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5 discussion posts
Been getting this message every time I open Display Fusion settings. I've ignored it until now because it wasn't causing any other problems. Today however, I decided I actually WANT the task bar for this computer to span both displays, and discovered that ppanter.scr must have something to do with at least the task bar. When I set the TB to span both displays, all the second screen will do is flash the top of windows on display 2 up and down where the task bar should be, but the task bar never shows up. I also get the same error as soon as I press the apply button when the setting to span is turned on.

I've got a feeling this might have something to do with the processor on said computer. I'm running Windows XP SP3 on two computers with double displays, and don't have this problem on the other one. The other, on which DF works fine, is a Mac Bootcamp installation. This one, where it doesn't work, has an Athlon XP processor, which has caused problems with other programs as well due to its architecture.

Anyone know if there's a conflict with DF and Athlon XP's, or if there might be some other reason this error is coming up?

Edit: Hang on. There's an update. Maybe it'll fix it...

Nope. Now running 3.3.0, and it's still happening.
May 12, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The error message that you're receiving sounds like an issue with the Screen Saver settings. Can you try disabling the "Allow DisplayFusion to manage the Screen Saver" option in the Screen Saver tab of the DisplayFusion settings?

We've also made quite a few improvements to the Multi-Monitor Taskbars in the latest 3.3.1 Beta versions. Can you install the latest Beta from the link below and see if it helps?

May 12, 2011  • #2
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5 discussion posts

Well, I don't run screen savers on any of my computers due to the fact that they, and most power saving options screw up the programs I run. The only thing I use is the option to shut down monitors.

The beta seems to have fixed the error. It used to pop up whenever anything was pressed in Display fusion.

The task bar spanning is still doing the same thing though. Looks like it's trying to load, but the icons that should be showing up on screen two just flash off and on. The second TB never loads.

I guess the two were not related.
May 13, 2011  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, glad the first error is fixed up. Could you do a couple of things to help me troubleshoot the second taskbar not loading?

Please enable debug logging and then enable the second taskbar and send me the log. When you send the debug log, please send the info from the Troublshooting tab as well.

Follow the steps below to enable debug logging in DisplayFusion:

  • Open the DisplayFusion settings
  • Click the Troubleshooting tab
  • Check the “Enable debug logging” box
  • Produce the issue
  • Click the “Open Log Location” button
  • Email the “DisplayFusion.log” text file to

May 13, 2011  • #4
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5 discussion posts
Done. :-D
May 13, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This is all fixed up. There was a minor conflict with the OP's video card software.
May 16, 2011  • #6
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