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3 discussion posts
DisplayFusion currently generates one large .jpg file of all the Wallpapers set. Under Windows 8, certain wallpapers, especially very simplistic ones, suffer from terrible image compression, which Windows 8 adds to .JPG images when setting as wallpaper. The only workaround is to use .PNG files. :-[

So, my Feature Request is to be able to set DisplayFusion to generate the large wallpaper as .PNG instead of .JPG. Is this possible? :)
Apr 23, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We might be able to do that. As a test, could you try this out?
  • Apply the DisplayFusion Wallpaper (also check the Wallpaper Settings window, and make sure the "warn me if my wallpaper needs updating" option is disabled for this test)
  • Open up the C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion folder, and look for a file called Wallpaper_1 or Wallpaper_2 with no extension
  • Open that file in your favourite image editor (might need to add .bmp as the extension first)
  • Save it as a PNG file
  • Apply that new PNG file using the Windows wallpaper settings instead of DisplayFusion

After doing the above, is it good quality, or still bad? DisplayFusion actually tries to apply that extensionless file as the wallpaper, which that file is actually not compressed at all, but it seems Windows 8 is still turning around and compressing it anyway.

Apr 24, 2014  • #2
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3 discussion posts
If I save it as .PNG (Both by using the method you described or stitching the images manually together) and set it as Wallpaper, it works just fine.
Apr 25, 2014 (modified Apr 25, 2014)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, awesome, thanks for confirming! We'll see if we can change the generated image to a PNG file then for Windows 8 and up. I'll let you know when there's a new beta to test :)

Apr 25, 2014  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version and this issue should hopefully be all fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Apr 25, 2014  • #5
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3 discussion posts
Awesome, thank you very much!
You just earned a new customer 8)
May 5, 2014  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
May 6, 2014  • #7
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