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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
I have 3 monitors on this pc, so I like that DF has a function for moving a window to a different monitor and selecting which monitor to move it to.

It would be great to see this functionality extended.

The most useful (to me at least) would be to have a function that lets you choose among the following:
  • Move window to top left corner and size 50%
  • Move window to top right corner and size 50%
  • Move window to bottom right corner and size 50%
  • Move window to bottom left corner and size 50%
  • Move window to top side of monitor
  • Move window to bottom side of monitor
  • Move window to left side of monitor
  • Move window to right side of monitor

The above could be represented with a nice little screen graphic to click on, use cursor keys to choose, etc.

Another (related) topic -- the positions and sizes of applications could be saved as a profile similar to the desktop icon profiles, and when you choose a particular profile it would set the position of apps in that profile, including opening apps in the profile that are not already open.

There are some other applications that people buy just to have the two above features (example ). Admittedly software that is dedicated to only these features add a little more to the game (drag a window and select where to drop it) but adding features described above would really make DF grab some of their market.

Right now the options I see in DF for doing the first request are not that viable. You can set/remember a different hotkey for each of the 8 (or more) positions. You can add a ton of buttons to the titlebar. You can add these functions to the jump lists of shortcuts on a DF taskbar, but I don't know why you can do that because they only work on applications that are already open.

Jun 19, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks again for the feedback. I've added these requests to our list as well :)
Jun 19, 2014  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In the latest DisplayFusion beta (, we’ve added two new Functions on the Settings > Functions tab for saving and restoring window positions. Just assign key combinations to them (or set them as TitleBar Buttons), and you should be all set!

Nov 6, 2014  • #3
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