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User Image
Bradley Dekker
2 discussion posts
Ever since I installed v4.2.0 Beta 3 (I'm now on Beta 4), titlebar buttons no longer show up for the main Visual Studio 2012 window (I'm on 64-bit Windows 7 Professional). They do show up for dialog boxes from the same application though, and for all other applications that I run.

Initially I had a compatibility rule for VS2012, but with beta 2 I was able to remove the compatibility rule and the titlebar buttons worked perfectly. Now even adding a compatibility rule doesn't get the titlebar buttons to dispaly.

Is anyone else seeing a similar issue?

• Attachment [protected]: DialogWindow.PNG [19,021 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: MainWindow.PNG [2,093 bytes]
Sep 27, 2012  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry about that, we must have broken something in Beta 3. I'll make sure it gets fixed for Beta 5. :)
Sep 28, 2012  • #2
User Image
Bradley Dekker
2 discussion posts
Perfect, thanks!
Oct 1, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update, beta 5 is now available at the link below, and this issue is all fixed up.

Oct 9, 2012  • #4
User Image
Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
Hey guys. It seems that you've done something to title bar buttons for Visual Studio 2012 in DisplayFusion 4.3. The title bar buttons are moved left in order not to overlap with Quick Launch textbox. But it seems that it applies not only to main windows of Visual Studio but also to some other windows/dialogs while some other has different positioning issue (icons are too right). I mean this is not a big issue. But since you are doing tweaks to accommodate to other companies (like MS) using crazy window styles maybe you can do something about this.
1) I'm developing my own Visual Studio addin. It opens a modal dialog even before main Visual Studio window is show (you may tell that it is not a good practice too open modal dialog during Visual Studio load - but this addin has specific features that must be confirmed by user before it loads. And in this addin windows the title bar buttons are loo left (see screenshot).
2) I've noticed than in Extensions and Updates dialog the title bar buttons are too right overlapping with help system button (see screenshot).
• Attachment: VS Extensions and updates.png [94,819 bytes]
VS Extensions and updates.png
VS Extensions and updates.png
• Attachment: VS NiceVS.png [125,028 bytes]
VS NiceVS.png
VS NiceVS.png
Nov 11, 2012  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick note to let you know that we're working on this issue and will hopefully have it fixed up soon :)

Nov 12, 2012  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion 5.0 Beta 1 is now available, and this issue should be all fixed up. You can grab it here:

Nov 14, 2012  • #7
User Image
Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
I'm still experiencing the mini issue after installing 5.0 beta 2.
• Attachment: VSButtons5β2.png [567,629 bytes]
Nov 20, 2012  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just to double-check, are you referring to the TitleBar Buttons being offset too far to the left now?
Nov 20, 2012  • #9
User Image
Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
Just to double-check, are you referring to the TitleBar Buttons being offset too far to the left now?

Yes, on some (not all) Windows that belong to VS. Main Windows is OK - it's good to move the buttons left, but on the other windows it creates just a gap.
Actually it seems to be only problem of a window that belongs to my own VS plugin, other windows like Extension manager, Options etc. are OK.
Nov 26, 2012  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, interesting! Could you send a screenshot of your plugin window again, along with a copy of the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab (copied while your plugin window is open)?

Nov 29, 2012  • #11
User Image
Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
Sorry for delay, here it is:


• System Information
• Process/Memory/Handles Information
• DisplayFusion Pro
• License
• Themes
• Wallpaper
• Wallpaper Screens [2]
• #1: X=0, Y=0, W=1920, H=1080
• #2: X=1920, Y=0, W=1920, H=1080
• Wallpaper Profiles [1]
• Monitors [2]
• #1: X=0, Y=0, W=1920, H=1080
• #2: X=1920, Y=0, W=1920, H=1080
• Monitor Profiles [0]
• Virtual Desktop
• FullScreen Applications [0]
• Functions [60]
• TitleBar Button Manager
• TitleBar Buttons [11]
• Taskbars [1]
• Taskbar 2
• Taskbar Deleted Items [3]
• Taskbar Items [11]
• Taskbar Start Menu
• Taskbar Tray Icons Visible [0 / 0]
• Taskbar Tray Icons Alt [0]
• Window Snapping
• Window Management
• Window Location [0]
• Windows Logon Background
• Desktop Icon Profiles [0]
• Screen Savers [2]
• Screen Savers Installed [12]
• Languages [35]
• Compatibility [0]
• Hook Manager
• Hooks Loaded: x64 only [16]
• x86 AppHook DLL: AppHookx86_CF673CB0-85E6-4E68-A1A8-89EE8CC6B009.dll
• x64 AppHook DLL: AppHookx64_F9FCE040-1EC7-4749-A7C8-98BEBE135162.dll
• Main: DisplayFusion.exe
• AppHook: DisplayFusionAppHook.exe
• Helper: DisplayFusionHelper.exe
• Helper:Win8: DisplayFusionHelperWin8.exe
• Command: DisplayFusionCommand.exe
• Settings: DisplayFusionSettings.exe
• Screen Saver: DFSSaver.scr
• Branding
• Threads [19]
• Task Manager [3]
• Advanced Settings [85]
• Process Manager [423]
• Build Time
System Information
• Name: DisplayFusion Pro v5.0.0 (Beta 2)
• Build Date: XI 16, 2012 16:52
• Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.65536)
• Detected Version: Windows7 / Server2008R2 (Windows7 / Server2008R2)
• x64 Process / System: True / True
• Date/Time (UTC): 12/26/2012 19:19:53
• Date/Time (Local): 12/26/2012 20:19:53
• .NET Framework: 2.0.50727.5466
• CurrentCulture: Czech (Czech Republic) (cs-CZ ~ cs)
• CurrentUICulture: Czech (Czech Republic) (cs-CZ ~ cs)
• Short Date Pattern: d.M.yyyy [%#d.%#m.%Y]
• Short Time Pattern: H:mm [%#H:%M]
• Long Date Pattern: d. MMMM yyyy [%#d. %B %Y]
• Long Time Pattern: H:mm:ss [%#H:%M:%S]
• Process Integrity Level: High
• Administrator: False
• UAC Enabled: True
• Touch Enabled: False
• On Battery: False
• Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
• Current Folder: C:\Windows\system32
• Process CPU Affinity: 0 (8 cores)
• Memory Trim: False
• Debug Logging: L0_Disabled
• IsStarting: False
• IsExiting: False
• Font Scaling: 1x1 (XPStyle ~ Reason: BFFormBase:Null ~ Error: False)
Process/Memory/Handles Information
• Priority: Normal
• Handles: 862
• GDI Objects: 85
• GDI Objects Peak: 157
• User Objects: 81
• User Objects Peak: 104
• Paged Memory: 99,360k
• Paged Memory Peak: 824,732k
• Paged System Memory: 497k
• Non-Paged System Memory: 65k
• Private Memory: 99,360k
• Virtual Memory: 726,964k
• Virtual Memory Peak: 1,444,268k
• WorkingSet: 74,136k
• WorkingSet Min: 200k
• WorkingSet Max: 1,380k
• WorkingSet Peak: 805,936k
DisplayFusion Pro
• Start with Windows [flag]: True [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Auto-Update: True [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Auto-Update Beta: False [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• System Hooks Pause FullScreen: False
• Current Monitor Profile: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
• Ignore Monitor Profile Change: False
• Context Path: DesktopBackground\Shell
• Context Keys: 0
• Font Scaling Correct: True
• Aero Colour Mode: None [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Key: 101-FMZS-6LEF-VTWT-C...
• Key Hash: 8ae841e606cbbf3a6a2d2ccc72d6c29a
• Type: ProLicensed
• Loaded: HKCU:APP
• Validation: True
• Validation Status: Valid
• Validation Type: Unknown
• Validation Version: V1
• Validation Expiry Date: Never
• Visual Style Detected: True
• DWM Composition Detected: True
• WindowBlinds Detected: False
• Filename: C:\Windows\resources\Themes\Aero\Aero.msstyles
• Colour: NormalColor
• Size: NormalSize
• File: --
• Bitmap File: --
• Profile: "Default Profile" (67ccf43a-9106-4ae7-adf5-d5290b9f037d)
• Active Desktop: False
• Wallpaper Span: DifferentImageEachMonitor
• Wallpaper Transitions: True
• Wallpaper Check / Fix: False / False
• Windows Wallpaper: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion\Wallpaper_1.jpg" ~ Exists: True ~ Size: 3840x1080
• Windows TileWallpaper: 1
• Windows WallpaperStyle: 0
• Generated Wallpaper Folder: D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion
• Bing Image Search Manual Allowed: True
• Bing Image Search Random Allowed: True
• deviantART API Manual Allowed: True
• deviantART API Random Allowed: True
• deviantART RSS Feed Manual Allowed: True
• deviantART RSS Feed Random Allowed: True
• Flickr Manual Allowed: True
• Flickr Random Allowed: True
• Google Image Search Manual Allowed: True
• Google Image Search Random Allowed: True
• Vladstudio Manual Allowed: True
• Vladstudio Random Allowed: True
• WallpaperFusion Manual Allowed: True
• WallpaperFusion Random Allowed: True
Wallpaper Screens [2]
• Min, Max: 0x0, 3840x1080
• Total: 3840x1080
#1: X=0, Y=0, W=1920, H=1080
• Image Mode: MyComputer
• Image Random: True
• Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
• Image: "D:\Users\Honza\Pictures\DiGi\2011\2011_02_05÷2011_02_15 Alpy 2011 (Zillertal)\2011_02_12 Hochfügen + Hochzillertal\DSCF0636_panorama_0634÷0636.jpg" ~ Exists: True ~ Size: 8388x2244
• Title:
• Web URL:
• Move: 0x0
• Scale: 100,00%
• Info: False
• Info Position: TopLeft
• Info Format:
• Random Change Minutes: 2
#2: X=1920, Y=0, W=1920, H=1080
• Image Mode: MyComputer
• Image Random: True
• Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
• Image: "D:\Users\Honza\Pictures\DiGi\2010\2010_12_18 Praha\DSCF9722.JPG" ~ Exists: True ~ Size: 3648x2736
• Title:
• Web URL:
• Move: 0x0
• Scale: 100,00%
• Info: False
• Info Position: TopLeft
• Info Format:
• Random Change Minutes: 2
Wallpaper Profiles [1]
• Default Profile: 67ccf43a-9106-4ae7-adf5-d5290b9f037d
Monitors [2]
• Monitors by Bounds: 1, 2
• Force Order: None
#1: X=0, Y=0, W=1920, H=1080
• Is Primary: True
• Is Attached: True
• Is Extra: False
• Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 240M
• Monitor: Unknown (Obecný monitor PnP)
• Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
• Colours: 32 bpp
• Refresh: 60 hz
• Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
• WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1050}
• Orientation: Landscape
• Driver: Builtin
• Output: Internal
• SID: 0
• SAID: 215576:0
• Con: 0
#2: X=1920, Y=0, W=1920, H=1080
• Is Primary: False
• Is Attached: True
• Is Extra: False
• Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 240M
• Monitor: H233H (Obecný monitor PnP)
• Device: \\.\DISPLAY2
• Colours: 32 bpp
• Refresh: 60 hz
• Bounds: {X=1920,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
• WorkArea: {X=1920,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1050}
• Orientation: Landscape
• Driver: Builtin
• Output: HDMI
• SID: 1
• SAID: 215576:0
• Con: 0
Monitor Profiles [0]
Virtual Desktop
• IsMain: True
FullScreen Applications [0]
Functions [60]
• Enabled: True
• "Toggle Window Always on Top" ~ ~ Windows Aero\Toggle Window Always on Top.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Always on Top"
• "Move Window to Next Monitor" ~ ~ Windows Aero\Next Monitor.png Jump List: True ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor"
• "Span Window Across all Monitors" ~ WIN;96 ~ Windows Aero\Span.png Jump List: True ~ Description: "Span window across all monitors"
• "Bottom Right" ~ WIN;99 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-right corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Bottom-Left" ~ WIN;97 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-left corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Disable Screen Saver" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Disable Screen Saver"
• "Enable Screen Saver" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Enable Screen Saver"
• "Highlight Window" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Highlight Window"
• "Highlight Window: Disable All Highlights" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Highlight Window: Disable All Highlights"
• "Load Next Monitor Profile (alphabetically)" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Next Monitor Profile (alphabetically)"
• "Load Next Random Wallpaper Image" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Next Random Wallpaper Image"
• "Load Previous Monitor Profile (alphabetically)" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Previous Monitor Profile (alphabetically)"
• "Load Wallpaper Profile: Default Profile" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Wallpaper Profile: Default Profile"
• "Lock Desktop" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock Desktop"
• "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window"
• "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor"
• "Maximize" ~ WIN;101 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Keep window on same monitor and maximize"
• "Maximize Window" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Maximize Window"
• "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (All Monitors)" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (All Monitors)"
• "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (Current Monitor)" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (Current Monitor)"
• "Minimize Window" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize Window"
• "Mirror Monitor" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Mirror Monitor"
• "Mirror Window" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Mirror Window"
• "Move All Windows to Current Monitor" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move All Windows to Current Monitor"
• "Move Window to Bottom-Left Corner and Size 50%" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-left corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Move Window to Bottom-Right Corner and Size 50%" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-right corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Move Window to Centre of Monitor" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to centre of monitor"
• "Move Window to Centre of Monitor and Size to 75%" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to centre of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 75%, Change window height to specified percentage: 75%"
• "Move Window to Current Monitor" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor"
• "Move Window to Current Monitor and Maximize" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and maximize"
• "Move Window to Current Monitor and Minimize" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and minimize"
• "Move Window to Current Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and size proportionally"
• "Move Window to Different Monitor" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Window to Different Monitor"
• "Move Window to Next Monitor and Maximize" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and maximize"
• "Move Window to Next Monitor and Minimize" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and minimize"
• "Move Window to Next Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and size proportionally"
• "Move Window to Previous Monitor" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor"
• "Move Window to Previous Monitor and Maximize" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and maximize"
• "Move Window to Previous Monitor and Minimize" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and minimize"
• "Move Window to Previous Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally"
• "Move Window to Top-Left Corner and Size 50%" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-left corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Move Window to Top-Right Corner and Size 50%" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-right corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Open DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper"
• "Open DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration"
• "Open DisplayFusion Settings" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Settings"
• "Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)"
• "Restore Window" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Restore Window"
• "Send Window to Back" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Send Window to Back"
• "Size and Move Window to Bottom Side of Monitor" ~ WIN;98 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 100%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Size and Move Window to Left Side of Monitor" ~ WIN;100 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to left-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 100%"
• "Size and Move Window to Right Side of Monitor" ~ WIN;102 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to right-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 100%"
• "Size and Move Window to Top Side of Monitor" ~ WIN;104 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 100%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Start Screen Saver" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Start Screen Saver"
• "Toggle Freeze Current Wallpaper Images" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Freeze Current Wallpaper Images"
• "Toggle HotKeys" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle HotKeys"
• "Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar"
• "Toggle TitleBar Buttons" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle TitleBar Buttons"
• "Toggle Window Transparency" ~ ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Transparency (50%)"
• "Top-Left" ~ WIN;103 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-left corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
• "Top-Right" ~ WIN;105 ~ Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-right corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
TitleBar Button Manager
• Enabled: True
• Minimum Window Width: 0
• Force Classic Style: False
• Aero Positioning: True
• Shrink if Needed: True
• System Caption Button Size: 35x21
• Detected Caption Button Size [normal]: 31x17
• Detected Caption Button Size [close]: 46x17
• Custom Background: --
• Button Glow Size: {X=20,Y=20}
• Button Glow Image: {Width=45, Height=36}
TitleBar Buttons [11]
• Handle Cache Owners: 11
• "Total Commander (x64) 8.01 - Jan Záruba" ~ Rect: {X=1690,Y=-21,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x00070504 ~ Window:{X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "TTOTAL_CMD" ~ BorderY:8 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_combine_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW__TILEDWINDOW, WS_MAXIMIZE, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, WS_EX_APPWINDOW ~ 1690x-21 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:Max:[X=1813, Y=-8, W=115, H=1066] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE"
• "Obereggen - lyžování - SNOW.CZ - lyže, lyžování, sníh - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Rect: {X=3610,Y=-21,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x002d07d2 ~ Window:{X=1912,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=1912,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x86 ~ Firefox ~ "MozillaWindowClass" ~ BorderY:8 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_combine_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW__TILEDWINDOW, WS_MAXIMIZE, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE ~ 3610x-21 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:Max:[X=3733, Y=-8, W=115, H=1066] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
• "Správce úloh systému Windows" ~ Rect: {X=-31112,Y=-31112,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x000404a2 ~ Window:{X=-32000,Y=-32000,Width=160,Height=27} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=-32000,Y=-32000,Width=160,Height=27} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:True ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "#32770" ~ BorderY:0 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: 3067019340 ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT ~ -31112x-31112 ~ Reason: Window:Min ~ "C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe"
• "Visual Studio 2012 Title Bar Buttons | Post Reply in DisplayFusion Discussions | DisplayFusion by Binary Fortress Software - Google Chrome" ~ Rect: {X=3610,Y=-21,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x016006f0 ~ Window:{X=1912,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=1912,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x86 ~ GoogleChrome ~ "Chrome_WidgetWin_1" ~ BorderY:8 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_combine_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW__TILEDWINDOW, WS_MAXIMIZE, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE ~ 3610x-21 ~ Reason: ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
• "Správce stahování" ~ Rect: {X=1236,Y=143,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x0039092a ~ Window:{X=670,Y=162,Width=800,Height=739} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=670,Y=162,Width=800,Height=739} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x86 ~ Firefox ~ "MozillaWindowClass" ~ BorderY:8 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_combine_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW__TILEDWINDOW, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE ~ 1236x143 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=1359, Y=162, W=111, H=739] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
• "Centrum nastavení mobilních zařízení" ~ Rect: {X=2885,Y=464,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x01110916 ~ Window:{X=2505,Y=483,Width=614,Height=307} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=2505,Y=483,Width=614,Height=307} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "MobilityCenterApp" ~ BorderY:3 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: 348782660 ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT ~ 2885x464 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=3008, Y=483, W=111, H=307] ~ "C:\Windows\System32\mblctr.exe"
• "Start Page - Microsoft Visual Studio" ~ Rect: {X=1492,Y=-21,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x00820888 ~ Window:{X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x86 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "HwndWrapper[DefaultDomain;;963318b7-d1c2-4f16-b93f-69f9ba077a84]" ~ BorderY:0 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 320x0 ~ OffMax: 328x7 ~ Style: WS_combine_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW__TILEDWINDOW, WS_MAXIMIZE, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_APPWINDOW ~ 1492x-21 ~ Reason: SimpleOff ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
• "NiceVS" ~ Rect: {X=1127,Y=65,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x00320a18 ~ Window:{X=115,Y=85,Width=1440,Height=767} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=115,Y=85,Width=1440,Height=767} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x86 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "HwndWrapper[DefaultDomain;;ccc35c23-b5dd-4df1-956f-c00f972ec06b]" ~ BorderY:0 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 320x0 ~ OffMax: 328x7 ~ Style: WS_combine_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW__TILEDWINDOW, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_APPWINDOW ~ 1127x65 ~ Reason: SimpleOff ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
• "DivX Control Panel" ~ Rect: {X=1347,Y=252,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x001609ae ~ Window:{X=837,Y=276,Width=744,Height=528} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=832,Y=271,Width=754,Height=538} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x86 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "QWidget" ~ BorderY:3 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_MINIMIZEBOX__GROUP, WS_DLGFRAME, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE, WS_combine_POPUPWINDOW ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE ~ 1347x252 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=1470, Y=271, W=116, H=538] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Control Panel\DivXControlPanelLauncher.exe"
• "3 připomenutí" ~ Rect: {X=969,Y=333,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x00100896 ~ Window:{X=716,Y=357,Width=487,Height=336} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=711,Y=352,Width=497,Height=346} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [108px] ~ Process:x86 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "#32770" ~ BorderY:3 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: 2496266444 ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT ~ 969x333 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=1092, Y=352, W=116, H=346] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE"
• "" ~ Rect: {X=1237,Y=175,Width=128,Height=60} ~ 0x00580664 ~ Window:{X=505,Y=199,Width=910,Height=652} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=500,Y=194,Width=920,Height=662} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 1 [46px] ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "" ~ BorderY:3 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_SYSMENU, WS_combine_CAPTION, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, WS_EX_APPWINDOW ~ 1237x175 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=1360, Y=194, W=60, H=662] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe"
Taskbars [1]
• Enabled: True [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Taskbar Mode: ShowRelevant
• Middle-Click Behaviour: OpenNewInstance
• Opacity: 100
• Flash Blink: True
• Thumbnail Preview: Win7Style
• Thumbnail Preview Animations: True
• Sizing Bar Size: 0
• Button Width Max (Icons): 44
• Button Width Max (Text): 160
• Button Width Override: 0
• Button Icon Size: 16
• Button Gap Size: {Width=2, Height=0}
• Clock Time Format: H:mm
• Windows Taskbar Side: Bottom
• Windows Taskbar Size: {Width=1920, Height=30}
• Windows Taskbar Bounds: {X=0,Y=1050,Width=1920,Height=30}
• Windows Taskbar Monitor Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
• Windows Render Mode (system): Aero
• Windows Render Mode (current): Aero
• Force Classic Style: False
• Disabled Taskbars: None
• Colour Tracking Override: None
• Updates Waiting: 47
• Button Height: 30
• Need TrayIconEnum: False
• Progress Marquee Timer: False
• Count: 1
Taskbar 2
• Bounds Current: {X=1920,Y=1050,Width=1920,Height=30}
• Bounds MouseOver: {X=1920,Y=1050,Width=1920,Height=30}
• Bounds MouseLeave: {X=1920,Y=1050,Width=1920,Height=30}
• Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Bottom
• Size: Automatic
• Auto-Hide: Disabled
• Button Grouping Setting: Automatic
• Button Grouping Current: False
• TopMost: True [TopMost [Top: True ~ Force Top: False ~ Force Bottom: False ~ "ProcessButtons:NoFullScreen:TaskbarManager:ProcessTaskbarsCallback"]]
• Buttons: 3
• "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ "Obereggen - lyžování - SNOW.CZ - lyže, lyžování, sníh - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Handles:0x002d07d2:AL:0x002d07d2 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=1912,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066}
• "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ "Visual Studio 2012 Title Bar Buttons | Post Reply in DisplayFusion Discussions | DisplayFusion by Binary Fortress Software - Google Chrome" ~ Handles:0x016006f0:AL:0x016006f0 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=1912,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066}
• "C:\Windows\System32\mblctr.exe" ~ "Centrum nastavení mobilních zařízení" ~ Handles:0x01110916:AL:0x01110916 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=2505,Y=483,Width=614,Height=307}
Taskbar Deleted Items [3]
• 0x002d07d2:0x002d07d2:0x002d07d2:0x002d07d2:0x002d07d2:0x002d07d2:0x002d07d2: Window: Handle: 0x002d07d2
• 0x016006f0:0x016006f0:0x016006f0:0x016006f0:0x016006f0:0x016006f0:0x016006f0: Window: Handle: 0x016006f0
• 0x01110916:0x01110916:0x01110916:0x01110916:0x01110916:0x01110916:0x01110916: Window: Handle: 0x01110916
Taskbar Items [11]
• 0x01110916: AL:0x01110916 ~ Rect: {X=2505,Y=483,Width=614,Height=307} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Windows\System32\mblctr.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "MobilityCenterApp" ~ IconGCL: 32x32 ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [GCL_HIconSM:Color [A=255, R=35, G=96, B=211]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=26, G=58, B=179]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [GCL_HIcon] ~ Window: Handle: 0x01110916 ~ AppID: "C:\Windows\System32\mblctr.exe::"
• 0x00070504: AL:0x00070504 ~ Rect: {X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "TTOTAL_CMD" ~ IconGCL: 32x32 ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [GCL_HIconSM:Color [A=255, R=20, G=63, B=186]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=11, G=56, B=189]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: Handle: 0x00070504 ~ AppID: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Total Commander 64 bit.lnk::"
• 0x001609ae: AL:0x001609ae ~ Rect: {X=832,Y=271,Width=754,Height=538} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Control Panel\DivXControlPanelLauncher.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "QWidget" ~ IconGCL: 32x32 ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [Icon_Small2:Color [A=255, R=40, G=177, B=238]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=48, G=130, B=167]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: Handle: 0x001609ae ~ AppID: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Control Panel\DivXControlPanelLauncher.exe::"
• 0x00320a18: AL:0x00320a18 ~ Rect: {X=115,Y=85,Width=1440,Height=767} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "HwndWrapper[DefaultDomain;;ccc35c23-b5dd-4df1-956f-c00f972ec06b]" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [Icon_Small2:Color [A=255, R=100, G=46, B=141]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=114, G=42, B=145]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: Handle: 0x00320a18 ~ AppID: "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\(Bordel)\Microsoft Visual Studio 2012\Microsoft Visual Studio SDK\Tools\Start Experimental Instance of Visual Studio 2012.lnk::"
• 0x002d07d2: AL:0x002d07d2 ~ Rect: {X=1912,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "MozillaWindowClass" ~ IconGCL: 32x32 ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [GCL_HIconSM:Color [A=255, R=229, G=128, B=23]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=203, G=84, B=21]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [GCL_HIcon] ~ Window: Handle: 0x002d07d2 ~ AppID: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Mozilla Firefox.lnk::"
• 0x000404a2: AL:0x000404a2 ~ Rect: {X=788,Y=270,Width=798,Height=568} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "#32770" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [Icon_Small2:Color [A=255, R=15, G=236, B=20]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=20, G=134, B=23]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: Handle: 0x000404a2 ~ AppID: "taskmgr.exe::"
• 0x00820888: AL:0x00820888 ~ Rect: {X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "HwndWrapper[DefaultDomain;;963318b7-d1c2-4f16-b93f-69f9ba077a84]" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [Icon_Small2:Color [A=255, R=67, G=56, B=147]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=114, G=42, B=145]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: Handle: 0x00820888 ~ AppID: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Visual Studio 2012.lnk::"
• 0x00100896: AL:0x00100896 ~ Rect: {X=711,Y=352,Width=497,Height=346} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "#32770" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [Icon_Small2:Color [A=255, R=253, G=253, B=190]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=240, G=216, B=154]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: Handle: 0x00100896 ~ AppID: ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE"::"
• 0x0039092a: AL:0x0039092a ~ Rect: {X=670,Y=162,Width=800,Height=739} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "MozillaWindowClass" ~ IconGCL: 32x32 ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [GCL_HIconSM:Color [A=255, R=229, G=128, B=23]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=203, G=84, B=21]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [GCL_HIcon] ~ Window: Handle: 0x0039092a ~ AppID: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Mozilla Firefox.lnk::"
• 0x016006f0: AL:0x016006f0 ~ Rect: {X=1912,Y=-8,Width=1936,Height=1066} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "Chrome_WidgetWin_1" ~ IconGCL: 32x32 ~ IconNormal: 32x32 [GCL_HIconSM:Color [A=255, R=79, G=181, B=75]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=248, G=205, B=6]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [GCL_HIcon] ~ Window: Handle: 0x016006f0 ~ AppID: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Google Chrome.lnk::Chrome"
• 0x00580664: AL:0x00580664 ~ Rect: {X=500,Y=194,Width=920,Height=662} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 16x16 [Icon_Small2:Color [A=255, R=145, G=197, B=230]] ~ IconProcess: 16x16 [Color [A=255, R=8, G=79, B=138]] ~ IconLarge: 32x32 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: Handle: 0x00580664 ~ AppID: "BinaryFortressSoftware.DisplayFusion Settings.Main::"
Taskbar Start Menu
• Start Button: Handle: 0x000100d8
• Start Menu: Handle: 0x00000000
• Button Classic Flag [small]: Size: 16x16
• Button Classic Flag [medium]: Size: 20x20
• Button Classic Flag [large]: Size: 24x24
• Button Full Normal: Size: 54x54
• Button Full Hover: Size: 54x54
• Button Full Pressed: Size: 54x54
• Button TopChop Normal: Size: 54x54
• Button TopChop Hover: Size: 54x54
• Button TopChop Pressed: Size: 54x54
• Button BottomChop Normal: Size: 54x54
• Button BottomChop Hover: Size: 54x54
• Button BottomChop Pressed: Size: 54x54
• Button Padding: {Left=8,Top=9,Right=8,Bottom=8}
• Button Real Size: 38x37
• Text Start: "Start"
• Text JumpList: "Seznam odkazů"
• Text Show Tray Overflow: "Zobrazit skryté ikony"
• Text System Control: ""
• Text System Promoted: "Systémem nastavená oznamovací oblast"
• MUI Path: "C:\Windows\cs-CZ\explorer.exe.mui" (Exists: True)
Taskbar Tray Icons Visible [0 / 0]
Taskbar Tray Icons Alt [0]
Window Snapping
• Snap to Monitor Edges: False [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Snap to Application Window Edges: False [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Snap Distance: 10
• Snap Mode: OnlyWithoutModifier
• Snap Modifier: Shift
• Sticky Mode: Sticky
Window Management
• Maximized Window Dragging: False [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Maximized Window Dragging Overlay: True [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Middle-Click Window Moving: False [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Window Move/Size ToolTips: False [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Win+M Helper: False
• Window Move Use New Method: False
Window Location [0]
• Enabled: False [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Queue Length: 94
• Taskbar Shortcuts Waiting: 0
• None
Windows Logon Background
• Enabled: True
• Use Wallpaper: False
• Image: D:\Users\Honza\Pictures\DiGi\2012\2012_02_11÷2012_02_18 Alpy - Ischgl\2012_02_16 Ischgl - Samnaun\DSCF1338.JPG
• Colour: Color [A=255, R=0, G=0, B=0]
• Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
• Colour Mode: Normal
Desktop Icon Profiles [0]
Screen Savers [2]
• Enabled: True [AdminLock: False ~ Loaded: HKCU:APP]
• Span: False
• Is Allowed: True [Allowed]
• 1: "C:\Windows\System32\PhotoScreensaver.scr" ~ Preview: True
• 2: "C:\Windows\WLXPGSS.SCR" ~ Preview: True
Screen Savers Installed [12]
• "avast! Screen Saver" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\AvastSS.scr"
• "avast! Screen Saver stub" ~ "C:\Windows\avastSS.scr"
• "Bubliny" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Bubbles.scr"
• "DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver" ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr"
• "Fotografie" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\PhotoScreensaver.scr"
• "Google Photos Screensaver" ~ "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\GPhotos.scr"
• "Mystifikace" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Mystify.scr"
• "Prázdné" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\scrnsave.scr"
• "Prostorový text" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\ssText3d.scr"
• "Pruhy" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Ribbons.scr"
• "Screen Saver" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Acer.scr"
• "Windows Live Photos Screen Saver" ~ "C:\Windows\WLXPGSS.SCR"
Languages [35]
• ca (Not Loaded): "Catalan" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ca.lang"
• da (Loaded): "Danish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\da.lang"
• de (Loaded): "German" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\de.lang"
• en (Loaded): "English" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en.lang"
• en-gb (Loaded): "English (United Kingdom)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en-gb.lang"
• en-us (Loaded): "English (United States)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en-us.lang"
• es (Loaded): "Spanish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\es.lang"
• fr (Loaded): "French" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fr.lang"
• gl (Not Loaded): "Galician" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\gl.lang"
• hr (Loaded): "Croatian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\hr.lang"
• it (Loaded): "Italian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\it.lang"
• lv (Loaded): "Latvian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\lv.lang"
• hu (Loaded): "Hungarian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\hu.lang"
• nl-be (Loaded): "Dutch (Belgium)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\nl-be.lang"
• nl-nl (Loaded): "Dutch (Netherlands)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\nl-nl.lang"
• no (Loaded): "Norwegian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\no.lang"
• pl (Loaded): "Polish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pl.lang"
• pt (Loaded): "Portuguese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pt.lang"
• pt-br (Loaded): "Portuguese (Brazil)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pt-br.lang"
• ro (Loaded): "Romanian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ro.lang"
• sl (Loaded): "Slovenian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sl.lang"
• sk (Not Loaded): "Slovak" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sk.lang"
• fi (Loaded): "Finnish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fi.lang"
• sv (Loaded): "Swedish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sv.lang"
• vi (Loaded): "Vietnamese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\vi.lang"
• tr (Loaded): "Turkish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\tr.lang"
• cs (Loaded): "Czech" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\cs.lang"
• ru (Loaded): "Russian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ru.lang"
• he (Not Loaded): "Hebrew" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\he.lang"
• fa (Loaded): "Persian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fa.lang"
• th (Not Loaded): "Thai" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\th.lang"
• zh-cn (Loaded): "Chinese (People's Republic of China)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\zh-cn.lang"
• zh-tw (Loaded): "Chinese (Taiwan)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\zh-tw.lang"
• ja (Loaded): "Japanese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ja.lang"
• ko (Loaded): "Korean" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ko.lang"
Compatibility [0]
Hook Manager
• Hooks Running: True
• Notify GUID: be99af97-223d-4dd2-86bf-62c67a47e71e
• API Force Disabled: False
• Hook Loaded: CBT: False
• Hook Loaded: KeyboardLL: False
Hooks Loaded: x64 only [16]
• 4464:4448: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
• 4556:4480: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
• 4464:4708: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
• 6672:6184: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE"
• 4464:6988: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
• 4464:7068: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
• 3980:3096: Status: Hooks Not Needed ~ "C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe"
• 4464:4488: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
• 3980:3764: Status: Hooks Not Needed ~ "C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe"
• 3980:3764: Status: Hooks Not Needed ~ "C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe"
• 3980:8956: Status: Hooks Not Needed ~ "C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe"
• 6428:5412: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe"
• 5832:7992: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Windows\System32\mblctr.exe"
• 5832:7992: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Windows\System32\mblctr.exe"
• 3980:7144: Status: Hooks Not Needed ~ "C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe"
• 7916:9036: Status: Loaded ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe"
x86 AppHook DLL: AppHookx86_CF673CB0-85E6-4E68-A1A8-89EE8CC6B009.dll
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookx86_CF673CB0-85E6-4E68-A1A8-89EE8CC6B009.dll
• Name: AppHook
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 186 296 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 16, 2012 @ 11:48
x64 AppHook DLL: AppHookx64_F9FCE040-1EC7-4749-A7C8-98BEBE135162.dll
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookx64_F9FCE040-1EC7-4749-A7C8-98BEBE135162.dll
• Name: AppHook
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 217 528 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 16, 2012 @ 11:48
Main: DisplayFusion.exe
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe
• Name: DisplayFusion
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 4 037 064 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 16, 2012 @ 15:52
AppHook: DisplayFusionAppHook.exe
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionAppHook.exe
• Name: DisplayFusion AppHook
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 1 226 200 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 16, 2012 @ 15:52
Helper: DisplayFusionHelper.exe
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHelper.exe
• Name: DisplayFusion Helper
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 1 366 992 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 16, 2012 @ 15:52
Helper:Win8: DisplayFusionHelperWin8.exe
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHelperWin8.exe
• Name: HelperWin8
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 20 960 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 02, 2012 @ 10:17
Command: DisplayFusionCommand.exe
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe
• Name: DisplayFusion Command
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 1 405 912 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 16, 2012 @ 15:52
Settings: DisplayFusionSettings.exe
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe
• Name: DisplayFusion Settings
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 2 772 440 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 16, 2012 @ 15:52
Screen Saver: DFSSaver.scr
• Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DFSSaver.scr
• Name: DisplayFusion Screen Saver
• Prod Version:
• File Version:
• Size: 1 631 712 bytes
• Date Modified (UTC): XI 16, 2012 @ 15:52
Threads [19]
• 4480: Running ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:31.90s ~ PrivPT:24.23s ~ TotalPT:56.13s ~ WaitReason:--
• 4796: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 2244: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:1.98s ~ PrivPT:0.45s ~ TotalPT:2.43s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 3728: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.02s ~ PrivPT:0.02s ~ TotalPT:0.03s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 1236: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:EventPairLow
• 1240: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.02s ~ PrivPT:0.02s ~ TotalPT:0.03s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 620: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
• 5556: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 6560: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:4.06s ~ PrivPT:3.48s ~ TotalPT:7.53s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 6752: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
• 6800: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 6828: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.03s ~ TotalPT:0.03s ~ WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
• 6968: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:0.02s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.02s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 6980: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 5m ago ~ UserPT:2.29s ~ PrivPT:1.28s ~ TotalPT:3.57s ~ WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
• 6848: Wait ~ Age:1d, 6h, 1m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:UserRequest
• 4488: Wait ~ Age:1h, 4m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:EventPairLow
• 8724: Wait ~ Age:1h, 4m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:EventPairLow
• 8104: Wait ~ Age:2m ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:EventPairLow
• 8012: Wait ~ Age:41s ago ~ UserPT:0.00s ~ PrivPT:0.00s ~ TotalPT:0.00s ~ WaitReason:EventPairLow
Task Manager [3]
• ID:6 ~ Name:HookManager ~ Notes:-- ~ Age:108 319,575s ~ Max:0 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ Ap:STA ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManager-2
• ID:17 ~ Name:HookManagerWaitForEvents ~ Notes:-- ~ Age:108 314,827s ~ Max:0 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ Ap:STA ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManagerWaitForEvents-10
• ID:18 ~ Name:WindowLocationManagerFirst ~ Notes:-- ~ Age:108 314,807s ~ Max:0 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ Ap:STA ~ State:Background, WaitSleepJoin ~ Thread Name:WindowLocationManagerFirst-11
Advanced Settings [85]
• Alt+Tab Handler: Alt+Tab Handler: Force Enabled: --
• Alt+Tab Handler: Alt+Tab Handler: Show Window Text for Items: --
• Desktop Icons: Don't Show Confirmation when Loading: --
• Desktop Icons: Don't Show Overwrite Confirmation when Saving: --
• Desktop Icons: Don't Show Success Notification when Saving: --
• General: Advanced Debug Logging: --
• General: Application Hooks: --
• General: Don't Show Tray Icon Notification Balloons: --
• General: Force Processes to be Launched Internally: --
• General: Hide System Tray Icon: --
• General: Ignore Full Screen Windows: --
• General: Ignore Monitors: --
• General: Memory Trim: --
• General: Monitor Order: --
• General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change X: --
• General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Y: --
• General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change X: --
• General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Y: --
• General: Pause Global Hooks on Full Screen: --
• General: Processor Affinity (all CPUs): --
• General: Run as a High Priority Process: 0
• General: Run as a Low Priority Process: --
• General: Treat Top-Tab Browser Windows as Standard Windows: --
• General: Window Highlight Border Size: --
• Languages: Force Load Language Files with Errors: --
• Languages: Show Language File Errors: --
• Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Confirm Prompt: --
• Taskbar: Always Show Preview Window Text: --
• Taskbar: Auto-Hide Animation: --
• Taskbar: Button Dragging Icons: --
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #1): --
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #2): --
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #3): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\3" ~ ValueName: "ClockSize"
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #4): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\4" ~ ValueName: "ClockSize"
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #5): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\5" ~ ValueName: "ClockSize"
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #6): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\6" ~ ValueName: "ClockSize"
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #7): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\7" ~ ValueName: "ClockSize"
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #8): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\8" ~ ValueName: "ClockSize"
• Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #9): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\9" ~ ValueName: "ClockSize"
• Taskbar: Clock Text: --
• Taskbar: Clock Text Colour: --
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #1): --
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #2): --
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #3): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\3" ~ ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #4): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\4" ~ ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #5): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\5" ~ ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #6): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\6" ~ ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #7): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\7" ~ ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #8): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\8" ~ ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
• Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #9): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey. Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ~ Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\9" ~ ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
• Taskbar: Clock ToolTip Text: --
• Taskbar: Colour Tracking Override: --
• Taskbar: Force Classic Style: --
• Taskbar: Highlighted Buttons Blink: --
• Taskbar: Shortcut Size (X): --
• Taskbar: Shortcut Size (Y): --
• Taskbar: Show Duplicate Taskbar Prompt (Win8): --
• Taskbar: Show on All Monitors: --
• Taskbar: Taskbar Button Gap Size (X): --
• Taskbar: Taskbar Shortcut Gap Size (X): --
• Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Animation: --
• Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Delay: --
• Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Size: --
• Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview ToolTips: --
• Taskbar: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Custom Button Background: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Don't Hide for Top-Tabs (Chrome, Firefox 4): --
• TitleBar Buttons: Don't use Aero TitleBar Button Positioning: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Force Classic Style: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Horizontal Offset: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Minimum Window Width: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Show Debug Info: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Shrink TitleBar Buttons: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Treat as Non-Maximized: --
• TitleBar Buttons: Vertical Offset: --
• Wallpaper: Active Desktop: Force Detection as Disabled: --
• Wallpaper: Active Desktop: Force Detection as Enabled: --
• Wallpaper: Don't Load Random Images on Apply: --
• Wallpaper: Don't Store Image History: --
• Wallpaper: Generated Folder Override: --
• Wallpaper: Ignore Sub-Folders: --
• Wallpaper: Run Program After Wallpaper Change: --
• Wallpaper: Show Wallpaper Apply Prompt: --
• Wallpaper: Startup Change Delay: --
• Window: Use Alternate Method To Move Windows (for testing ONLY): --
Process Manager [423]
• 4: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 452: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 628: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 708: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 720: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 748: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 784: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 832: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 840: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 852: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 968: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 388: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 500: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 724: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1060: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1104: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1128: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1312: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1344: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 6h, 5m ago
• 1428: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1620: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1816: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1920: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1992: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1564: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1508: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1764: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1848: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2068: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2100: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2168: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2208: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2792: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2852: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2908: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3060: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 756: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 884: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2416: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2032: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3116: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3132: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3300: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3880: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1608: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3996: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4040: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2396: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1696: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3664: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1968: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2928: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3104: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3236: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 30m ago
• 3768: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 16m ago
• 2680: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 16m ago
• 4580: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 6h, 5m ago
• 4180: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4428: "C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 2752: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 5h, 58m ago
• 3980: "C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4464: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 5s ago
• 3792: "C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe" ~ Version: 14.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1292: "C:\Windows\WindowsMobile\wmdc.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4972: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TSVNCache.exe" ~ Version: 1.7 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4432: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lexmark S300-S400 Series\lxeamon.exe" ~ Version: 0.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1056: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lexmark S300-S400 Series\ezprint.exe" ~ Version: 3.98 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4140: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Roaming\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" ~ Version: 1.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4184: "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe" ~ Version: 7.17 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1376: "C:\Windows\WindowsMobile\WmdHost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 1d, 6h, 5m ago
• 4536: "C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPHelper.exe" ~ Version: 14.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4556: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe" ~ Version: 4.99 ~ Added: 5s ago
• 1356: "C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 5s ago
• 3320: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe" ~ Version: 4.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1408: "C:\Windows\System32\mobsync.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4948: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Local\Akamai\netsession_win.exe" ~ Version: 1.8 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 5012: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\runonce.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 1d, 6h, 5m ago
• 4424: "D:\Users\Honza\AppData\Local\Akamai\netsession_win.exe" ~ Version: 1.8 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 5268: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 5324: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\AcerVCM.exe" ~ Version: 4.5 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 5396: "C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\BTTray.exe" ~ Version: 6.2 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 5704: "C:\Program Files\Belkin\Network USB Hub Control Center\Connect.exe" ~ Version: 1.4 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6064: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6108: "C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\AvastUI.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 5448: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe" ~ Version: 2.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 5532: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\miranda32.exe" ~ Version: 0.10 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6028: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Media Server\DivXMediaServer.exe" ~ Version: 1.0 ~ Added: 1d, 6h, 5m ago
• 5908: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Update\DivXUpdate.exe" ~ Version: 1.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6608: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 48m ago
• 6640: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 6h, 5m ago
• 6852: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 6h, 5m ago
• 6884: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionAppHook.exe" ~ Version: 4.99 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7144: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE" ~ Version: 14.0 ~ Added: 1d, 6h, 5m ago
• 6556: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4664: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 0m ago
• 6672: "C:\Program Files (x86)\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE" ~ Version: 8.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 1940: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 33m ago
• 5368: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 1d, 5h, 56m ago
• 2656: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 0m ago
• 6540: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 0m ago
• 5864: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 46m ago
• 1708: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 59m ago
• 5316: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 47m ago
• 6516: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 5h, 56m ago
• 5392: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 5h, 56m ago
• 6756: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 37m ago
• 2096: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 1d, 5h, 47m ago
• 6760: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 37m ago
• 4212: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 0m ago
• 5408: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6156: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 5h, 52m ago
• 6764: "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 1d, 5h, 52m ago
• 6196: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1h, 3m ago
• 6368: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 17m ago
• 1660: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 5h, 47m ago
• 3660: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 43m ago
• 5824: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 22h, 56m ago
• 2848: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 37m ago
• 6332: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 0h, 40m ago
• 3044: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 45m ago
• 1880: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 1d, 0h, 22m ago
• 4112: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 0h, 25m ago
• 7932: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 23h, 3m ago
• 6592: "C:\Windows\WindowsMobile\WmdHost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 23h, 3m ago
• 7028: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 0h, 22m ago
• 6512: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE" ~ Version: 14.0 ~ Added: 22h, 20m ago
• 6660: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 1d, 0h, 25m ago
• 1536: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 0h, 25m ago
• 8020: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7560: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 37m ago
• 3968: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 41m ago
• 5604: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 50m ago
• 6736: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 50m ago
• 6584: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 42m ago
• 7572: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1d, 0h, 7m ago
• 7132: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 20m ago
• 7888: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6076: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 23h, 57m ago
• 7088: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 59m ago
• 5220: "C:\Windows\System32\charmap.exe" ~ Version: 5.2 ~ Added: 10h, 28m ago
• 6784: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 23h, 55m ago
• 3408: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 23h, 46m ago
• 3864: "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 10h, 30m ago
• 4848: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 44m ago
• 5780: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 42m ago
• 6216: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 37m ago
• 7488: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 28m ago
• 1160: "C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4104: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 6h, 2m ago
• 4200: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 23h, 22m ago
• 4988: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 23h, 22m ago
• 7664: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 22m ago
• 4956: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 23h, 20m ago
• 6420: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1h, 1m ago
• 4192: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 6h, 7m ago
• 6624: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 23h, 16m ago
• 4532: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 37m ago
• 8000: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 31m ago
• 8052: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Contacts\wlcomm.exe" ~ Version: 15.4 ~ Added: 20h, 52m ago
• 6304: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_11_5_502_135.exe" ~ Version: 11.5 ~ Added: 8h, 56m ago
• 7880: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 22h, 31m ago
• 5356: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 22h, 56m ago
• 6280: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\WLXPhotoGallery.exe" ~ Version: 15.4 ~ Added: 20h, 53m ago
• 7568: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 23h, 3m ago
• 8080: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 23h, 3m ago
• 8156: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dllhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 23h, 3m ago
• 6704: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 22h, 56m ago
• 7392: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 37m ago
• 5244: "C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 22h, 56m ago
• 5336: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 22h, 54m ago
• 5676: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 22h, 54m ago
• 1164: "C:\Windows\WindowsMobile\WmdHost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 10h, 24m ago
• 6476: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 22h, 52m ago
• 4492: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 22h, 48m ago
• 2700: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 22h, 52m ago
• 5160: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 22h, 52m ago
• 4916: "C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" ~ Version: 4.3 ~ Added: 20h, 52m ago
• 3844: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 22h, 48m ago
• 6204: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 22h, 50m ago
• 5576: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 22h, 50m ago
• 7708: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 46m ago
• 5292: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 6h, 0m ago
• 5304: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 22h, 46m ago
• 7464: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 22h, 46m ago
• 1872: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 13m ago
• 2152: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 1h, 1m ago
• 4812: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 24m ago
• 8716: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 22h, 31m ago
• 6656: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 22h, 33m ago
• 4224: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 37m ago
• 1392: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 49m ago
• 6240: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 56m ago
• 5340: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\ielowutil.exe" ~ Version: 8.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7156: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 43m ago
• 8248: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 22h, 5m ago
• 1116: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 22h, 3m ago
• 8800: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 21h, 56m ago
• 6500: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 21h, 46m ago
• 8624: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 48m ago
• 6348: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 41m ago
• 8412: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 41m ago
• 9068: "C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7160: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 33m ago
• 7180: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 46m ago
• 7724: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 41m ago
• 6316: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 18m ago
• 8044: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 46m ago
• 6052: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 11m ago
• 6992: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 21h, 5m ago
• 3340: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 21h, 3m ago
• 7868: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 54m ago
• 7592: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 59m ago
• 8564: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 56m ago
• 1972: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 54m ago
• 4396: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 52m ago
• 6152: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 52m ago
• 7808: "C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 20h, 52m ago
• 9012: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 34m ago
• 5152: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 39m ago
• 9020: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 54m ago
• 7388: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 46m ago
• 6428: "C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7700: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 20h, 37m ago
• 8284: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 39m ago
• 8296: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 39m ago
• 6448: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" ~ Version: 10.1 ~ Added: 20h, 37m ago
• 7452: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 31m ago
• 8152: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 37m ago
• 8040: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6408: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 13m ago
• 8492: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 33m ago
• 4332: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 35m ago
• 7112: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 19m ago
• 3712: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 33m ago
• 9004: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 28m ago
• 8656: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 31m ago
• 6032: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 31m ago
• 8828: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1h, 3m ago
• 8076: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 10h, 13m ago
• 4584: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 24m ago
• 476: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 24m ago
• 6620: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2launcher.exe" ~ Version: 10.9 ~ Added: 5h, 18m ago
• 9208: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 20m ago
• 7092: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 20h, 18m ago
• 2080: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 18m ago
• 8220: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 20h, 16m ago
• 7440: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 10h, 24m ago
• 6744: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 0m ago
• 8368: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 28m ago
• 2432: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 2m ago
• 5064: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 53m ago
• 5940: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 24m ago
• 7184: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 59m ago
• 7496: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 28m ago
• 5568: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 19m ago
• 7380: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 10h, 28m ago
• 7268: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 28m ago
• 4592: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 26m ago
• 8540: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 26m ago
• 7784: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ Version: 11.0 ~ Added: 16s ago
• 7312: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 22m ago
• 7120: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 22m ago
• 1596: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 22m ago
• 3372: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 9m ago
• 6228: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 10h, 17m ago
• 7044: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 19m ago
• 1416: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 17m ago
• 9092: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 13m ago
• 7636: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 17m ago
• 9084: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 45m ago
• 5572: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 10h, 11m ago
• 7676: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 13m ago
• 7296: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 10h, 7m ago
• 6492: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 11m ago
• 7220: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 11m ago
• 1732: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 7m ago
• 8744: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 9m ago
• 4188: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 7m ago
• 8320: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 32m ago
• 7492: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 4m ago
• 8372: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" ~ Version: 10.1 ~ Added: 10h, 0m ago
• 3032: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 58m ago
• 2248: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 8h, 47m ago
• 8280: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 0m ago
• 7284: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" ~ Version: 10.1 ~ Added: 10h, 0m ago
• 7736: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 10h, 0m ago
• 1784: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 58m ago
• 1544: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 58m ago
• 5116: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 56m ago
• 6532: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 56m ago
• 2012: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 49m ago
• 7684: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 49m ago
• 1424: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 34m ago
• 4904: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 8h, 49m ago
• 7504: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 52m ago
• 2608: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 6h, 42m ago
• 9076: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 45m ago
• 4852: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 45m ago
• 2652: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 45m ago
• 1300: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 43m ago
• 5412: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 43m ago
• 6360: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 43m ago
• 1216: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 1h, 3m ago
• 5724: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 43m ago
• 2596: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 43m ago
• 8740: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dllhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 9h, 43m ago
• 4640: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 39m ago
• 7912: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 4m ago
• 5508: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 28m ago
• 1084: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 30m ago
• 1772: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 34m ago
• 800: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 19m ago
• 8112: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 28m ago
• 5436: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 24m ago
• 4564: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 24m ago
• 8908: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 19m ago
• 6768: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 17m ago
• 3416: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 32m ago
• 952: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 28m ago
• 7620: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 30m ago
• 3984: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 28m ago
• 7352: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 26m ago
• 5560: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 26m ago
• 5280: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 21m ago
• 8344: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 21m ago
• 2620: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 17m ago
• 8512: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 2m ago
• 1496: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 5h, 14m ago
• 7660: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 13m ago
• 4644: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 2m ago
• 8444: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 11m ago
• 5256: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 9m ago
• 7336: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 6m ago
• 3804: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3848: "C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\BTStackServer.exe" ~ Version: 6.2 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7656: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 2m ago
• 8048: "C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\BluetoothHeadsetProxy.exe" ~ Version: 6.2 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6072: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 9h, 2m ago
• 8572: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 58m ago
• 7176: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 0m ago
• 7788: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 0m ago
• 6580: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 58m ago
• 7992: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9h, 0m ago
• 1384: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ Version: 14.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 8760: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7084: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe" ~ Version: 14.0 ~ Added: 8h, 56m ago
• 5472: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_11_5_502_135.exe" ~ Version: 11.5 ~ Added: 8h, 56m ago
• 1444: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6320: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6244: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 51m ago
• 7648: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 56m ago
• 6252: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dllhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 8h, 56m ago
• 8996: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 53m ago
• 8724: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dllhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 8h, 53m ago
• 5068: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 51m ago
• 8912: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 45m ago
• 7024: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 47m ago
• 5632: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 25m ago
• 8328: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 6h, 0m ago
• 7036: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 8h, 43m ago
• 9204: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 8h, 41m ago
• 8664: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 6h, 46m ago
• 7444: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 6h, 46m ago
• 5496: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 6h, 46m ago
• 5620: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 46m ago
• 8272: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 6h, 38m ago
• 7152: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 6h, 42m ago
• 2688: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7052: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 4h, 52m ago
• 8652: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 6h, 35m ago
• 7456: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 6h, 33m ago
• 7328: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 57m ago
• 3900: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DFSSaver.scr" ~ Version: 5.0 ~ Added: 5h, 23m ago
• 8064: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 5h, 20m ago
• 8648: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2launcher.exe" ~ Version: 10.9 ~ Added: 1h, 1m ago
• 5028: "C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 1h, 1m ago
• 6496: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" ~ Version: 7.0 ~ Added: 5h, 18m ago
• 1284: "C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 5h, 18m ago
• 6544: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 5h, 12m ago
• 6436: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DFSSaver.scr" ~ Version: 5.0 ~ Added: 4h, 52m ago
• 7400: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 4h, 47m ago
• 7976: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 4h, 45m ago
• 6796: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 44m ago
• 4932: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 57m ago
• 3384: "C:\Windows\ehome\ehtray.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 1h, 3m ago
• 7384: "C:\Windows\ehome\ehmsas.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7472: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 1h, 1m ago
• 4784: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7428: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 59m ago
• 6388: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 8288: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 52m ago
• 6692: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 59m ago
• 8776: "C:\Windows\ehome\ehtray.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 59m ago
• 6956: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 59m ago
• 7944: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 57m ago
• 7672: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 52m ago
• 3740: "C:\Windows\ehome\ehtray.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 54m ago
• 8792: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 44m ago
• 8164: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4760: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 7m ago
• 8208: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 7m ago
• 8804: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: 9m ago
• 6680: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 12m ago
• 5832: "C:\Windows\System32\mblctr.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 35s ago
• 5588: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 8408: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7416: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dllhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 3m ago
• 8748: "C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: 5m ago
• 928: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 9032: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: 3m ago
• 8356: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 9060: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 9132: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 3788: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\wyj1wg4x.tqk\Microsoft.VisualStudio.PerfWatson.exe" ~ Version: 11.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7980: "C:\Windows\WindowsMobile\WmdHost.exe" ~ Version: 6.1 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 6932: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ Version: 11.0 ~ Added: 29s ago
• 7712: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Control Panel\DivXControlPanelLauncher.exe" ~ Version: 1.2 ~ Added: 25s ago
• 5920: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE" ~ Version: 14.0 ~ Added: 23s ago
• 6836: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 8256: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 4204: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ~ Version: 23.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 8680: "" ~ Version: 0.0 ~ Added: less than 1 second ago
• 7916: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ Version: 4.99 ~ Added: 47s ago
Build Time
• Elapsed Build Time: 0,821s
• Attachment: DisplayFusion.log [243,341 bytes]
• Attachment: NiceVS.png [126,586 bytes]
Dec 26, 2012 (modified Jan 2, 2013)  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, thanks! We'll keep you posted when we have more news.
Jan 2, 2013  • #13
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have NiceVS installed, and I'm try to reproduce this issue. How do I open the NiceVS settings window?
Jan 17, 2013  • #14
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Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
The dialog will be in next version that has not been released yet.
Jan 17, 2013  • #15
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you let us know when it's available to test? We'll have to look at the window styles and classes, and how it's invoked to see if we can fix the issue.
Jan 18, 2013  • #16
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Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
Jan 21, 2013  • #17
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Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
Hi, I'm sorry for such huge delay, but I preferred skiing over programming over winter ;-).
The new version of NiceVS add-on (0.9.0) is available here:
After installation it opens a window on first launch of Visual Studio. On top of the window there are (from left to right) DisplayFusion buttons, gap, standard System buttons.
Tested on W7.
Note: The extension has still some bugs and can cause VS crash or hang :-(.
Apr 24, 2013 (modified May 6, 2013)  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, hope the skiing was good!

We've tested this out, but unfortunately we can't change the offset for the extension windows. All of the window properties that DisplayFusion can read are the same between the extension window and the main window, so they'll always have the same offset as the main window.

May 7, 2013  • #19
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Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
No problem. I'd never raise the issue if I don't see you dealing with Visual Studio buttons.
Anyway, now I'm using DisplayFusion Pro v5.1.0 (Beta 5) and icons in Visual Studio are overlaying Quick Launch again for some reason.
Again I personally don't care. But once you touched the issue, I'm letting you know.
• Attachment [protected]: VSTR.png [4,379 bytes]
May 9, 2013  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! Did you specify the TitleBar Button offset in a Compatibility rule? (Settings > Compatibility tab)
May 9, 2013  • #21
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Jan Záruba
13 discussion posts
No, I have absolutely nothing in Compatibility tab and I have never done anything with it.
May 9, 2013  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've just checked into this, and there was a bug in Beta 5, but this should be fixed up for Beta 6.

May 10, 2013  • #23
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