I understand now, but unfortunately Windows doesn't recognize HotKeys this way. Once you have pressed a HotKey, DisplayFusion acts right away. Also, creating multiple-press HotKeys could lead to much confusion. I would recommend possibly using a different modifier. Like Ctrl + Shift + A, then Ctrl + Alt + A... etc. Thanks!

16 discussion posts
Yeah, that is a workable solution, but it removes possibilities for using those modifiers for other options - say Ctrl + Shift + A moves and sizes the window one monitors, and Ctrl + Alt + A performs the same operation but on a different monitor.
There is a limit to convenient key combinations, and it seems like a shame to occupy them with very similar actions.
I actually got this idea from another program (http://www.winsplit-revolution.com/) which uses this system in its default setup. No clue how they implemented it, though.
Either way, thanks for your response!