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15 discussion posts
Since the upgrade to V4.1 I am finding that I have 2 problems:

1) I lose the icons on the taskbar that indicate that a program has been opened. I need to go into Task Manager and click on the programme that was lost in order to get it to Restore. Once it is restored, the icon appears back on the taskbar. If I just open a new instance of the programme then I only get one icon in the taskbar but Task Manager shows two instances;
2) Some programmes move between my triple monitor setup. I may minimise a window on monitor 3, and when it is re-opened it is on monitor 2.

Are these known/common problems?
Aug 18, 2012 (modified Aug 18, 2012)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've had #1 reported before, and we're still working on a fix for it. Does it happen after you've used Remote Desktop to connect to the machine, or if you're using a laptop, when you undock or disconnect a monitor?

As for the second issue, I haven't seen this one before. Is there a way to consistently reproduce the issue so that I can test it out here?
Aug 20, 2012  • #2
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
I am having the same issues regarding icons and a few more:

1) If I drag the mouse over desktop shortcut icons, without clicking, the icon is highlighted and the highlight is never released. Right now, all 15 desktop shortcuts are 'highlighed'

2) Tray icons (lower right-hand side) are missing. The space is still there, however nothing is displayed.

3) hovering the mouse over a tray icon (visible or not, displays a single white line character directly above the bar

4) running application icons (lower left-hand side) some of them only have a blank block displayed. hovering over all of these icons (blank and non blank, does display an image of the screen represented by the icon,
• Attachment [protected]: sshot-1.png [32,764 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: sshot-2.png [6,670 bytes]
Aug 20, 2012  • #3
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
The tray icons on the right-side monitor are all still displayed.

attached to this is how the desktop shortcut icons look
• Attachment [protected]: sshot-3.png [60,010 bytes]
Aug 20, 2012 (modified Aug 20, 2012)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Jim: Could you do the following to help us troubleshoot?
  • Enable debug logging on the Troubleshooting tab (set it to Logging: Important Only) and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issues (please note the time so I'll know where to look in the log file)
  • Send me the %appdata%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file (can be found by clicking the 'Open Log' button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log file
Aug 20, 2012  • #5
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
i will see what i can do. need to reboot my pc to 'reset' everything, have a call in a few minutes so i need to wait until after then.
Aug 20, 2012  • #6
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15 discussion posts
We've had #1 reported before, and we're still working on a fix for it. Does it happen after you've used Remote Desktop to connect to the machine, or if you're using a laptop, when you undock or disconnect a monitor?

As for the second issue, I haven't seen this one before. Is there a way to consistently reproduce the issue so that I can test it out here?

I can't easily remote into the machine that is/was having the problem. I also haven't seen the issue in the last couple of days. I normally put the machine in hibernate rather than rebooting but a BSOD from some dodgy bluetooth drivers forced a reboot. It could be that the reboot has fixed the issue.

It is a desktop machine and so for me it is not the monitor disconnect that caused the issue.

If I find more information then I will post back, I know that I haven't given you anything to go on yet - sorry!
Aug 21, 2012  • #7
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
I did remote in last night and again this morning. Came in and the same issues occurred with a slight difference. All of the desktop shortcuts were not visible with the exception of the caption. Every icon on the left-hand side was greyed out. about the same number of icons in the tray were invisible.
Aug 21, 2012  • #8
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
The issue with the Tray Icons (lower right-hand side) and the Desktop Shortcuts occurred a few minutes ago while I stepped away. This PC was rebooted this AM and I did not remote into it since the reboot. A log file has been sent. At this time, all running application icons (lower left-hand side) are displayed properly.

Right-clicking a Desktop Short displays an empty option dialog (see attached), that options show up as you move your mouse over it.

Right-clicking, dragging the mouse until you see Delete, clicking Delete, does not work. Clicking properties displays an empty dialog and then it immediately closes.

Double-clicking one of these Desktop Shortcuts does invoke the associated application.

Even though the running application icons are all displayed properly, right-clicking them displays empty dialogs
• Attachment [protected]: sshot-4.png [13,129 bytes]
Aug 21, 2012 (modified Aug 21, 2012)  • #9
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
Do you have a download of the previous version? I have rebooted again today and the problem just started happening again. Would love to help trouble shoot but the issues are getting in the way of work.
Aug 21, 2012  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sure thing! We're still investigating the issue, but in the meantime, here's the link to 4.0.1:
Aug 21, 2012  • #11
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
Thank you. i usually save all the versions of the tools i use. I will install this. This will let me know if the issues are caused by the update or from a different cause.
Aug 21, 2012  • #12
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
Thank you for the prompt response. 4.0.1 installed. I will let you know tomorrow if the problems occur again. I will have a chance to Remote in later today, though that is not the only cause of the errors I have been seeing the past few days.
Aug 21, 2012  • #13
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
I have been running 4.01 for over a day now. I have remoted to the PC several times last night, this morning and this evening. Everything is working fine. I think it is safe to say that DF was causing the issues and not any of the 2 other apps I updated around the same time.

Happy to help test out anything you come up with.
Aug 23, 2012  • #14
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8 discussion posts
Hi. I just wanted to add a 'me too' to #1 above. I came to the forums to see if this had been reported, and found it here. I downgraded to 4.0.1 to work-around the issue for now. One thing I do like, is the auto-update mechanism has a "skip this version" button when prompting to upgrade to 4.1-- that's a nice feature, and hopefully the new release(4.1.1?) will properly pop up as soon as it's available.

Aug 23, 2012  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the updates guys. We're still puzzled as to what's going on here, as we haven't been able to reproduce the issue.

Would any of you be able to try the following?
  • Update to DisplayFusion 4.1 again
  • Disable all other programs from startup using msconfig
  • Reboot your computer, and see if the issue still exists
We're just trying to narrow down whether DisplayFusion might be conflicting with some other application on your systems, so if the above does resolve the issue, then we can start to narrow down to the list of programs and see if one of them might be contributing to the issue.

Aug 24, 2012  • #16
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8 discussion posts
Thanks for the updates guys. We're still puzzled as to what's going on here, as we haven't been able to reproduce the issue.

Would any of you be able to try the following?
  • Update to DisplayFusion 4.1 again
  • Disable all other programs from startup using msconfig
  • Reboot your computer, and see if the issue still exists
We're just trying to narrow down whether DisplayFusion might be conflicting with some other application on your systems, so if the above does resolve the issue, then we can start to narrow down to the list of programs and see if one of them might be contributing to the issue.


I don't have time today to do this, but I'll reply with some info on my setup/programs/behavior:

1. I run 4 monitors in a physical layout resembling a + sign; left screen has Outlook pinned, top screen has Chrome+Firefox pinned, right screen has OneNote and an internal C# app pinned; Bottom center screen is primary monitor, using Windows taskbar versus DisplayFusion. I mention pinning, as combining the pins is one of the new features in 4.1, so it could be related.

2. I have these main apps running daily:
a. Visual Studio 2010(multiple) on primary
b. Visual Studio 2008(multiple) on primary
c. Outlook on left
d. Trillian on left
e. Misc. RDP connections on primary, top, and right(varies)
f. OneNote mostly always on right
g. Chrome on top
h. Windows Explorer windows, mostly on primary

3. I connect via RDP to this workstation every morning from my Android phone using Jump(best RDP app I could find; works pretty well)-- this screws up my windows, and I use Windows Layout Manager from Stefan Didak( to put things back to their appropriate monitors(this uses win32 MoveWindow calls, I believe). This behavior may trigger it.

I experience the disappearing taskbar items on my non-primary monitors once I physically get to my workstation in the morning(after the RDP session is disconnected).

I hope some of this info can be of help. Thanks.
Aug 24, 2012  • #17
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Brandon Thomas
1 discussion post
Sure thing! We're still investigating the issue, but in the meantime, here's the link to 4.0.1:

I am having this same issue. The taskbar slows down everything. The icons disappear and the taskbar doesn't respond for about 15 seconds. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the latest version. I then tried installing version 4.0.1. I have the same problem with this version. This all started with the upgrade to v.4. Is there a previous version that I can try? Right now, I can't even use Display Fusion because it is so slow and cumbersome.
Aug 27, 2012  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Brandon: Would you be able to attach a copy of the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, and also try the stuff in post #16 above? We're trying to track down what scenarios/setups might be causing this issue, but haven't had any luck yet.

After trying that stuff, you can try 3.4.1 here:

Aug 27, 2012  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@derek: Are you having performance issues with the taskbar, or is it just that your programs lose their buttons after being connected via RDP?
Aug 27, 2012  • #20
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8 discussion posts
I have been having general performance issues on my computer as of late(past few weeks)-- I didn't think of it as being Display Fusion related, however... It's overall interactive performance issues(windows locking up and such), and not taskbar specific...
Aug 27, 2012  • #21
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8 discussion posts
@derek: Are you having performance issues with the taskbar, or is it just that your programs lose their buttons after being connected via RDP?

OK, I just had a lockup, and it definitely was the taskbar-- I couldn't switch to any of my programs using the taskbar. I also couldn't hit the start button with the mouse or the keyboard. I switched into a program that was displayed, and it did seem responsive... After a few seconds(3-5), all my actions were processed all at once(message queue suddenly got processed after blocking for some reason?). So maybe it is DisplayFusion specific...

Aug 27, 2012  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, interesting! Would you be able to do the following?
  • Enable debug logging on the Troubleshooting tab (set it to Logging: All Lines) and click Apply
  • When it hangs again, please note the time so I'll know where to look in the log file
  • Send me the %appdata%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file (can be found by clicking the 'Open Log' button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • After sending the log, you can disable debug logging again
Aug 27, 2012  • #23
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Chris Abichandani
3 discussion posts
I have this problem as well. Windows 8 RTM, DisplayFusion 4.1.

I have a 3-monitor setup, nvidia graphics card.

After many hours of use (sometimes sooner), the weirdness happens. Mousing over icons in the taskbar (I use the windows taskbar, not the displayfusion one) causes them to light up, but the highlight does not disappear upon mouseout. The icons are often replaced with generic icons. The clock gets corrupted (disappears or flickers) as well.

I understand the value of getting you guys a list of steps to duplicate the issue but I haven't been able to get it to happen "on purpose" and I can't figure out what I am doing that triggers it, or if it's the sort of thing that happens over time, like memory use increasing or something like that.

I can always fix it by bringing up the taskbar with CTRL SHIFT ESC, killing the explorer.exe shell, and launching a new one. Then I'm good for another several hours. If I close displayfusion, the problem does not arise at all.

I do make RDP connections, but outbound only.

As suggested, I have enabled debug logging and hope to help get to the bottom of this.

Programs I have running, if it helps:

  • Chrome
  • Visual Studio 2012
  • Office 2013 Preview
  • LinqPad
  • SyncBackPro
  • Steam
  • Trillian
  • Logitech Gaming Software 8.30
  • Performance Mouse MX Whatever
  • Dropbox
  • IIS Express (on occasion)
  • Monitor Off Utility
Sep 5, 2012 (modified Sep 5, 2012)  • #24
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Chris Abichandani
3 discussion posts
I sent you guys a log file! Hope it helps!
Sep 5, 2012  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Chris: Got the log, thanks! Unfortunately there's not really anything in it that points toward the problem :(

However, I noticed in your list that you're running SyncBack Pro. I've actually had two other customers with the same issues report that disabling SyncBack Pro from running on startup, and then restarting the computer resolved the problems. Would you be able to try that out to confirm?

I've been doing some testing with SyncBack and DisplayFusion here and haven't been able to reproduce the problem, but I'm curious to find out if that will indeed resolve it in your case as well.

Sep 5, 2012  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Chris: Don't worry about testing with SyncBack disabled. It's definitely an issue that's caused by SyncBack and DisplayFusion both running at the same time. We're investigating it further, and I'll be sure to post an update when we've got it sorted out.

Sep 5, 2012  • #27
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@doahh1: Your issues are different than what the other folks are having, but I haven't forgotten about them :). #1 is on our list, and just let me know (create a new topic) if you're able to provide some more info on how to reproduce #2. Thanks!

@derek12: Are you running SyncBack as well? If not, could you attach a copy of the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab? Thanks!
Sep 5, 2012  • #28
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8 discussion posts
@derek12: Are you running SyncBack as well? If not, could you attach a copy of the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab? Thanks!

I am not running SyncBackPro.

I haven't seen the issue with 4.0.1 lately-- I haven't re-upgraded to the latest to try it. i'm attaching a text file with the output from the troubleshooting page, with personal info xxx'd out.
• Attachment [protected]: displayfusion.txt [72,137 bytes]
Sep 5, 2012  • #29
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Chris Abichandani
3 discussion posts
@Chris: Don't worry about testing with SyncBack disabled. It's definitely an issue that's caused by SyncBack and DisplayFusion both running at the same time. We're investigating it further, and I'll be sure to post an update when we've got it sorted out.


I have already disabled it and haven't experienced the problem! Nice catch.
Sep 5, 2012  • #30
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15 discussion posts
Sorry for the delayed response, I have now gotten around to enabling the debug and have attached the log files.

The issue I had was that Firefox vanished from one of the monitors that was running Display Fusion. In order to get it back I had to open Task Manager and click on the instance that had vanished (I had two instances running). It then re-appeared on my main monitor. The log file is captured directly after that happened.

I don't have SyncBack running on my system (as far as I know), but here is a list of running programs:

Opera running the NetDania ChartStation Java applet
Log MX
Firefox (two instances)
Flash Develop
Windows Explorer
Programmers Notepad 2
MySQL Workbench
Tortoise HG

Then in the System tray I have:

Cobian backup
Resoph Notes
Gladinet Clould Desktop (but that is new and after the problems started)
Go Contact Sync

When I get time I will disable all other programs in startup and try to recreate the issue. It does seem to be very intermittent though and I don't have a way to reproduce it reliably.
• Attachment [protected]: [130,773 bytes]
Sep 7, 2012 (modified Sep 7, 2012)  • #31
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update for the folks that were having issues with SyncBack, it should be all fixed up in 4.2 Beta 2.

Sep 14, 2012  • #32
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8 discussion posts
Keith, was the source of the problem possibly present in other programs beyond just SyncBack Pro? I don't run SyncBack Pro, but if the fix is potentially more broad, I'll give the new version a try.

Sep 14, 2012  • #33
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@derek12: The fix wasn't specific to SyncBack, more that it was a bug in DisplayFusion that was being triggered by something SyncBack was doing. So, it's definitely possible that it could have been happening with other programs as well. If you get a chance to try out Beta 2, please let me know how it works out.

Sep 14, 2012  • #34
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