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2 discussion posts

DF v. 3.3.1. On my Win7 (64-bit) taskbar as in XP, one could right-click and chose "Close All" within a group. DF does not seem to allow that -- no such options or any option, i.e. Min, Max, etc.: one has to close each window separately.

I did an ad hoc example of this by opening 3 windows of Firefox as reflected in the attached [color=green]screenshot[/color] and [color=blue]highlighted in blue [/color] in the DF data below (I removed some of the non-taskbar data due to it crossing over posting character limit). I checked the DF settings for Tasbar, saw none related to this. Maybe I'm not seeing a setting for this?


***** Machine **********************************************
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.65536)
Detected Version: Windows7 / Server2008R2 (Windows7 / Server2008R2)
x64 Process / System: True / True
Date/Time (UTC): 07/09/2011 10:54:10
Date/Time (Local): 07/09/2011 03:54:10
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.5444
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
Administrator: True
UAC Enabled: False
On Battery: False

***** DisplayFusion ************************************
Name: DisplayFusion Pro v3.3.1
Build Date: Jun 01, 2011 14:32
Pro: True
License Key: fcb1edb7b26a4329e0b88f8ed5b8eacf
Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
Current Folder: C:\Windows\system32
System Hooks Loaded: True
System Hooks Pause FullScreen: False
Process Integrity Level: High
Process CPU Affinity: 0 (6 cores)
Memory Trim: True
Font Scaling Mode: XPStyle
Font Scaling (Forced): 1 (96 ~ NoScaleMode: False ~ Error: False)
Font Scaling (Not Forced): 1 (96 ~ NoScaleMode: False ~ Error: False)
Font Scaling Correct: True

***** Monitor 1 (Primary:True ~ Attached:True) *********
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 XT
Monitor: Generic Non-PnP Monitor
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Colours: 32 bpp
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=1024}
WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994}

***** Monitor 2 (Primary:False ~ Attached:True) ********
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 XT
Monitor: Generic Non-PnP Monitor
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2
Colours: 32 bpp
Bounds: {X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=1024}
WorkArea: {X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994}

***** Monitors by Bounds *******************************
1, 2
Force Order: None

***** HotKeys [24] *************************************
Enabled: True
"Move window to next monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;88 ~ Windows Aero\Next Monitor.png ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor"
"Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor (Pro Only)" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor (Pro Only)"
"Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Focused Window (Pro Only)" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Focused Window (Pro Only)"
"Move window to center of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;81 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to center of monitor"
"Move window to center of monitor and size to 75%" ~ CTRL;WIN;83 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to center of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 75%, Change window height to specified percentage: 75%"
"Move window to next monitor and maximize" ~ CTRL;WIN;65 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and maximize"
"Move window to next monitor and size proportionally" ~ CTRL;WIN;90 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and size proportionally"
"Move window to previous monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;87 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor"
"Move window to previous monitor and maximize" ~ CTRL;WIN;69 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and maximize"
"Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally" ~ CTRL;WIN;68 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally"
"Next random wallpaper image (Pro only)" ~ CTRL;WIN;82 ~ ~ Description: "Next random wallpaper image (Pro only)"
"Show Monitor Selector (Pro Only)" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Show Monitor Selector (Pro Only)"
"Size and move window to bottom side of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;40 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to bottom side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 100%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Size and move window to left side of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;37 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to left side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 100%"
"Size and move window to right side of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;39 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to right side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 100%"
"Size and move window to top side of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;38 ~ ~ Description: "Move window to top side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 100%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Span window across all monitors" ~ CTRL;WIN;192 ~ ~ Description: "Span window across all monitors"
"Start Screen Saver (Pro Only)" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Start Screen Saver (Pro Only)"
"Toggle Freeze Current Wallpaper Images" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Toggle Freeze Current Wallpaper Images"
"Toggle HotKeys" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Toggle HotKeys"
"Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar (Pro only)" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar (Pro only)"
"Toggle TitleBar Buttons" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Toggle TitleBar Buttons"
"Toggle Window Always on Top" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Toggle Window Always on Top"
"Toggle Window Transparency (50%)" ~ * ~ ~ Description: "Toggle Window Transparency (50%)"

***** TitleBar Buttons *********************************
Enabled: True
Minimum Window Width: 0
Standard Backgrounds: False
Aero Positioning: True
DisplayFusion Caption Button Size: {Width=31, Height=17}
System Caption Button Size: {Width=35, Height=21}
Detected Caption Button Size: {Width=31, Height=17}
Custom Background: Blank

***** TitleBar Button Windows [4] **********************
"Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" ~ 0x00230a82 ~ Window:{X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994} ~ Buttons:{X=2382,Y=-19,Width=72,Height=60} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Process:x86 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "MozillaUIWindowClass" ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" ~ 0x002a0464 ~ Window:{X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994} ~ Buttons:{X=2382,Y=-19,Width=72,Height=60} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Process:x86 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "MozillaUIWindowClass" ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" ~ 0x0040037a ~ Window:{X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994} ~ Buttons:{X=2382,Y=-19,Width=72,Height=60} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Process:x86 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "MozillaUIWindowClass" ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"DisplayFusion Pro ~ Settings" ~ 0x000d03aa ~ Window:{X=1512,Y=210,Width=817,Height=575} ~ Buttons:{X=2202,Y=191,Width=72,Height=60} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "" ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"

[color=blue]***** Taskbars *****************************************
Enabled: True
Taskbar Mode: WindowsShowsAll
Middle-Click Behaviour: OpenNewInstance
Button Style: IconsAndText
Opacity: 100
Flash Blink: True
Thumbnail Preview: Win7Style
Thumbnail Preview Animations: True
Sizing Bar Size: 0
Button Width Max: 160
Button Width Override: 0
Button Icon Size: 16
Button Gap Size: {Width=2, Height=0}
Clock Time Format (use/default): h:mm tt / h:mm:ss tt
Windows Taskbar Side: Bottom
Windows Taskbar Size: {Width=1280, Height=30}
Windows Taskbar Bounds: {X=0,Y=994,Width=1280,Height=30}
Windows Taskbar Monitor Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=1024}
Windows Render Mode (system): Aero
Windows Render Mode (current): Aero
Disabled Taskbars: None
Colour Tracking Override: None
Updates Waiting: 2
Button Height: 30
Text Glow Size: 0
Count: 1

***** Taskbar 1 ****************************************
Location: {X=1280,Y=994,Width=1280,Height=30}
Monitor ID: 2
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Bottom
Size: Automatic
Auto-Hide: Disabled
Button Grouping: True
TopMost: True [TopMost Skipped: Context Menu Shown [Top: True ~ Force Top: True ~ Force Bottom: False ~ ProcessButtons [3]]]
Buttons (2):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ "Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Handles:0x00230a82:0x00230a82:0x00230a82 ~ ImageType:GCL_HIconSM ~ NormalIcon:{Width=16, Height=16} ~ LargeIcon:{Width=32, Height=32} ~ Exception:None ~ Type:GenericAppWindow ~ WindowPosition:{X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994} ~ ID:7a3625a1-2539-4b25-a500-42a77f58012c
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ "Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Handles:0x002a0464:0x002a0464:0x002a0464 ~ ImageType:GCL_HIconSM ~ NormalIcon:{Width=16, Height=16} ~ LargeIcon:{Width=32, Height=32} ~ Exception:None ~ Type:GenericAppWindow ~ WindowPosition:{X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994} ~ ID:7a3625a1-2539-4b25-a500-42a77f58012c
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ "Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Handles:0x0040037a:0x0040037a:0x0040037a ~ ImageType:GCL_HIconSM ~ NormalIcon:{Width=16, Height=16} ~ LargeIcon:{Width=32, Height=32} ~ Exception:None ~ Type:GenericAppWindow ~ WindowPosition:{X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994} ~ ID:7a3625a1-2539-4b25-a500-42a77f58012c
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe" ~ "DisplayFusion Pro ~ Settings" ~ Handles:0x000d03aa:0x000d03aa:0x000d03aa ~ ImageType:Icon_Small2 ~ NormalIcon:{Width=16, Height=16} ~ LargeIcon:{Width=32, Height=32} ~ Exception:None ~ Type:GenericAppWindow ~ WindowPosition:{X=1517,Y=215,Width=807,Height=565} ~ ID:64b31e15-55bc-4660-b28d-729e916571ce

***** Taskbar Deleted Items [0] ************************

***** Taskbar Items [6] ********************************
"DisplayFusion Pro ~ Settings" (0x000d03aa:0x000d03aa:0x000d03aa ~ None ~ {X=1517,Y=215,Width=807,Height=565})
"Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" (0x00230a82:0x00230a82:0x00230a82 ~ None ~ {X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994})
"Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" (0x002a0464:0x002a0464:0x002a0464 ~ None ~ {X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994})
"Sony Creative Software - Forums - Vegas Pro - Video Messages - Mozilla Firefox" (0x0040037a:0x0040037a:0x0040037a ~ None ~ {X=1280,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=994})
"NEW SXC 7-09" (0x002509a4:0x002509a4:0x002509a4 ~ None ~ {X=0,Y=53,Width=1262,Height=640})
"TEMP HV30 CAP" (0x0073037e:0x0073037e:0x0073037e ~ None ~ {X=0,Y=195,Width=1262,Height=640})

***** Taskbar Start Menu *******************************
Start Button: 0x000100b4 ~ "Button"
Start Menu: 0x00050106 ~ Win7 ~ "DV2ControlHost" ~ {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0}
Button Normal: 54x54
Button Hover: 54x54
Button Pressed: 54x54
Text Start: "Start"
Text Window: "Start menu"
MUI Path: "C:\Windows\en-US\explorer.exe.mui" (Exists: True)

***** Window Snapping **********************************
Snap to Monitor Edges: False
Snap to Application Window Edges: False
Snap Distance: 10
Snap Mode: Always
Snap Modifier: Shift
Sticky Mode: Sticky

***** Window Management ********************************
Maximized Window Dragging: True
Maximized Window Dragging Overlay: True
Middle-Click Window Moving: True
Window Move/Size ToolTips: False
Win+M Helper: False
Window Move Use New Method: False
Spanned Window Memory: 0

***** Window Location [0] ******************************
Enabled: True
Taskbar Shortcuts Waiting: 0

***** Advanced Settings ********************************
General: Application Hooks Disabled: --
General: Memory Trim Disabled: --
General: Monitor Order: --
General: Pause Global Hooks on Fullscreen: --
General: Processor Affinity: --
General: Run as a High Priority Process: --
General: Show Language Errors: --
Taskbar: Auto-Hide Animation Disabled: --
Taskbar: Button Dragging Icons: --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #1): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open key.
"CurrentUser\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\1\ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #2): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #3): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open key.
"CurrentUser\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\3\ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #4): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open key.
"CurrentUser\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\4\ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #5): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open key.
"CurrentUser\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\5\ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #6): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open key.
"CurrentUser\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\6\ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #7): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open key.
"CurrentUser\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\7\ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #8): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open key.
"CurrentUser\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\8\ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #9): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open key.
"CurrentUser\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\9\ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Text: --
Taskbar: Colour Tracking Override: --
Taskbar: Highlighted Taskbar Buttons Blink: --
Taskbar: Show on All Monitors: --
Taskbar: Taskbar Button Gap Size (X): --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Animation: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Delay: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Size: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview ToolTips: --
Taskbar: Windows Key Opens DisplayFusion Start Menu Disabled: --
TitleBar Buttons: Custom Button Background: --
TitleBar Buttons: Don't Hide for Top-Tabs (Chrome, Firefox 4): --
TitleBar Buttons: Don't use Aero TitleBar Button Positioning: --
TitleBar Buttons: Horizontal Offset: --
TitleBar Buttons: Minimum Window Width: --
TitleBar Buttons: Show Debug Info: --
TitleBar Buttons: Vertical Offset: --
Wallpaper: Generated Folder Override: --
Wallpaper: Run Program After Wallpaper Change: --
Wallpaper: Show Wallpaper Apply Prompt: --
Wallpaper: Startup Change Delay: --
Window: Use New Method To Move Windows: --

***** Branding *****************************************
Not Loaded

***** Hooks ********************************************
API Force Disabled: False
x86 Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\DisplayFusionHookx86_4417F830-AEBE-4EFA-8099-847270A46BAB.dll
x86 Loaded: True
x64 Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\DisplayFusionHookx64_15B7D83E-73C6-447B-AB28-A4FD82CAA24B.dll
x64 Loaded: True
Notify GUID: dbb4f8ca-bfdc-45c3-80c9-16cf1e025729

***** File: DisplayFusion ******************************
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe
Name: DisplayFusion
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 1,949,088 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Jun 01, 2011 @ 21:32

***** File: DisplayFusion x86 Hook DLL *****************
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\DisplayFusionHookx86_4417F830-AEBE-4EFA-8099-847270A46BAB.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 96,168 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): May 13, 2011 @ 02:12

***** File: DisplayFusion x64 Hook DLL *****************
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\DisplayFusionHookx64_15B7D83E-73C6-447B-AB28-A4FD82CAA24B.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 115,112 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): May 13, 2011 @ 02:12

***** File: DisplayFusion x86 Hook *********************
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook x86
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 95,656 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 29, 2011 @ 05:40

***** File: DisplayFusion Helper ***********************
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHelper.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Helper
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 181,168 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Jun 01, 2011 @ 21:32

***** File: DisplayFusion Screen Saver *****************
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DFSSaver.scr
Name: DisplayFusion Screen Saver
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 270,264 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Jun 01, 2011 @ 21:32

***** Managed Threads [6] ******************************
ID:3 ~ Name:HookManager ~ Age:15 hours, 42 minutes ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManager_ac313777-3b3e-4a54-b625-943482693659
ID:4 ~ Name:HookManagerProcess ~ Age:15 hours, 42 minutes ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManagerProcess_888cb69f-fe76-41b0-9d91-c9f725f282eb
ID:5 ~ Name:HookManagerWaitForEvents ~ Age:15 hours, 42 minutes ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManagerWaitForEvents_64c0e66b-2b98-459d-97db-569d5651e668
ID:6 ~ Name:TaskbarManager ~ Age:15 hours, 42 minutes ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TaskbarManager_01af51f2-9bf8-4bb6-a1a1-53b808723f4b
ID:77 ~ Name:TitleBarManager ~ Age:1 minute ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TitleBarManager_3ab5bc56-4a20-4903-9b71-ce3ffce125b6
ID:88 ~ Name:WindowLocationManager ~ Age:1 minute ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:WindowLocationManager_107eb576-8b2e-4cb8-9528-967abe220d0d
• Attachment: DF TASKBAR.jpg [136,388 bytes]
Jul 9, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's not currently possible, but it is planned for one of the later 3.4.0 beta versions.

You can follow the progress of the beta versions here:

Jul 11, 2011  • #2
User Image
2 discussion posts
OK, thanks for reply.
Jul 11, 2011  • #3
User Image
kyle porter1
11 discussion posts
+1 for this. Quite annoying if you have many windows opened at once and you are grouping your icons. I even tried just moving the group to the main window so that I could close it there. Any updates as to whether this is expected to make it into a release soon?
Aug 16, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No updates to give yet, but it's still planned for 3.4.0.

I've added your +1 to the request.

Aug 16, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick follow-up, this has been added in 3.4.0 Beta 16.

Sep 14, 2011  • #6
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