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Carey Bishop's profile on
I love DisplayFusion, but one thing that really bugs me is that the taskbar buttons start flashing when you drag the cursor over them. This most commonly happens when moving a horizontal scroll bar thumb and the cursor drifts down onto the taskbar. After leaving the mouse button down for a second or so, the button underneath it starts flashing. This can repeat for each button that you hover over, until you end up with a bar full of flashing windows.

It doesn't seem to happen when dragging a file between windows though.
Jul 17, 2011  • #1
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256 discussion posts
Is this with 3.3.1 or a beta? I can't reproduce it with 3.4 b9.
Jul 18, 2011  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Carey: Can you make sure you're using the latest beta version and give it another try:
Jul 20, 2011  • #3
Carey Bishop's profile on
Sorry, I should have included the version in the original post. This is running 3.4.0 Beta 9 on Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit.

It seems that the "Focus window when mouse is dragged over Taskbar button" is related, as if I disable this, the flashing doesn't happen. But it seems that when it's enabled, it's trying to give the window focus and not succeeding, hence the flashing.
Jul 20, 2011  • #4
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256 discussion posts
Huh. This still works fine for me, with the exact same setup... Win 7 Pro SP1 64-bit.

Does it happen when you're dragging the scrollbar in any window, or only in certain ones?
Jul 21, 2011  • #5
Carey Bishop's profile on
Seems to happen in everything, but definitely in Chrome (latest dev build) and Excel 2007. Some Explorer windows come to the front, every other window just flashes its taskbar button. In my opinion, if you're dragging a scrollbar thumb, neither of those things should happen.

I'm using the Windows Aero theme and I have the old style Icon + Text taskbar buttons enabled, with taskbar grouping disabled.

I also have ATI Catalyst installed but I'm not using any of it's HydraVision window management tools.
Jul 21, 2011  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Have you used any other software tools for configuring application focus stealing? In XP, you could use PowerToys to force Windows XP to not allow applications to steal focus, which could sometimes cause issues.
Jul 26, 2011  • #7
Carey Bishop's profile on
Not that I'm aware of.

I also realised today that the same thing happens when I select a block of text in a maximized window by dragging the cursor to the bottom of the screen.
Jul 28, 2011  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Holding down the mouse button over a taskbar button should focus the window as it's an unfortunate side effect of the way we currently detect files that are being dropped onto a taskbar button. We're hoping to redesign it in the future so that it will only trigger when files are dragged, but for now there's not much we can do unfortunately.

However, they shouldn't blink when the mouse button is held over them, the window should just focus. I haven't been able to reproduce it either using Windows 7 x64 with DisplayFusion 3.4.0 Beta 11, and dragging over Google Chrome. What operating system are you running, and is it happening with any other applications?
Aug 2, 2011  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion Discussions, this topic is being marked as Complete as it hasn't received a response for more than 30 days. If you're still having trouble and would like some help, just let me know!

Nov 29, 2011  • #10
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