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9 discussion posts
I have had consistent issues with Discord for years with regards to Multi-Monitor Taskbars. When I have Discord pinned on a non-primary monitor, it works fine until Discord updates whereupon the pin no longer recognizes the running Discord process and I have to un-pin and re-pin the newly updated version

This thread ^^ looks like it's saying that the issue should be fixed, but it appears to be still broken for me. I am on 10.1.2 (Steam Version), and as far as I can tell, there are no further beta version (and 10.1.2 is from after that thread).

Is it possible that the fix for this wasn't rolled into the release version of the app?
Nov 30, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The next time this happens, could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info while you have discord opened (and it's not combining with the original icon)? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Nov 30, 2023  • #2
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9 discussion posts
The next time this happens, could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info while you have discord opened (and it's not combining with the original icon)? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Attached. It took a few days for there to be a Discord update.
• Attachment [protected]: [89,827 bytes]
Dec 7, 2023  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! It definitely looks like the shortcut didn't auto-update like it should be. If you haven't already manually fixed the shortcut, could you try restarting DisplayFusion to see if it updates the shortcut on restart?
Dec 8, 2023  • #4
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That didn't fix the issue, but it did change the icon for the saved pin...

I uploaded a new copy of those troubleshooter files, as well as an image showing that the saved icon for Discord (the old pinned copy) changed to a weird old discord icon. I don't know if that means anything, but I figured it was worth including
• Attachment [protected]: df_pinned_items.png [20,949 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: [63,409 bytes]
Dec 8, 2023  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! I'll pass this info over to our devs to look into further.
Dec 11, 2023  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Do you have Discord installed using the downloaded installer, or is it installed through the Windows Store?
Dec 11, 2023  • #7
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Do you have Discord installed using the downloaded installer, or is it installed through the Windows Store?

Through the downloaded installer. I don't use the Windows Store in general.

And is it okay if I go ahead and manually fix my pinned item now? The visual annoyance is one thing, but I can't open Discord from that pin because it tries to locate the older version of the Discord exe and fails. I have been having to manually open it since the update.

I will likely be able to replicate the issue again in a few days whenever there is an attempted fix, as Discord updates fairly regularly.
Dec 11, 2023  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Oh yep, no problem at all, you can re-pin it. I'll set it up here and try to reproduce the issue as well.
Dec 13, 2023  • #9
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Just popping by to see if there's a fix for this. The issue is still happening on my side (happened this afternoon with a Discord update)
Jan 20, 2024  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No update yet, sorry! I've just checked my shortcut and it got automatically updated with the last couple of updates, so I'm a bit stumped at the moment.

Do you always launch Discord via the pinned button on the DisplayFusion taskbar?
Jan 24, 2024  • #11
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Yes. I don't reboot my computer all that often, so Discord tends to be running for like, 2 weeks or more at a time, but when I do restart, I open Discord by clicking the pin on the DF taskbar.
Jan 29, 2024  • #12
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I've been poking around for a solution to this issue as well, and believe it has something to do WITH changing the icon on the pinned item - after discord updates, it returns as a new icon on the taskbar showing the default icon, not the custom one changed in the pinned taskbar settings.

I read through this discussion and decided to test a few updates WITHOUT changing the icon and it stays! When I leave the icon as default, updates no longer break the pinned item.

I'm just not sure why the custom icon breaks Discord when I've had a custom icon for Chrome for years without issues...

Tested both with Discord Canary and Stable.
Feb 2, 2024  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! I'll give that a try :)
Feb 2, 2024  • #14
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Made an insteresting discovery today, just not sure if it's good news or bad news..
I had spent a bit under a week leaving Discord Canary with the default icon, I pushed two updates to it in that time.
I made my post here and last night changed the icon for Discord Canary back to the old square ''classic'' Discord icon.
Since then, all my updates have actually "remembered" the icon and worked as intended.

I double checked by closing the program out entirely with an update in queue and when it reopened just now it still has the same spot and same custom icon in Display Fusion taskbar.

Could be great news if leaving pinned items unchanged for a few updates fixes the issue for anyone else, but also might mean that testing this problem might not replicate results??
Feb 3, 2024  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Gotta love intermittent issues :D

I haven't run into any trouble here yet with my Discord pin and custom icon but I'll keep a close watch on it.
Feb 6, 2024  • #16
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It broke again yesterday.
Testing another update now with default icon, working as intended.

I am testing with Canary, I'm going to start taking notes of the pinned item in DisplayFusion, as Canary updates more frequently, I can watch the build number to see if the directory is changing at the same time as the custom icon disappearing etc.

Currently, Discord is pinned at .\app-1.0.175\DiscordCanary.exe
Current build for Discord is Canary 264532 (ff07e79) Host 1.0.175 x86 (43675)
I ran the previous update with default icon again, I'll be changing back to a custom icon and return with another post as I find anything out.
Feb 7, 2024 (modified Feb 7, 2024)  • #17
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7 discussion posts
So I've been updating more frequently to try and find the cause of the break:
It appears as though my luck last week with the updates not breaking the icon was coincidental:
Minor updates to the binary do not break the icon, but updates to the client host build do-

client host updates are the updates that change the build number of the directory the exe binary is stored in.

I have also noted that changing the 'application directory' of the pinned item in DisplayFusion so that it matches the current build directory fixes the issue and returns the program back to it's original pinned place with the custom icon.

canary 264797 (b375cc2)
Host 1.0.176 x86 (43698) 

----- icon kept -----

canary 264975 (eef70b3)
Host 1.0.176 x86 (43711)

----- icon broke -----

canary 265157 (b28e06c)
Host 1.0.177 x86 (43747)

I almost doubt this information is useful, but at least means "leaving pinned items as default" is confirmed not a workaround or fix.
Feb 9, 2024 (modified Feb 9, 2024)  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's good to know at least! Was the icon originally pinned by right-clicking the button for the running window and choosing "Pin to taskbar" or did you manually create the pinned item?
Feb 15, 2024  • #19
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At first I was right clicking the default icon every time it reappeared to pin it.
This last week I've just been editing the old pin and changing the host build number to be +1.

Both the above act the same way,
although I've not built a taskbar pin from scratch.

Since Discord does have a property for the Metro (Universal) App ID, I attempted to edit a pin to only contain that data and omit the application directory, but it refused to save.
I have updated my pin with the checkbox "is this a Metro app" to enabled after today to see if this affects the next handful of updates.
Feb 17, 2024  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good! I've got a Discord Canary button pinned here and I'm keeping an eye out for the next update as well to see what happens.

Feb 23, 2024  • #21
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It took a while!

Updated Discord Canary this morning to 0.184 and the icon broke, test was with the mentioned "metro app" option selected.
Updating the directory for the pin fixes the issue, uncertain how or if that directory could be automatically updated without needing to edit the pin.
Discord does have multiple executables that can call the main application, some of which don't change directories, but I believe they all call the 0.184\Discord.exe into action and then close.

Besides pinning other random discord related executables, at this point I'm out of ideas to test.

My setup is:
Main taskbar is Windows while secondary taskbar is DisplayFusion.
Secondary taskbar has had Chrome pinned with a custom icon for years without issues, the pinned icon for chrome does not contain a version or build number in the directory, it is ProgramFiles\Chrome\Chrome.exe
• Attachment [protected]: discord edit.JPG [35,278 bytes]
Feb 29, 2024  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! I was able to reproduce it here by doing the following:

  • Exit Discord
  • Launch Discord from Start menu
  • Discord updated, and the DF pinned item still has the old path, so doesn't combine

But, if I then fully exited Discord, then launched from the DF pinned item, the DF pinned item updated its path correctly and everything is good. So it seems like our code for updating the pinned item path just needs to be triggered in another spot. We'll see what we can do :)
Mar 1, 2024  • #23
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This reply is very long overdue and I think is mostly recapturing what was discovered above-
A few months ago, I discovered (by accident) that there is a very simple way to update the taskbar icon.
I've attached a gif showcasing my discovery.

This issue is caused by the main taskbar still being managed by Windows, and still being the primary focus of opening programs, such as in this case-
Updating discord from within the client ALSO seems to cause the duplicate icon to appear, however both are solved by simply clicking the Display Fusion icon already present (inactive), which seemingly updates / corrects the shortcut to the updated version of the client.
• Attachment: oh.gif [83,613 bytes]
Sep 13, 2024 (modified Sep 13, 2024)  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah that makes sense. DisplayFusion can't always auto-detect that the pinned icon needs a path update so it does it on launch.
Sep 13, 2024  • #25
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Emil Jensen
3 discussion posts
This reply is very long overdue and I think is mostly recapturing what was discovered above-
A few months ago, I discovered (by accident) that there is a very simple way to update the taskbar icon.
I've attached a gif showcasing my discovery.

This issue is caused by the main taskbar still being managed by Windows, and still being the primary focus of opening programs, such as in this case-
Updating discord from within the client ALSO seems to cause the duplicate icon to appear, however both are solved by simply clicking the Display Fusion icon already present (inactive), which seemingly updates / corrects the shortcut to the updated version of the client.

Sorry for a bit of a gravedig here.
This doesn't seem to work for me, whether I click the DF pinned icon while the new discord is open or not. Just nothing happens.
Though perhaps you mean you press it after manually editing the path to the new exe?

I'm on 11.0.5
26 days ago  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Emil: You should just be able to click the pinned button for Discord when it's not running and DisplayFusion will try to update the path automatically. Is Discord fully not running, or is it just in the tray? Can you check the Windows Task Manager > Details tab to make sure that Discord.exe is not listed before clicking on the DF taskbar pinned shortcut?

23 days ago  • #27
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Emil Jensen
3 discussion posts
@Emil: You should just be able to click the pinned button for Discord when it's not running and DisplayFusion will try to update the path automatically. Is Discord fully not running, or is it just in the tray? Can you check the Windows Task Manager > Details tab to make sure that Discord.exe is not listed before clicking on the DF taskbar pinned shortcut?


Hey, sorry for a bit later reply. Quite inconvenient having to wait for updates.
No it's not running in task manager > details
• Attachment [protected]: [70,018 bytes]
8 days ago  • #28
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
How long ago did you create this shortcut? If it was a while ago, could you try unpinning it and pinning a new one? Whenever we added the fix for auto-updating the path, I think it required the pinned shortcut to be removed and re-created before it would start working.
4 days ago  • #29
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Emil Jensen
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Sometime after november 13th as I reinstalled windows then, I'll give it a try.
3 days ago  • #30
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good! Keep me posted if it's still an issue after re-creating the pinned shortcut.

1 day ago  • #31
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