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35 discussion posts
I am using DisplayFusion 3.3.1 on a Windows 7 64bit machine with 2 monitors. The secondary monitor is to the left, so it has a negative X co-ordinate, in case this matters.

In the Window Location settings I have set:

Application = C:\Program Files (x86)\Offline Explorer Pro\OE.exe
Window Size = Original Size
Window Location Mode = All Windows
and target window = window 2

But Window Location has no effect on this application, all windows always appear on the primary monitor. I am using version 4.9 of Offline Explorer:

A couple of versions behind, so I am not sure if this can be reproduced with the current version. Window Location is working correctly for me for both Firefox and Irfranview, so I appear to have it configured correctly.
Jul 30, 2011  • #1
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35 discussion posts
if it helps, this looks like a download link for this version of Offline Explorer:
Jul 30, 2011  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you try updating to the latest DisplayFusion Beta to see if that helps:

Also, is there a reason you're using an older version of Offline Explorer, or can you update that as well?
Jul 30, 2011  • #3
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35 discussion posts
I have reproduced this problem inside a VMware workstation virtual machine, using Windows 7 64bit with 2 monitors, DisplayFusion 3.4.0 beta 11, and the latest version of Offline Explorer Pro, 5.9

My main machine is being temperamental at the moment, hence testing the beta in a virtual machine.

Unfortunately my license for Offline Explorer Pro does not cover any newer versions, and the new versions don't seem to offer any new features I want or need so I have not renewed my license yet.

Even before discovering DisplayFusion I found that if I turn off the splash screen in Offline Explorer Pro it does not produce a windows taskbar icon when it first loads, so the program seems to have some slightly odd window behaviours.
Aug 1, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok good to know. I'll test this out and get back to you as soon as I can.

Aug 2, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Good news! I've confirmed this issue as well. We'll see if there's anything we can do, and hopefully we'll be able to get it fixed up in a future version.

Aug 3, 2011  • #6
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Oleg Chernavin
4 discussion posts
Keith, Colin,

I am responsible for Offline Explorer development. So, if I should do any change in the software code that would make it more compatible with DisplayFusion, let me know.

Thank you!

Best regards,
Oleg Chernavin
Aug 9, 2011  • #7
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35 discussion posts
Keith, this is excellent news, thank you :) Its only a minor problem, but it is a little irritating.

Oleg, at a guess, Offline Explorer does not properly handle negative X coordinates for its window positions. The new project dialog appears centred over the main window if Offline Explorer is on my primary monitor, but if the main window is on my secondary monitor then the new project dialog always appears at the very left hand side of the primary monitor. The secondary monitor is to the left of the primary monitor, so it has a negative X co-ordinate for the window position.

Quite a few programs have problems with this window layout, which is where DisplayFusion is proving most useful :)
Aug 10, 2011  • #8
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Oleg Chernavin
4 discussion posts
Thank you! I reproduced and fixed this error. The fix will be available in 6.0 version of Offline Explorer.
Aug 11, 2011  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Oleg, is there a beta version of 6.0 available for testing? :)
Aug 12, 2011  • #10
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Oleg Chernavin
4 discussion posts
Yes, please download it here:
Aug 12, 2011  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Still no luck with the DisplayFusion Window Location rules. We'll look into it some more on our end.

Aug 15, 2011  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hey guys, just wanted to post a follow-up, on further investigation, there's no way we can work around this issue from our end. Oleg, please let us know if you have any more beta builds for us to test out, or if you'd like to test it out yourself with DisplayFusion Window Location rules, please feel free to grab a trial copy from here:

Sep 8, 2011  • #13
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Oleg Chernavin
4 discussion posts

In installed the latest DisplayFusion version and the current Offline Explorer works correctly with it. If you can, please try it yourself. I reproduced the settings you described.

Thank you!

Sep 8, 2011  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion Discussions, this topic is being marked as Complete as it hasn't received a response for more than 30 days. If you're still having trouble and would like some help, just let me know!

Nov 29, 2011  • #15
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