed up the start menu on the second monitor (has been reported elsewhere). Currently, I have a DF installation in my Steam folder in D drive; however, the beta, which as far as I can tell is running through Steam, is installed in Program Files on C drive. (At least that's my assumption, as I've had two occasions where a DF window popped up, asking to install the latest beta, and I didn't pay attention to install location until it was too late.)

Given this, I'm... wary about upgrading my drive. It's something that needs to happen, but if I'd be better off waiting a little while, I suppose I can hold off for now.

Any advice?
Apr 13, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you're referring to this discussion:, it looks like this is only affecting people with OpenShell installed. If you aren't running OpenShell or ClassicShell, it should work fine. If you are running those apps, we should have this fixed up for our next beta if you would prefer to wait.

Apr 13, 2023  • #2
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