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Aaron Spurlock
15 discussion posts
I apologize in advance if this is already answered! I did a cursory search and nothing stuck out. I'm having two issues with my new computer with DisplayFusion on it. I have 4 monitors, all connected to one video card, and when I move my mouse vertically between monitor "1" and the other 3, it has problems.

I'll start by saying that the mouse "sticks" on the edges of the monitors when moving from 2,4 up to 1. It DOES NOT stick when moving from 3 to 1. Same going the other direction. Down from 1 to 2,4 sticks; 1 to 3 does not. By "sticking" I mean if you aren't moving the mouse with some velocity it hangs on the edge and will stay there until you move the mouse faster or further, if that makes sense. I'm not sure if this is related to my next problem, and this one occurs even when DisplayFusion is not loaded.

My other problem only occurs when DisplayFusion is loaded. When I move UP to monitor 1, everything works as expected as far as where the mouse ends up on monitor 1. When I move DOWN, however ALL mouse movement ends up on the top right corner of monitor 3. I've tried to illustrate that in the attached image. Again, this ONLY happens when DisplayFusion is loaded.

I'm not sure if it could be related, but I DID move the video card and monitors from my old computer to my new computer. And this did not happen on my old computer.
• Attachment: monitors.png [28,765 bytes]
Sep 14, 2021  • #1
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Aaron Spurlock
15 discussion posts
Forgot to mention, I am currently running 10.0 Beta 3, hoping that might change something, but it has not.
Sep 14, 2021  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Aaron,

Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Sep 15, 2021  • #3
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Aaron Spurlock
15 discussion posts
Here you go.
• Attachment [protected]: [39,145 bytes]
Sep 15, 2021  • #4
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Aaron Spurlock
15 discussion posts
And actually something I realized as I was working with this is that on monitor 3, if I move UP at any location on the monitor, it ends up on the bottom left corner of monitor 1, regardless of where I am when I move up. The expectation of course is that I cannot move up unless I am at the point where they overlap.
Sep 15, 2021  • #5
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65 discussion posts
<sigh> I think this is just a variation on a problem that has been around for at least two years now. In a previous post Keith said it was scheduled to be fixed in 9.7.1 (after getting bumped). Clearly that didn't happen.

Anyway, here are links to previous discussions:

Given Windows 11 changes and other (more serious?) issues, the only bugs that get fixed are those with a lot of people complaining. <sigh>
Sep 15, 2021  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Aaron,

Thanks for sending that over. It looks like there is a slight gap between monitor 1 and monitor 2 & 4. If you open up the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window, can you click and drag the monitors so they are tight together? Even something as small as a 1 pixel gap can cause these mouse issues.

After doing that, let me know if those mouse movements to monitor 3 keep happening. Since monitor 3 was the only monitor touching monitor 1, it may fix up that issue up after adjusting the positions as well.

I don't believe these are the same issues as @sandmann mentioned since it's not mouse wrapping, but it might be!

Sep 16, 2021  • #7
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Aaron Spurlock
15 discussion posts
Yes, that was mostly the problem. I thought I had checked that, but I just moved the monitors until they all snapped and applied that. It now does NOT stick when moving, and when I move down from 1, it goes to the correct location on 3,2,4.

BUT (there's always a BUT), moving UP from 2 is fine. Moving up from 3 or 4 anywhere along their top edge, puts the mouse at the corner of monitor 1. It IS the proper corner, but still, I would expect it to NOT move up, unless I'm moving up from where the overlap shows. Unless there is a setting for that?
Sep 16, 2021  • #8
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Aaron Spurlock
15 discussion posts
Fixed. I just disabled under mouse management:

Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges
Prevent mouse cursor from sticking in Sticky Corners (Windows 10 only)

I think I had turned those both on during earlier troubleshooting. With them off and the monitors aligned, behavior is back to what is expected!

Sep 16, 2021  • #9
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