14 discussion posts
Windows XP SP3.
Display Fusion 3.2.0
Opera version 10.70 build 9053.
I use Opera, and I middle-click to close tabs. If I have DF-Window Management-Enable Middle-click window moving (middle-click on a windows caption bar) enabled and I close a tab in Opera with middle-click the tab closes and then Opera moves the the second monitor! I think this may be due to the fact that Opera (like Chrome) has an integrated titlebar that includes the tabs etc. Which would make me wonder if it also happens in Chrome? I don't have use Chrome though so I can't confirm.
After looking into this issue, it appears Opera really doesn't like middle-clicking anywhere in the caption bar. If you middle-click a tab, it closes the tab. If you middle-click in the empty space it opens the Speed Dial tab. My suggestion, is to add a Compatibility option for Opera and disallow "Middle-click window moving". You can find out more here:

4 discussion posts
It seems that this issue has reared its head again in the latest update to DisplayFusion in Chrome at least.
I'm using DisplayFusion v3.5.0 Beta 5 and Chrome 17.0.963.46 (latest release as of today)
It only seem to happen when middle-clicking on the far right tab to close however, I don't have the problem when closing tabs that are surrounded by other tabs
I've confirmed this issue and we'll hopefully have it fixed up for one of the next couple of beta versions.

10 discussion posts
Can you add that "special code" to Opera Next as well? Since it uses the same engine as Chrome in this version I thought it might be possible.
Awesome, glad to hear it!

Eric Schewe
3 discussion posts
This bug has returned with Opera 21.0.1432.67
I'm on Windows 7 and using DF 6.0.0 Beta 6.

Eric Schewe
3 discussion posts
Looks like you've fixed it!