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After over a month of development I am proud to announce the release of DisplayFusion 2.0! This new version represents a major change for both DisplayFusion, and the way I am supporting future development of the project. DisplayFusion 2.0 includes some fantastic new functionality, like wallpaper changing on a timer and fully customizable hotkeys, but the single biggest change is the addition of a Pro version. The Pro version contains features that go above and beyond basic hotkeys and desktop wallpaper. For example, in the Pro version you can have your wallpaper change automatically ever few minutes or hours. It also includes the ability to fully customize your own hotkeys. For example, if you're a developer you could create a hotkey that centred a window and resized it to 800x600 for testing webpage layout. Or you could create a series of hotkeys for tiling windows to the 4 corners of the screen. Your imagination is the limit! If you would like more information on what features are included in the Free or Pro versions I invite you to check out the version comparison chart. If you would like a full rundown on the changes included in 2.0 please take a look at the change log.

Something new that I've decided to try for this release is a flash demo. If you head over to the DisplayFusion page you will see a flash video demonstrating most of the functionality of DisplayFusion, including both Free and Pro features.

Re-designed Desktop Wallpaper Manager

Completely re-written Flickr image browser

One last note: Anyone who has previously donated any amount towards any of my software development should find a DisplayFusion Pro license key in their email. If you have previously donated your time or money to help with any of my projects and you didn't receive your license key please contact me and I'll get it sorted out as soon as possible.

Thank you everyone, and happy downloading!

Feb 3, 2008  • #1
User Image
18 discussion posts
I'm impressed.You did a lot of work.
Thanks very much for DisplayFusion v2
(and the lic. key.)
Looks great.Also all the revamped pages and the video on the website.
One helluva great job.
You packed a lot of stuff in a small package :)
Thanks again,
Feb 4, 2008  • #2
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Andrew M
37 discussion posts
Hey Jon,

Watched your flash demo - great work! I hope you get many pro orders :)
Feb 4, 2008  • #3
Keith Lammers (Personal)'s profile on
Jon! Nice work buddy! DisplayFusion is definitely one of my favourite apps.
Feb 4, 2008  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. :)
Feb 4, 2008  • #5
User Image
1 discussion post
So glad to see the update; thanks for all your hard work.

Are there any features from 1.5 that are Pro-only in 2.0? I suspect the ability to tweak the background's position is one such Pro-only feature and was curious if there were others.
Feb 5, 2008  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
There are only 2 things that used to be in the free version that are now in the Pro version. The first is the background positioning and the second is auto-fixing when display settings are changed. 2 new features that have been added in the Pro version are the background changing on a timer and custom hotkeys.
Feb 6, 2008  • #7
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Jason Heydasch
1 discussion post
Just purchased my copy! Congrats,'ve made a fantastic piece of software!
Feb 7, 2008  • #8
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1 discussion post
Where can I get a copy of the Display Fusion 2.0.0 install file? (not 2.0.1)
Feb 11, 2008  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I can send you a copy if you'd like, just use the contact form to send me an email. Can I ask why you would like an older version?
Feb 11, 2008  • #10
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1 discussion post
3 hours i've been doing nothing but play around with display fusion trying 2 fix a proplem display fusion worked for about 20 minutes then when i changed my screen resolution to find the best 1 display fusion tiled the backround and not tiled neetly its choped the pics up everywhere aww i feel very un accomplished program very disapointing wont even let me properly stretch and place the pics tried re installing many time
Jan 2, 2009  • #11
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Ali Hashmi
1 discussion post
I would like to recieve a key.
May 26, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Ali: Did you register and not receive a key?
May 28, 2009  • #13
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