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1 discussion post
I want to create a trigger to prevent windows deactivation every time I launch Counter-Strike Global Offensive. I've gotten it to work with the Window Created trigger using the Process Filename as a match condition.

However, whether this works is very hit and miss. Sometimes it works when I launch the game, and other times clicking out of the game window will minimize the game. But if I tab-in back into the game after clicking out of game, prevent window deactivation works without pressing the hotkey.

I've tried adding a wait action and changing the event to no avail.
Mar 5, 2016 (modified Mar 5, 2016)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
How long of a Wait did you add to the Window Created trigger? I've found that for some games you need to add a 60 second wait so that the function doesn't run until the game has fully loaded. Otherwise it runs on the game menu instead and doesn't work correctly until you minimize/restore the game window.
Mar 8, 2016  • #2
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