19 discussion posts
i use windowblinds, and when i make the main taskbar transparent, the displayfusion taskbar just turns black. or, when i set the transparency for the displayfusion taskbar, it won't set the same transparency for the main taskbar. is there any way you could implement a feature or update to where both taskbars share the same transparency, without having to set them separately? like, make the displayfusion taskbar just follow the setting of the main taskbar? especially for windows xp (which i use). that would rock.
thank you. love your software.
this is my first post on here.
Which versions of WindowBlinds and DisplayFusion are you running? Could you also let me know which WindowBlinds theme you're using? If I can reproduce it we'll definitely look into it to see if there's anything we can do.

19 discussion posts
hey, keith. i'm using the latest version of displayfusion, and windowblinds 7 (i'm pretty sure the latest version, but i could check into updating it, if need be. also, i use a variety of skins, but i'll list a few names anyway. i use these windowblinds most often.
ceirous (by sean kent/patrick24)
cylon (by sk originals)
diamond (by stardock design)
reduce (by michael brandt, might be listed by alternate skin name, for xp only)
majik (by navigatsio)
i also usually use just basic visualstyles for xp, a couple of them are called 'abraxis' and 'xoddx' (all by wb skinner). and the transparency issue i have with them, is when i set the displayfusion taskbar to transparent, the main windows taskbar doesn't follow, and stays opaque.
hope that helps. thank you so much.
Awesome, thanks! I'll check these out and keep you posted on what I find out.
Finally had a chance today to test and confirm this issue. I've added it to our list and we'll see what we can do.
As for setting the Windows taskbar transparency using DisplayFusion, it's unfortunately not possible, since DisplayFusion doesn't skin or modify the Windows taskbar.

19 discussion posts
that's awesome, thank you, keith. yeah, i figured displayfusion couldn't do windows, but if windowblinds could handle both, would be perfect. also, just thought of another suggestion the other day. so far, for oversized wallpapers, i can only have them centered, but if i had the ability to align them to the right, left, top, or bottom of the screen (while still 'fitting best' or 'stretching'), would be rather handy. i don't want to overload you, though. so thank you very much, i sure appreciate it. again, love your software.

19 discussion posts
well, duh, not stretching, stretching means... yeah... nevermind...

19 discussion posts
absolutely. my desktop is 3200x1200. if i have a wallpaper that is, say, 8000x1500, on the 'fit best and maintain aspect ratio (clip edges), it will stretch the top and bottom to fit my screen, but will clip off the left and right edges, essentially centering the image (clipping off an equal amount on both sides). it would be nice to move that image to where my desktop meets with the left side of the image, so everything on the right side is clipped off (if it's a dark city image, and the right side gets too dark to see, or too blurry, or whatever). or, if the image is too tall, and centering it shows the city line just above the taskbar, it would be nice to stick the bottom of the image to the bottom of the desktop, so the city line is centered on the desktop. i hope that makes sense. it's not too important, so if you decide to do it, you can put it at the bottom of your list (if it's even possible). but i sure appreciate you listening and being so helpful, keith.

19 discussion posts
you know what, now that i think about it, i can just keep cropping the images in photoshop. nevermind this suggestion, it was a stupid idea. sorry. thanks again.
I've just tested out the taskbar transparency setting in the latest version of WindowBlinds, and DisplayFusion 4.0.0 Beta 11, and it seems to be working now. Could you give it a try when you have a chance?

19 discussion posts
well, i thought i had replied to both your last messages, but i guess not. sorry it took so long to come back here. i finally installed the beta version, and i love the new features. but the transparencies for the df taskbar still aren't working as they should. i wonder if i could post a screenshot here of how it looks. i also have a partial image in the top left of my desktop that won't go away (although, i have yet to restart). and to reply to your previous comment, the image position was just what i needed, and i felt lame for not discovering that before i asked. also, i've noticed my windows minimize animations are not working on my right (secondary) monitor, with the df taskbar on it. i did restart. animations are working fine on primary.
i also thought of another cool idea, while you're working on this beta version, i figured i'd throw it in (hopefully) before it's too late. instead of just changing images randomly, i'd really like to be able to change them in order. and then i thought even further, it would be awesome to be able to set displayfusion to change to a certain wallpaper at a certain time. i.e., have it change to a sunset picture around six pm, and then set it to change to a night picture around eight pm. and then maybe a morning picture around six am. could something like that be done? (sorry to be overloading you with so many ideas).
• Attachment [protected]: displayfusion.PNG [5,979,272 bytes]
Apr 30, 2012 (modified May 1, 2012)

19 discussion posts
the theme in the screenshot is called 'diamond' by stardock design. i also use one called 'ceirous' (by sean kent) that has the same kind of transparency in the taskbar. as for the 'scheduled tasks' thing, it's good to know i can do that, but i will need more information, as i know almost nuthing about scheduled tasks, or command lines. the more you can tell me, the better. i would sure appreciate it. thanks again, keith.