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jerone's profile on
Can someone tell me what Process App ID exactly does. The documentation is "out-dated" for the Edit Application Shortcut window and missing information about this setting.

To my knowledge it's used to group applications under a string known as the application id or AppId. But when I tried to set it, it doesn't remember the setting and next time I open the window the setting is empty again.

What I want to archive is to make a shortcut for Atom editor. The problem with Atom is that for every new version (which is almost every week) they make a new folder, which changes the shortcut location. So the previous shortcut is opening an outdated version of Atom, until they even remove the old folders, in which case the shortcut doesn't work anymore. To work around this, they have provided a command file which always opens the latest Atom. Now I wanted to use the AppId to group Atom onto my command shortcut, but this doesn't work.

Running DF 7.3.1 on Windows 8.1
Sep 28, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You're correct about what it should do. I've confirmed that it's not saving for some reason and have added this issue to our list :)

Sep 29, 2015  • #2
jerone's profile on
Thanks for confirming. Hope to see a fix soon :)
Sep 29, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version ( and this issue should be all fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Nov 3, 2015  • #4
jerone's profile on
@Keith Was this part of the beta from v8.0 or included in later released v7.3.2 ? Because v7.3.2 doesn't seems to fix this issue...
Dec 24, 2015  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The fix was implemented in 8.0 Beta 1 :)
Dec 24, 2015  • #6
jerone's profile on
So, I just installed the latest beta (version 2) on my work machine with a second taskbar. I used 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to get the process app id from the previously mentioned Atom editor and saved it. I can confirm that saving the process app id now does work. But I can't confirm that this setting does anything. What I expected to see was that there wouldn't appear an second icon beside the pinned Atom icon (see screenshot).

The documentation doesn't mention anything about how this setting exactly works.
• Attachment [protected]: 2015_12_28_09_50_35_Reply_to_Settings_Taskbar_Shortcuts_Edit_Application_Shortcut_Process_A.png [81,911 bytes]
Dec 28, 2015  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah, I see what's happening there. The taskbar buttons group by process path and AppID I believe. Since your shortcut is to a .cmd file, the actual process path will be different after it launches. I will double-check on that though :)
Dec 29, 2015  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a heads up to let you know that in 8.0 Beta 5, there's a new Advanced Setting called "Group Buttons Only by App ID" that you can use to force it to only compare the App ID when grouping.

Hope that helps!
Mar 30, 2016  • #9
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