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Johnny Black
1 discussion post

I have a two monitor setup and am experiencing a bit of oddity when it comes to switching inputs on one of them.

My main monitor has two HDMI connections, one going to my PC, the other to a PS3.
The second monitor just has a DVI input, and is only used for the PC.

The situation is this:

On the HDMI monitor, when I switch inputs from the PS3 back to the PC, any windows I have open on the second monitor get moved over to the primary, so I have to drag them all back over to the other monitor.

There is also screen blanking and that sound Windows makes when you plug in new hardware when it does this.

When first switching to the PS3, everything is fine... it is only when switching back over to the PC input that all this occurs.

Anyways, it is growing tiring and I'd kinda like it to stop doing this. :)

I have zero clue if this is a bug with DisplayFusion, or a setting I missed somewhere, or simply a matter of Windows being Windows... so I thought I'd post and see if someone could enlighten me.
Aug 23, 2014  • #1
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1 discussion post
Sounds like the Windows 7 problem I had a few years ago. Windows detected when I shut my secondary monitor down, removed it from the extended desktop and moved all the windows to my primary. I had to use a VGA connection to make it not notice that I turned the monitor off.

I've never had that problem in Windows 8/8.1 so I think they fixed it. At least with DVI... DisplayPort still does it last time I checked :|
Aug 23, 2014  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Maxie: You're correct, it's a Windows thing. As you suspected, it's that HDMI TVs and DisplayPort monitors actually get detected as disconnected when they switch inputs or power off.

Using VGA or DVI is one work around, but I've also read some posts elsewhere, where people block a pin on the HDMI cable with tape to prevent the monitor from being detected as off, but I've never tried it, so I'm reluctant to recommend it.

We're hoping to add a feature that would allow you to save/restore window positions, so I'll follow-up here if/when we're able to implement that in a future version :)

Aug 25, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In the latest DisplayFusion beta (, we’ve added two new Functions on the Settings > Functions tab for saving and restoring window positions. Just assign key combinations to them (or set them as TitleBar Buttons), and you should be all set!

Nov 6, 2014  • #4
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