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John Plattner1
3 discussion posts
I just upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7 Pro (64 bit)
I am using Display Fusion Pro V 3.4.0

I notice now (this behavior did not happen on Vista) that when I have a RDP session in full screen mode and I use the middle button click to move the screen to a different monitor the connection bar remains on the current monitor i.e. it does not move to the next monitor along with the screen.

Trouble shooting log attached
• Attachment: New Text Document.txt [36,458 bytes]
Oct 11, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've attempted to fix this before without any luck, but we'll have another go at it and see what we can do. I'll be sure to post an update when we have more news.

Oct 11, 2011  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just wanted to follow-up, this issue is all fixed up in 3.4.1 Beta 4.

The latest beta version can be downloaded here:

Nov 23, 2011  • #3
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John Plattner1
3 discussion posts

I downloaded and installed V3.4.1 (Beta 4).

This unfortunately still does not work entirely correct.

If I have an RDP window open full screen on one monitor and double middle click on the connection bar, the screen (and connection bar) do snap to the next window. HOWEVER, the window is NO LONGER in full screen mode.

I have to double left click on the window title bar to get it back in full screen mode
Nov 28, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Are your monitors different resolutions? If so, this is the intended behaviour, because the RDP connections don't change resolutions when moved, they need to be disconnected and reconnected for the resolution to change.

I actually use a product called Royal TS for my RDP connections because it will automatically disconnect and reconnect when the window size changes. More info can be found here:

Nov 29, 2011 (modified Nov 29, 2011)  • #5
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John Plattner1
3 discussion posts
Well...they are the same resolution (1920x1080) but they are different sizes (25 inch and 27 inch).

I tried Royal TS, but unfortunately I cannot use it. This is because all my RDP sessions are to desktops inside the company network. I am connecting to the company network using Juniper Networks VPN. The VPN has a Secure Application Manager that only allows certain client applications to connect through the VPN. Royal TS is not on the list of applications, hence I cannot use it.

Guess I'll have to live with the current behavior. (Just as an aside, when I was on Vista I was running two monitors of the same resolution but different dimensions without this behavior.)
Nov 29, 2011  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, it should stay maximized if the screens are the same resolution, even if they are different sizes. Just tested with a couple of different sized screens, both set to 1024x768.

Could you attach or email me ( the info from the Troubleshooting tab in DisplayFusion?

Nov 29, 2011  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just wanted to post a follow-up in case anyone else is having the same issue. The problem was resolved by disabling the "Window: Use New Method To Move Windows" Advanced Setting.
Nov 30, 2011  • #8
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