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179 discussion posts
Installing Beta27 broke something with maximized windows - when opening one that's maximized by default or moving one to another monitor, it first opens/moves as unmaximized and then maximizes itself after.
I've rolled back to Beta26 and the problem still persists, but it definitely started when upgrading to Beta27 and I haven't changed any settings or updated anything else since then.
Could you please check what could cause this?
Apr 13, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #1
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Just did some further testing and it seems it's actually Beta26 that broke this.
With Beta25, the problem is there but not exactly like this.
Beta26: Opening anything that defaults to maximized or moving any window while maximized opens/moves it first then maximizes it ~1s later.
Beta25: Opening or moving Firefox is totally OK, doesn't get unmaximized. However, moving (but not opening) Total Commander still unmaximizes it first but the subsequent maximizing is a lot faster.
Apr 13, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #2
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Yes, this problem started for me with beta 26. I mentioned it here:

Too bad it's still happening with 10 final. I guess I will stick to beta 25 for now..
Apr 13, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #3
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It seems similar, but for me it's not only happening for hotkeys but also for moving them with a click (bound to middle-click for me) and when manually dragging them too.
And I'm using the same resolution and same everything on all my monitors.
Apr 13, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #4
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It seems similar, but for me it's not only happening for hotkeys but also for moving them with a click (bound to middle-click for me) and when manually dragging them too.

Yes you are right, I experienced this too. I am also using a click (mouse-button 4), which I called a hotkey. I think we are talking about the same issue.
Apr 13, 2023  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a video of the issue happening?
Apr 13, 2023  • #6
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Here it goes, showing the problem with Beta27 in the second file.
Made one with Beta25 for comparison (19-35-02).
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-04-13 19-35-02.mkv [301,169 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-04-13 19-38-27.mkv [360,405 bytes]
Apr 13, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #7
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Firefox seems to have been fixed in 10.0.1-Beta1 but Total Commander is still not quite right, and Notepad++ behaves the same (~1s delay). The latter is already like that in Beta25 though (and probably some more apps I haven't tested yet).
I'd rather not try every earlier version to try and figure out when this was introduced, but I'm willing to try some of them if you have an idea about some culprits (and download links for them since I don't seem to be able to find them anymore).
Apr 18, 2023  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I can't seem to reproduce this on my end. Could you send me over a backup of your DisplayFusion Settings?
Apr 18, 2023  • #9
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Sure, here you go. Hope this helps.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion Backup (2023-04-18 @ 20-01,, HOLLOJE, SettingsWindow).reg [904,786 bytes]
Apr 18, 2023  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, could you attach a copy of your troubleshooting info as well? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Apr 19, 2023  • #11
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Sure, there it is.
• Attachment [protected]: [47,535 bytes]
Apr 19, 2023  • #12
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@JJack33 Could you send me over a copy of your troubleshooting info as well?
Apr 21, 2023  • #13
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13 discussion posts
I'm having a parallel problem with opening program windows maximized - they should open maximized but don't always. This is currently seen in my Eudora program - it opens in 'normal' window then maximizes - but of course while doing so it reorganizes menus/tabs into the position they would be in a 'normal' window, not the maximized. I'm pretty sure as well this is a recent change.
Apr 25, 2023  • #14
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Apr 26, 2023  • #15
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I have attached the file as suggested!
Thanks R :)
• Attachment [protected]: [36,243 bytes]
Apr 26, 2023  • #16
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, does this happen in any other apps besides Eudora?

Could you confirm rolling back fixes this up as well? Here's the link:
Apr 27, 2023  • #17
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Well, now I'm confused.
It turns out that a similar thing happens with a file management program called Xplorer2 ( But not with some of his other programs.
I rolled back to v9.7 and the same thing was happening. But... then I uninstalled the Displayfusion altogether and did a registry scan/clean thing to ensure there was no vestiges.... And the same thing happens!
I don't understand this at all and I do think that it is new, that I would have noticed it before because as I previously mentioned when Eudora opens in this fashion it rearranges the toolbar (too wide for the non-maximum window) and I would surely have noticed that.
So at this point I'm going to take the pointing finger away from DisplayFusion and say that either I'm not so smart and not noticing things, or some other process is interfering with windows in this fashion.
And I'm going to try not to worry about it as it isn't the biggest complaint in the world.
thanks for your help as it is to this point.:-[
Apr 28, 2023  • #18
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Weird, if we're able to find anything on our end we'll let you know.

@Hollo I still can't reproduce this on my end, but we're making some changes in our next beta that we'll get you to test out
Apr 28, 2023  • #19
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Thanks for the update, looking forward to test the new stuff.
Apr 28, 2023  • #20
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta with some changes that might help here, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?
May 3, 2023  • #21
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Firefox is still OK, but the others are still slow to maximize (not that extremely bad though, they went from a ~1s delay to ~0.5s).
May 3, 2023  • #22
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ok interesting, without being able to reproduce this locally we're a bit stuck, but we'll continue to look into it to see if there are any improvements we can make.

May 4, 2023  • #23
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Thanks! I will check and report whenever new versions arrive.
May 4, 2023  • #24
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For me, it all seems good with the latest beta :)
May 4, 2023  • #25
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear!
May 5, 2023  • #26
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179 discussion posts
This is still happening and getting worse with every new version.
I'm trying 10.1.2-Beta1 right now and every maximized window moves this way, most of them with a ~0.5s delay while Firefox takes more than a second to maximize after moving.
Is there anything you can do to fix this?
Sep 21, 2023  • #27
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a debug log from the latest beta? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Sep 22, 2023  • #28
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Sure thing, here it is.

Timestamp: 15:47
1. Firefox with keybind: unmaximized and delay to maximize
2. Firefox with middle-click: unmaximized and very big delay to maximize
3. Thunderbird with keybind: unmaximized and (not that very big ) delay to maximize
4. Thunderbird with middle-click: unmaximized with big delay AND delay to maximize
5. Total Commander (both keybind and middle-click): unmaximized and (not that very big) delay to maximize

Everything else I've tried works the same as Total Commander.

Hope this helps!
• Attachment [protected]: [495,980 bytes]
Sep 22, 2023  • #29
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, we still can't seem to reproduce it here but I'll add it to our list and see if we can find anything.

Sep 29, 2023  • #30
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta with some changes that might fix this up, you can grab it here: Please let me know if you run into any issues after updating.

Jan 12, 2024  • #31
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Yes, unfortunately this is still happening :(
Jan 12, 2024  • #32
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send over updated logs from the beta?
Jan 15, 2024  • #33
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I did the same test as last time:

Timestamp: 18:45
1. Firefox with keybind: unmaximized and delay to maximize
2. Firefox with middle-click: unmaximized and bigger delay to maximize
3. Thunderbird with keybind: unmaximized and (not that very big ) delay to maximize
4. Thunderbird with middle-click: unmaximized and delay to maximize
5. Total Commander (both keybind and middle-click): unmaximized and (not that very big) delay to maximize

I shall note that the delays are now shorter than they were in the previous version so there's definitely progress, but it's still there and pretty annoying.

Hope this helps!
• Attachment [protected]: [188,743 bytes]
Jan 15, 2024  • #34
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I have not been having the problems recently but I did download and install the new beta - and still not seeing any issues. I've attached my log anyway.
Thanks Richard
• Attachment [protected]: [38,736 bytes]
Jan 15, 2024  • #35
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta that should fix this up, please let me know if you run into any issues after updating. You can grab it here:

Apr 24, 2024  • #36
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Tested this with the new beta and now it's even worse than the previous version. :(
Symptom is the same as described above, tested with Thunderbird, Firefox and Total Commander. The delay is even bigger than it was in beta3.
Apr 24, 2024  • #37
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me an updated copy of your troubleshooting info from B4?
Apr 25, 2024  • #38
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Sure, there you go.
• Attachment [protected]: [176,165 bytes]
Apr 25, 2024  • #39
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Sorry, somehow I downloaded another version earlier. Here is the file from Beta4.
• Attachment [protected]: [152,818 bytes]
Apr 25, 2024  • #40
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, without being able to reproduce this locally we're just shooting in the dark unfortunately.

It's really strange I can't reproduce it on my end with your DisplayFusion settings loaded, it makes me think another app is interfereing here. If you disable all your startup apps except DisplayFusion and try again, does the same issue happen?
Apr 26, 2024  • #41
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I have disabled every startup app (except ESET which cannot be disabled), restarted the PC and launched DF manually.
Nothing changed.
The behaviour is exactly the same, with Beta4 being significantly worse.
Apr 26, 2024  • #42
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Just tested beta5 and this is now extremely bad, still getting worse with every new version :(
Jun 26, 2024  • #43
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah this is definitely related to ESET, I was able to reproduce it on my end again when I installed it.

We haven't found a reliable work around for it yet, but if we find a solution in the future we'll let you know.
Jun 27, 2024  • #44
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This is good progress, now we know the cause and you can reproduce it, nice!

Thank you for the update!
Jun 27, 2024  • #45
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This issue is still present in Beta7.
Sep 20, 2024  • #46
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This issue is still present in Beta8.
Oct 26, 2024  • #47
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Still present in Beta10.
Nov 22, 2024  • #48
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This is still extremely bad in v11 and now affects every application.
Is there a chance of a fix or at least have it less bad like it was in previous versions? Looks like I will need to roll back to Beta2 again, it was more tolerable there.
Dec 11, 2024  • #49
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We still haven't been able to find a reliable solution, we'll keep you posted if we have any updates.
Dec 11, 2024  • #50
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