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Ilya Meylikhov
1 discussion post
I've checked the following options:
1) Taskbar -> Taskbar Button Middle-Click Behaviour -> Move to next monitor
2) Window Management -> Enable middle-click window moving (middle-click on a windows's caption bar)

I am experiencing the following issues - some applications moves to 2nd monitor upon mouse middle-button clicking on its window caption bar, and some doesn't. For example Adobe Reader maximized window doesn't, Skype dialogues and main window does, ICQ main window doesn,t but dialogue window does, explorer.exe windows does and so on and so forth. What's the problem? Can't figure out. I've tried to enable/disable the mentioned optons but it didn't helped.
Nov 30, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you attach the info from the Troubleshooting tab in DisplayFusion (or email it to me at

Nov 30, 2011  • #2
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Samuel Kroslak62557
7 discussion posts

I can confirm this behavior on my PC, see my troubleshooting text -
I've noticed that the middle-click function stopped working, when I moved to beta 7 and is still there in beta 8,
(though I'm not sure, could be it was there in beta 6 as well)
Dec 6, 2011 (modified Dec 6, 2011)  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you give the newly-released Beta 9 a try and let me know if you still have the same issues:

Dec 7, 2011  • #4
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Samuel Kroslak62557
7 discussion posts
hello Jon,

I've just installed Beta 9, unfortunately, the problem remains the same...
Dec 8, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, could you please try a couple more things?

Could you try reverting back to DisplayFusion 3.4 and let me know if the issue is still present?

After testing 3.4, please update the latest 3.4.1 beta again, and to the following:
  • Enable debug logging on the Troubleshooting tab and apply the settings
  • Try to middle-click move some windows that don't move
  • Send me ( the Troubleshooting info, as well as the %APPDATA%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file (found by clicking Open Log on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Please note the time that you tried the middle-click moves so that I can narrow it down in the log
Dec 9, 2011  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have reviewed the log you email in, and the only thing I can see that the middle-click move failed with was Steam. I have fixed this issue for Beta 11 (it will also fix other custom-skinned apps as well). Can you send another debug log showing the issue with the other windows you mentioned in your first post (ICQ, Adobe Reader... etc)? Thanks! :)
Dec 12, 2011  • #7
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Samuel Kroslak62557
7 discussion posts
surprisingly, adobe reader seems to work ok on my machine, with beta 10,
I've sent you the log with failing middle-click on firefox...
Dec 14, 2011  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! I've followed up via email, but I'll post the response here for others as well. The behaviour change is intentional for Firefox, as normally, Firefox uses middle-click for opening a new tab. The behaviour can be changed by enabling the Advanced Setting shown in the attached screenshot.

• Attachment: Advanced Settings.jpg [176,898 bytes]
Advanced Settings.jpg
Advanced Settings.jpg
Dec 14, 2011  • #9
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