16 discussion posts
I have a problem with scrolling when using Adobe Lightroom.
Lightroom is aware that I have two displays and automatically displays my photo library in grid mode on the second display while the photo editing is done on the first monitor.
In DsplayFusion, I use the option in mouse management to "allow the mouse wheel to scroll windows under the mouse cursor that aren't focused".
The problem is that with that option enabled, when I use the mousewheel to scroll down the Lightroom library, the scrolling starts but it doesn't stop until it has scrolled through the entire library even though I turned the wheel only a couple of increments. Since the library contains a few thousand photos, that takes quite a while!
When I disable the mouse management option mentioned above, the scrolling of the Lightroom library grid on the second monitor behave as it should. I can scroll through the library in increment as I turn the wheel on the mouse, i.e. I stop turning the wheel and the scrolling stops.
I have enclosed a screen grab of my two displays wth the library in grid mode on the right hand side display (which is in a vertical position). Please note that the lightroom window is only on the left monitor. The grid appears in a slow fade in on the right hand side monitor when the program is started but it is not a proper window if you see what I mean. It appears to be only an overlay on the monitor. If I cover the Lightroom window on the left hand side monitor with another program, the library grid on the other monitor just fade out and disappears until I bring back Lightroom in focus at which point the grid fade back in on the second monitor. I believe that the grid not being a proper window is the reason why the mouse management option in DisplayFusion reacts in the funny way it does.
I hope my explanations were clear enough and that you may possibly be able to offer a solution/workaround.
At the moment the only way I can use the Lightroom library grid is by opening the DisplayFusion options and disabling the option mentioned above. I will have to do this each time I want to use Lightroom which is a pain as I find the option to scroll windows that are not in focus essential and do not want to disable it permanently.
Hopefully this is fixable. Thanks in advance.
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot.jpg [84,253 bytes]
On the DisplayFusion Settings > Compatibility tab, could you try adding a rule for Lightroom, and in the rule, enable the "Use alternate mouse scroll method" to see if that helps? Note that you may have to restart Lightroom after adding that rule.

16 discussion posts
By using "Alternate Mouse Scroll method", the mouse wheel has no effect at all. It's the same result as if I use "Disable Mouse Scrolling (this application only). At least, it is half a solution. This way, I can still scroll by grabbing the handle on the side of the screen and if I roll the wheel without thinking, at least nothing will happen and the mouse management is not disabled for all other applications. It would be nice however if I could scroll in Lightroom using the mouse wheel.
While I was in the compatibility screen, I tried "Disable Application Hook" and "Disable DisplayFustion Taskbars while the application is running" just in case it would help but it didn't.
Further info in regard to the problem: I have noticed that if I turn the wheel by one increment on the mouse (I have a Gigabyte M8000X mouse and the wheel is not smooth scrolling), the grid scroll correctly by one increment also. If I wait a second before each increment, I can scroll correctly. It is just when I turn the wheel a couple of increment or more in one go that the scrolling goes crazy and scroll through the whole library (and if in the meantime I turned the wheel in the opposite direction, when the scrolling arrive at the end of the library, it starts scrolling in the other direction by itself).
Thanks for looking into this.
Ok, interesting! I'll grab a trial of LightRoom here and test this out.

16 discussion posts
No worries.
By the way, I love your program and your level of service is outstanding!
Thanks again for all your efforts.
No problem, glad to hear it!