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Konstantin Erman
2 discussion posts
I have two scenarios which beg for improvement:

1. When laptop is docked - windows are properly positioned on the monitors, attached to the dock. Undock laptop and all windows jump to its only screen - this is expected. Dock it again... all windows together jump on the new primary monitor.

2. Desktop computer (with multiple monitors attached) has windows arranged on proper monitors. Remote Desktop to that computer and all windows get together. Again - this is expected. Disconnect Remote Desktop and login to that computer locally - same problem - windows layout is not restored.

My question is - can Display Fusion help me with those scenarios?
If yes, then how? If no, then what other software can?

Thank you!
Jul 12, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've got an open feature request for functionality that allows you to save and restore window positions of open windows. I've added your info to it, and we'll let you know when we're able to implement it in a future version.

I've come across another application in the past that can do this, but haven't tested it, so I can't confirm how well it works:

Hope that helps!
Jul 15, 2014 (modified Jul 15, 2014)  • #2
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Konstantin Erman
2 discussion posts
Thank you Keith! I will check out Windows Layout Manager you recommended, but also I'm definitely interested to see this functionality built into Display Fusion. I'd rather see all similar functionality built in into a single product - less software to install, less chances of conflicts, etc. Definitely keep me posted.

Jul 15, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In the latest DisplayFusion beta (, we’ve added two new Functions on the Settings > Functions tab for saving and restoring window positions. Just assign key combinations to them (or set them as TitleBar Buttons), and you should be all set!

Nov 6, 2014  • #4
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