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35 discussion posts
According to the Windows 10/11 Known Issues page, windows dropping behind the DF taskbar in Windows 11 has been addressed with a workaround: A prompt to restart explorer will now appear.] I'm on DF 10.1 Beta 4 and I have never once been prompted to restart Explorer. Not only that, but restarting explorer with Task Manager doesn't help either. I do use Start11 and I've found the only thing that fixes the windows being stuck behind the DF taskbar is to minimize every single window on the display that has the Windows taskbar, and then restart explorer using the explorer restart button that's in the Start11 UI.

How can I solve this problem without jumping through a bunch of hoops on a regular basis?
• Attachment: df.png [269,990 bytes]
Jun 24, 2023 (modified Jul 1, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We ended up moving to that to the advanced settings, do you have the "Enable Prompt to Restart Explorer when Issue Detected" advanced setting enabled?

We took a look into this issue but it's not something we are able to fix from our end unfortunately. This is the only work around.
Jun 26, 2023  • #2
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1 discussion post
I found this issue when I have monitor profiles where one monitor is disabled all windows on the still active monitor expand behind the taskbar and this includes windows 11 startmenu, I return the dual monitor configuration and everything behaves as it is supposed too, maybe a monitor number detection is required to automatically turn off multi-monitor taskbars should there be only one monitor active. Just a thought and maybe this will allow you to replicate the effect.
Jun 28, 2023  • #3
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35 discussion posts
We ended up moving to that to the advanced settings, do you have the "Enable Prompt to Restart Explorer when Issue Detected" advanced setting enabled?

We took a look into this issue but it's not something we are able to fix from our end unfortunately. This is the only work around.

Thank you for your help. It turns out I don't even need that advanced setting now because I just completely solved the issue! I figured out what to set in Start11 + DisplayFusion settings to prevent any windows from ever falling behind the DisplayFusion taskbar! (at least in the testing I've done). Details in this PSA I just posted.
Jul 1, 2023 (modified Jul 1, 2023)  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! Thanks for sharing your solution
Jul 4, 2023  • #5
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